
Ma Ying-jeou made important commitments in person at the mainland's highest-level reception, and the Taiwan authorities said they were willing to resume dialogue

author:Fei Chang vision Chen Fei

According to CCTV News, the mainland's top level met with Ma Ying-jeou and his entourage in Beijing, which was the second meeting between the two sides in nine years, but unlike the last time, Ma Ying-jeou's identity has changed, although he has no official position or party position, he still received the highest level of reception in the mainland. According to the video from the scene, Ma Ying-jeou and the young students on the island entered the Great Hall of the People and attended the talks with the top level of the mainland and other high-level officials.

Not only did Ma Ying-jeou receive a warm reception from the mainland, but the young Taiwan students who accompanied him also sat down on Ma Ying-jeou's side and had face-to-face exchanges with the mainland's high-level officials. The mainland's decision to make such an arrangement is, first, an affirmation of Ma Ying-jeou's contribution to cross-strait relations during his administration, and at the same time, it is also an appreciation for the positive influence he has exerted on cross-strait relations since he left office, and the young people on the island are the hope of cross-strait relations.

Ma Ying-jeou made important commitments in person at the mainland's highest-level reception, and the Taiwan authorities said they were willing to resume dialogue

The talks mainly focused on three major themes, namely, the Chinese nation, Chinese culture, and youth exchanges, which was in line with the tone set by Ma Ying-jeou's initial visit to the mainland, and Ma Ying-jeou also made important commitments on the direction of cross-strait relations in the presence of high-level officials on the mainland. Ma Ying-jeou said that adhering to the "92 Consensus" and opposing "Taiwan independence" is the common political foundation for the peaceful development of cross-strait relations, and that compatriots on both sides of the strait belong to the Chinese nation, and should deepen exchanges and cooperation, enhance the well-being of compatriots on both sides of the strait, and move forward hand in hand to rejuvenate China. In fact, Ma Ying-jeou's determination to say this has long been made and has already been put into action, which is also in line with his long-standing cross-strait policy, and at this time, Ma Ying-jeou once again reaffirmed the "one-China" principle, which is of great significance to the current cross-strait relations.

Ma Ying-jeou made important commitments in person at the mainland's highest-level reception, and the Taiwan authorities said they were willing to resume dialogue

Due to the recent series of provocative words and deeds of the Taiwan authorities, which have cut off the momentum of the original positive development of cross-strait relations, against the background of the complicated and severe situation in the Taiwan Strait, Ma Ying-jeou's visit to the mainland will, to a certain extent, repair the cross-strait relations damaged by the DPP. It is worth affirming that as early as when the mainland confirmed the news of Ma Ying-jeou's visit to the mainland, Ma Ying-jeou's office had already refused to help the DPP authorities convey their "Taiwan independence" proposition to the highest level of the mainland. On the one hand, DPP politicians have created cross-strait confrontation and on the other hand, they have tried in vain to use Ma Ying-jeou's visit to the mainland to peddle the so-called "two-state theory." Now it seems that the plot of the Taiwan authorities has been shattered, and Ma Ying-jeou's visit to the mainland has been received by the highest standard, and he has also severely "slapped the face" of the Taiwan authorities.

Ma Ying-jeou made important commitments in person at the mainland's highest-level reception, and the Taiwan authorities said they were willing to resume dialogue

The atmosphere of the talks between the mainland's high-level leaders and Ma Ying-jeou and his entourage was very harmonious, and the two sides had frank and constructive exchanges on issues related to cross-strait relations; the mainland showed full sincerity to Taiwan, and Ma Ying-jeou also took advantage of the situation to make a positive statement toward the mainland. Facts have proven that when cross-strait relations are tense, someone must come forward to communicate with the mainland, and Ma Ying-jeou's visit has indeed helped to reduce cross-strait hostility, so it is of course a good thing to say that there is more communication. Under this tone, the attitude of the Taiwan authorities has softened somewhat, and Taiwan's foreign affairs department has issued a statement saying that it hopes to resume dialogue with the mainland on the premise of "reciprocity" and resolve differences and resolve existing problems. On the occasion of Ma Ying-jeou's visit to the mainland, the Taiwan authorities conveyed to the mainland the signal of cross-strait exchanges, and their attitude was quite sincere, which shows that Ma Ying-jeou's visit to the mainland has put the DPP under pressure.

Ma Ying-jeou made important commitments in person at the mainland's highest-level reception, and the Taiwan authorities said they were willing to resume dialogue

Not only that, the "pro-green" media recently announced the list of the new administrative team that Lai Qingde will take up his post in, and this personnel list is mainly for the "independence" faction, but in the key posts involving cross-strait relations, Lai Qingde still chooses a relatively safe candidate. According to Taiwan media reports, Chiu Chui-cheng, vice chairman and secretary general of the Strait Exchange Foundation, will take up the post of chairman of the Mainland Affairs Council; he has often visited the mainland for exchange and visits, and his image is relatively mild to the mainland.

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