
Xie Na: The way to run a family is to pick the door, live in a billionaire mansion but don't pay back the money, and is blamed by Andy Lau Jackie Chan

author:Yuri Ryoko

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Xie Na: The way to run a family is to pick the door, live in a billionaire mansion but don't pay back the money, and is blamed by Andy Lau Jackie Chan

In this mansion in the center of Shanghai, worth as much as 600 million yuan, Xie Na paced boredly, her brows furrowed, and her expression was melancholy. The once-glamorous "sun goddess" is now at a low point in her career, constantly plagued by doubts and negative press.

She came here with great ambition to regain her glory on a new stage, but she didn't expect that there would be many obstacles.

At present, she has gradually withdrawn from the hosting circle and devoted herself to the drama career. There is still a big unknown whether this "rich sister", who once earned more than 100 million yuan a year, can really regain her strength on an unfamiliar stage.

The turning point in her career certainly made her uneasy, but what made her even more sad was that she had repeatedly gone wrong in her hosting career, which angered many big-name stars in the circle.

Xie Na: The way to run a family is to pick the door, live in a billionaire mansion but don't pay back the money, and is blamed by Andy Lau Jackie Chan

Xie Na closed her eyes, and the scene of the interview with Andy Lau in Hong Kong came to mind. At first, everything went well, and she even happily pulled the actor to take a group photo.

But it didn't take long for her to comment incoherently on Andy Lau's masterpiece, and a series of mistakes made the atmosphere very embarrassing. In the end, Andy Lau couldn't bear to say to her: "I think you need to check it out to see if there is any mental abnormality."

Recalling these farces caused by herself, Xie Na couldn't help but smile self-deprecatingly, with a hint of bitterness on her face. As a professional host, she should be cautious in her words and deeds, but on such important occasions, she has repeatedly gone wrong, and it is no wonder that people will question her ability and quality.

Looking back on the past, Xie Na once became a well-deserved sister of Hunan Satellite TV with her excellent hosting talent and unique style, and won the love of countless audiences.

Xie Na: The way to run a family is to pick the door, live in a billionaire mansion but don't pay back the money, and is blamed by Andy Lau Jackie Chan

Her outstanding personal charm, coupled with her unique hosting style, made her quickly become a popular "sun goddess" and was highly respected.

But even this highly regarded "sun goddess" can hardly hide her too stingy side. According to insiders, not only did she never take the initiative to pay when she attended the event, but even this mansion, which is worth up to 100 million, was obtained by avoiding intermediary service fees.

Once, a real estate agent broke the news that he had taken Xie Na and his wife to visit the property twice, but the latter politely refused on the grounds of "not interested", but later privately signed a contract with the landlord directly to buy the mansion.

In order to save the meagre intermediary fee, she did not hesitate to bypass the agent and pretend to be smart, which was accused by some people of being "unkind to the rich".

Xie Na: The way to run a family is to pick the door, live in a billionaire mansion but don't pay back the money, and is blamed by Andy Lau Jackie Chan

In fact, Xie Na's sensitivity to money is well-known in the entertainment industry. It is reported that she and her husband Zhang Jie have a net worth of billions, but she still lives a very frugal life, which is undoubtedly a rare phenomenon in the hosting industry.

What's even more ironic is that when she went to Hong Kong to interview movie star Andy Lau, Xie Na made several mistakes without thinking about it. The scene at that time seems to be vivid: at first, she was still laughing and laughing, sometimes pulling Andy Lau to take a group photo, sometimes entertaining herself, and behaving quite casually.

But soon, she annoyed this big name in the film industry.

When talking about Andy Lau's masterpieces, Xie Na made several low-level mistakes in a row. Seeing this, He Jiong beside him hurried to get wise and tried to divert the topic. However, what is embarrassing is that Xie Na did not keep her mouth shut with acquaintance, but interrupted Andy Lau's conversation from time to time, which made the atmosphere more and more embarrassing.

Xie Na: The way to run a family is to pick the door, live in a billionaire mansion but don't pay back the money, and is blamed by Andy Lau Jackie Chan

In the end, Andy Lau couldn't bear it anymore and said to Xie Na bluntly: "I think you need to check it out to see if there is any mental abnormality." These sharp words undoubtedly gave Xie Na a heavy blow.

In addition to Andy Lau, another film celebrity, Jackie Chan, has also publicly reprimanded Xie Na for her gaffes. It is understood that at the recording site of a variety show, Jackie Chan half-jokingly said that he was afraid of heights, but Xie Na asked seriously, forcing Jackie Chan to say bluntly: "Do you have a problem with your brain!" This unexpected shout immediately caused a burst of laughter at the scene.

It can be seen from these two episodes that Xie Na repeatedly made mistakes and said the wrong things in important programs and interviews, which not only angered the guest stars present, but also greatly affected her image in the eyes of the public, which is really necessary to take warning.

Although Xie Na's deep friendship with her friend He Jiong is obvious to all in the circle, she always borrows money from He Jiong, often in amounts of thousands of yuan, which has also caused some criticism.

Xie Na: The way to run a family is to pick the door, live in a billionaire mansion but don't pay back the money, and is blamed by Andy Lau Jackie Chan

Every time he dined or shopped with He Jiong, He Jiong almost had to bear the entire cost. What's even more ironic is that Xie Na often borrows a large amount of money from He Jiong, even if the latter doesn't want her to pay it back.

Faced with this situation of being continuously "taken advantage of" by his friends, He Jiong could only helplessly mention Xie Na's long-term arrears of loans through the show. But whenever he half-jokingly mentioned this matter, Xie Na only covered up the embarrassment in her heart with a smile, and had no intention of paying back the money at all.

What's even more excessive is that Xie Na once borrowed a huge amount of up to 30,000 Australian dollars from her peer partner Bao Wenjing during the recording of a variety show for local shopping.

At first, Bao Wenjing didn't care, but she didn't expect that after the show, Xie Na not only didn't take the initiative to repay the money, but Bao Wenjing asked for it many times, but she pretended not to understand it at all.

Xie Na: The way to run a family is to pick the door, live in a billionaire mansion but don't pay back the money, and is blamed by Andy Lau Jackie Chan

In the end, this matter can only be resolved by Bao Bell. After weighing the pros and cons, Bao Bell joked that the money was a New Year's red envelope for Xie Na's child. Although Bao Wenjing was dissatisfied, she could only reluctantly accept this statement, for fear that she would annoy the rich family and suffer a loss.

From these two incidents, it can be seen that Xie Na is so careless about money that she even has to take up the thin noodles of her good friends. Her short-sighted, small-bellied style is nothing less than a blasphemy against friendship.

At present, Xie Na has gradually withdrawn from the hosting circle and devoted herself to the drama career. There is still a lot of uncertainty about whether this "rich sister", who once earned more than 100 million yuan a year, can really regain her strength on an unfamiliar stage.

However, some analysts believe that this transformation may be a new opportunity for Xie Na to reshape her personal image in a new environment. After all, she has repeatedly gone wrong and caused trouble in the hosting industry, and has accumulated too much negative news and controversy, so changing to a new track is not a good opportunity to start again.

Xie Na: The way to run a family is to pick the door, live in a billionaire mansion but don't pay back the money, and is blamed by Andy Lau Jackie Chan

To a certain extent, the trough of Xie Na's hosting career and the enlargement of negative news are the self-reaping consequences of her too casual indulgence and exaggerated style. If she can focus on the unfamiliar stage of drama and study hard, she will definitely be able to open a new chapter in her life.

It's just that drama and hosting are two completely different fields after all, and the requirements for actors are also very different. As a novice in drama, it remains to be seen whether Xie Na can quickly adapt to the new environment and master new skills.

However, fans still have high hopes for her, expecting her to regain her former style on an unfamiliar track.

Facing this important crossroads in her life, Xie Na needs to calm down to reflect on the direction of her career, cherish her past glory, and abandon all kinds of improper styles, so as to finally regain her aura and create brilliance again.

Xie Na: The way to run a family is to pick the door, live in a billionaire mansion but don't pay back the money, and is blamed by Andy Lau Jackie Chan

As the former "sun goddess", Xie Na has won the love of countless audiences by relying on her outstanding hosting talent and unique personal charm. But it was this popularity that made her more and more indulgent and freewheeling, which eventually led to today's predicament.

In fact, looking back at Xie Na's career, the road she has traveled has not been smooth, and the criticism and doubts she has suffered have been one after another. For example, the repeated gaffes in the interview with Andy Lau, as well as the various troubles that angered the big names in the film industry on other occasions, all greatly affected her image in the eyes of the public.

However, there will be growth when there are setbacks, as long as she can learn with an open mind and recognize her own flaws and shortcomings, I believe that she will be able to make a comeback on the new track of drama.

After all, Xie Na is just 35 years old, and even if the past is full of haze, the road to the future still stretches under her feet. As a professional artist, she should always maintain a humble and hard-working mentality, rather than being as laissez-faire as she is now.

Xie Na: The way to run a family is to pick the door, live in a billionaire mansion but don't pay back the money, and is blamed by Andy Lau Jackie Chan

Only by reflecting on history, cherishing the present, and being humble can she finally regain the aura of her peak and continue her glory on the new stage of drama.

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