
Post-95 film and television actor ~ Zhou Ye

author:Entertainment celebrity biographies

Zhou Ye was born in Chongqing in 1998, and studied in Hua Luogeng Middle School in Huizhou City, Guangdong Province in high school.

Post-95 film and television actor ~ Zhou Ye

Since her debut in the film < > in 2017<难以置信>, she has cooperated with Zhou Dongyu and Yi Yang Qianxi to <少年的你>play a vicious villain Wei Lai in the > of the film <, and she has begun to emerge in the film and television industry and is familiar to more audiences. With this role, she was nominated for Best Supporting Actress at the 33rd Chinese Film Golden Rooster Awards, Best Supporting Actress at the 14th Asian Film Awards, and Best Supporting Actress in Chinese Film at the 27th Huading Awards.

Post-95 film and television actor ~ Zhou Ye

In the costume drama < <山河令>>, her role as Gu Xiang left a deep impression on the audience, and the role made her shortlisted for the 32nd Huading Award for Best Actress in a Chinese Costume-themed TV Series. In addition, she also played various roles in different genres, such as <铁道英雄>Zhuang Yan in the movie < >, <倒数说爱你>Han Shuyan in the <, <护心>Yan Hui in the TV series < >, and <别对我动心>Yue Qianling, the school flower in the < >.

Post-95 film and television actor ~ Zhou Ye

Zhou is also 165cm tall, naturally beautiful, pure and lovely. With the passage of time, her acting skills have become more and more mature, and I look forward to her making more excellent works in the future.

Post-95 film and television actor ~ Zhou Ye
Post-95 film and television actor ~ Zhou Ye
Post-95 film and television actor ~ Zhou Ye
Post-95 film and television actor ~ Zhou Ye
Post-95 film and television actor ~ Zhou Ye
Post-95 film and television actor ~ Zhou Ye
Post-95 film and television actor ~ Zhou Ye
Post-95 film and television actor ~ Zhou Ye
Post-95 film and television actor ~ Zhou Ye
Post-95 film and television actor ~ Zhou Ye
Post-95 film and television actor ~ Zhou Ye
Post-95 film and television actor ~ Zhou Ye
Post-95 film and television actor ~ Zhou Ye
Post-95 film and television actor ~ Zhou Ye
Post-95 film and television actor ~ Zhou Ye
Post-95 film and television actor ~ Zhou Ye

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