
Crab flour noodles (with bald butter)

author:Bean and fruit delicacies
Crab flour noodles (with bald butter)

Eat noodles for a while, dismantle crabs to be stupid, but once a year still have to try, live up to this golden autumn season, rare to the eyebrows fall!



10 hairy crabs

Chives to taste

Ginger foam to taste

2 scoops of carved wine

1 scoop of balsamic vinegar

Salt to taste

Lard to taste

Sugar to taste

<h2>Practice steps</h2>

Crab flour noodles (with bald butter)

1、 Crab steamed and dismantled into yellow, meat, crab legs, keep crab shell (for boiling soup)

Crab flour noodles (with bald butter)

2, lard and crab yellow stir-fry, add the right amount of salt

Crab flour noodles (with bald butter)

3, this is mixed noodles to eat the leftovers, bottled tomorrow and then eat!

Crab flour noodles (with bald butter)

4, with oil flat fried crab shell, add green onion, ginger, cooking wine continue to stir-fry, add boiling water, cover the pot lid, after boiling, filter out the crab shell, crab soup spare pot hot pour oil, add crab powder, crab leg meat sautéed (exquisite students can fry separately), pour crab soup, boil, hook can be.

Crab flour noodles (with bald butter)

5, when mixing noodles, first give a little bottom flavor, add sugar, thin salt soy sauce, and then cover with bald butter, crab powder, sprinkle with spring onion, pour some soul ginger vinegar, mix a mixture, delicious, let's try it


1, want bald butter to save a little longer, oil or a little more, with lard more fragrant Oh 2, crab powder delicious key crab shell to boil the soup do not directly throw away Oh, so that the roasted crab powder does not need to put a little MSG 3, mix noodles to look good, burn out immediately after the cold water 4, eat crab powder noodles can be mixed with some ginger vinegar, degreasing and more hairy crab feeling, but also can get rid of the cold

<h2>Nutritional benefits of hairy crabs</h2>

1. It has a good tonic effect on the body;

2. Crab also has anti-tuberculosis effect, and eating crab is of great benefit to the rehabilitation of tuberculosis.

<h2>Dietary contraindications for hairy crabs</h2>

1. People with cold should not eat hairy crabs

2. People with sensitive skin should not eat hairy crabs

3. People with high cholesterol should not eat hairy crabs

4. Pregnant women should not eat hairy crabs

5. Avoid eating hairy crabs half-cooked.

6. Do not eat crab hearts There is a hexagonal white crab heart between the two gills of crabs, which is extremely cold and unfit for people who are cold. In addition, all internal organs should not be eaten, because the internal organs accumulate heavy metals, and it is easy to be poisoned by eating more.

7. Eat persimmon crabs together, and see Yama King Crab meat is rich in protein, persimmons contain tannins, and eating at the same time causes protein coagulation, resulting in intestinal spasms.

8. Do not send crabs with beer

9, can not be eaten with cold food.

11, popularly said "crabs and snakes, eels are first rotten and then die, snakes and eels can only be killed alive and eaten." But after modern biotechnology research, it has been found that the secret of hairy crabs is more than this, it also contains the same mysterious substance as crayfish and salmon astaxanthin (Chinese called astaxanthin, Hong Kong, Taiwan and Japan also called astaxanthin)

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