
The son looks like a male teacher at school, and the husband asks his wife for a paternity test, but it turns out that the wife collapses

author:He once said something

Zhang Xiao (not her real name) is a housewife whose son looks very much like a male teacher at a school near her home. The husband suspected the child's biological problem and decided to do a paternity test, which made Zhang Xiao completely devastated. Let's hear what she has to say.

Mom, are you really my parents?

My name is Zhang Xiao, I am 32 years old, I am a housewife of my family, and my husband Li Ming and I already have a lovely 5-year-old son, Xiaobao. However, recent events have left me feeling unusually depressed like fallen leaves blown by a storm.

The son looks like a male teacher at school, and the husband asks his wife for a paternity test, but it turns out that the wife collapses

Xiaobao looks very much like Mr. Wang, a male teacher at a school near our home, and the similarity of their facial features is incredible. Every time I picked up Xiaobao from school, the other parents would look at me strangely, as if to say, "Why is your son so similar to Teacher Wang?" Although other people's words could not shake my love for Xiaobao, my husband began to doubt his biological problem.

I didn't pay much attention to it at first because I believed in the feelings between us. But Li Ming's suspicions became more and more obvious, and he even proposed the idea of doing a paternity test. I knew he did it because of his inner turmoil and speculation, but I accepted his choice. After all, the most important thing in a family is trust in each other.

The son looks like a male teacher at school, and the husband asks his wife for a paternity test, but it turns out that the wife collapses

The days of waiting for the results are like torture

The process of doing the paternity test reminded me of my past. I have always been a submissive girl, and in order to cater to my family's expectations, I married Li Ming. We used to have good times, but now, the shadow of this layer of family hangs over us.

Every day I spent anxiously looking forward to the results of the paternity test. During that time, my heart seemed to be cut by countless sharp blades, and I was in agony. I wondered if there was any negligence in my past, whether this could be the case. My love for my children has never wavered, but I have also begun to doubt myself and my qualifications to be a mother.

The results are in, and the truth breaks me

When I finally waited for the results of the paternity test, at that moment, my whole body was in a state of confusion and fear. I didn't know what the outcome would be, but I was filled with intense uneasiness.

The son looks like a male teacher at school, and the husband asks his wife for a paternity test, but it turns out that the wife collapses

The results came out, and I was completely devastated, as if I had been struck by lightning. The paternity test showed that Xiaobao and Li Ming's genes matched, but they were not related to me by any blood. This fact was like an insurmountable abyss that pushed me into endless darkness.

I was immersed in a great sense of loss and felt like I was in a strange world. I remembered my childhood dream of having a happy family, but reality threw me into the abyss. I don't know how to face this fact, how to tell my son that his real real mother is not me.

In the middle of this devastating night, I looked at myself in the mirror, tears sliding down my face. I'm not a heartless person, but now the facts I'm going to face make it impossible for me to suppress the pain in my heart. I began to feel lost, not knowing where to go and how to face the redefinition of this family.

The son looks like a male teacher at school, and the husband asks his wife for a paternity test, but it turns out that the wife collapses

Five-year-old Xiaobao is still young, and he doesn't know everything about it. He still naively thinks I'm his mom, and I want to be with him through every stage of his growth. Even though I am not his biological mother, I am willing to take care of him all the time, giving him warmth and love.

After this storm of falling into the abyss, I knew that my life was going to be an extraordinary journey. No matter what happens in the future, I will stand up and redefine my role. Because, I used to be his mother, and I am willing to continue to play this role and fill the void in his heart with my love and companionship.

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