
It is difficult to describe the hardships and hardships of laid-off and unemployed workers

author:Colorful drawing board aKI


In these forgotten corners, the fate of one group after another has been ruthlessly erased by the wheels of time. Since the 90s of the 20th century, China's social economy has undergone tremendous changes, and a large number of state-owned enterprises are facing problems such as restructuring and bankruptcy. In the process of this change, many workers have had to leave the jobs they had worked so hard for years. These people were all dismissed. But do we really understand the lives of those who have been laid off? Their stories are not just data and figures, but living lives and choices that are helpless.

Imagine an employee who once played an important role in a factory suddenly becomes a "laid-off worker." Such a role change is not only a professional gap, but also a huge impact on social status and self-esteem. They are faced with the fact of unemployment, as well as various discrimination and misunderstandings in society. Many people think that layoffs are due to their own lack of ability, but in fact, this is a common fate in the general environment.

It is difficult to describe the hardships and hardships of laid-off and unemployed workers

After being laid off, they had to find other livelihoods. Many of them are only able to do low-income, manual jobs such as cleaners, dishwashers, and even lifting heavy loads on construction sites. For him, this is not only a career change, but also a psychological test. This is a huge blow to them. At the same time, they also have to shoulder the heavy responsibility of supporting the elderly and raising children.

In particular, some of these dismissed workers are disabled, and their situation is even more difficult. A dismissed employee with a disability once said, "We are not as capable of working as able-bodied workers, or have the same policy benefits as other special groups. We dedicate our crippled bodies every day, and all we get is a pitiful salary and strange eyes from others. 」

Many laid-off workers are middle-aged and physically exhausted, and they can no longer do heavy work as before. However, their desire to retire early is often not satisfied. When faced with the threshold of the pension system, they often have a feeling of powerlessness and despair. One employee who was laid off said sadly, "The only thing we want is to retire early, get a pension, and let our children have less burdens. Our children also need to have their own lives, their own families. We don't want to drag them down. ”

Continuing with the current unemployment situation, we must face up to the stark reality that many employees who have been laid off are in extreme distress. Most of them, who were once the backbone of society, are now trapped by life. This has not only caused them financial trouble, but also challenged their dignity.

It is difficult to describe the hardships and hardships of laid-off and unemployed workers

The unemployed are faced with a dilemma when faced with retirement. Because they do not have enough pensions, they will not be able to receive very little pension when they reach the statutory retirement age. This makes many unemployed people, even if they are old, have to rely on part-time jobs to support their families. In the depths of their hearts, there is a deep apprehension, a yearning for fairness.

Even more painful is the fact that the children of those who have been laid off are also facing enormous financial pressures. Many of the laid-off workers' children are in their twenties, and their lives are just beginning. When I first stepped into society, I was supposed to be planning for my future, but now I have to take on the responsibility of supporting my parents. The heavy burden of this generation not only increases the survival pressure of the new generation, but also is a potential contradiction between society and family.

Looking at history, it is not difficult for us to see that the problem of laid-off workers is no longer just a problem of one person, but a problem that is challenging for the whole society. These problems reflect the imperfection of the social security system and the lack of social justice. The suffering and predicament faced by this group of people should arouse the attention and understanding of the whole society.

Therefore, in addition to providing material help, we should also give policy support and social respect to laid-off workers and workers. Only in this way can we better understand the plight of migrant workers and contribute to building a fairer and warmer society.

It is difficult to describe the hardships and hardships of laid-off and unemployed workers

Generally speaking, during the period of social transition in China, the dilemma of laid-off workers is a very prominent phenomenon. What happened to them is not only a loss of work, but also a collapse of their outlook on life and values. We must not ignore these people, but give them corresponding respect and assistance in terms of behavior and policy. Only with the strength of the whole society can the disadvantaged groups regain their hope and dignity in life, and can the whole society have more warmth and understanding.

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