
Review | The girl is beautiful and beautiful, and it is determined that she is definitely not born to a village mother, and the paternity test is looking for a rich mother! Hurt my mother's heart

author:Hu Kankan


In 2015, in a high-end villa community in Changsha, Hunan Province, a young girl named Chen Meili was crying silently in the grass. The reason why this girl is here is because she firmly believes that she was not born to peasant parents, but the daughter of some rich man. Chen's parents were actually ordinary farmers, and she herself was so beautiful that she suspected that she was a child they had stolen from a wealthy family. She even used extreme methods to force her parents to do DNA tests many times, trying to find the so-called "biological parents".

Review | The girl is beautiful and beautiful, and it is determined that she is definitely not born to a village mother, and the paternity test is looking for a rich mother! Hurt my mother's heart

As the saying goes, "Suspicion begets a dark ghost". But what is the reason behind Chen Meimei's doubts and obsessions? Are her parents really the children she thinks they are stolen from a rich family? This story not only reveals the complex emotions within a family, but also reflects the conflict of social values and the inner struggle of individuals. This incident has made us think deeply, how to rebuild trust between family members in the face of such persistent doubts?

Review | The girl is beautiful and beautiful, and it is determined that she is definitely not born to a village mother, and the paternity test is looking for a rich mother! Hurt my mother's heart


Chen's beautiful parents, Tang Aiju and her husband, were originally a hard-working peasant couple in the countryside of Hunan, who had been married for many years and had three children. In order to improve the living conditions of the family, the couple left their hometown, went out to work for many years, worked hard to support their three children, and finally bought a small western-style house in the city. However, Chen Meili suspects that she was not born to her parents, but was a child they stole from a wealthy family, because she believes that she looks and lives differently from her family.

Review | The girl is beautiful and beautiful, and it is determined that she is definitely not born to a village mother, and the paternity test is looking for a rich mother! Hurt my mother's heart

Chen's suspicions are not groundless. She thinks she is beautiful and completely different from the rest of the family. She has had yellow hair since she was a child, and her family is all black-haired. In addition, she felt that peasants like her parents could not afford to buy a house in the city, and that they must have used the money of her "biological parents". These reasons made her firmly believe that she was actually the daughter of a wealthy family, who was stolen and raised by Tang Aiju and his wife.

Review | The girl is beautiful and beautiful, and it is determined that she is definitely not born to a village mother, and the paternity test is looking for a rich mother! Hurt my mother's heart

Chen's suspicion gradually turned into resentment towards her parents. She often went to the villa area to find the so-called "biological parents", and repeatedly used extreme methods such as cutting her wrists to force her parents to do DNA testing.

Review | The girl is beautiful and beautiful, and it is determined that she is definitely not born to a village mother, and the paternity test is looking for a rich mother! Hurt my mother's heart

In the quarrels and confrontations, the relationship between mother and daughter became more and more tense. Tang Aiju originally felt sorry for this daughter, but in the face of her such ruthless accusations and behaviors, the grievances and anger in her heart also increased day by day.

Review | The girl is beautiful and beautiful, and it is determined that she is definitely not born to a village mother, and the paternity test is looking for a rich mother! Hurt my mother's heart

In order to prove her innocence, Tang Aiju finally agreed to do a paternity test. The mother and daughter completed the blood collection and related procedures in the hospital, and there was almost no communication during the whole process, and the atmosphere was tense and awkward. A few days later, the paternity test results came out: Tang Aiju was indeed Chen Meimei's biological mother.

Review | The girl is beautiful and beautiful, and it is determined that she is definitely not born to a village mother, and the paternity test is looking for a rich mother! Hurt my mother's heart

The moment she saw the result, Chen Meili seemed at a loss. She couldn't accept this fact, because she was convinced that she was a stolen rich girl. She questioned Tang Aiju: "If you are really my mother, why do you always treat me so badly?" In her perception, her mother favored her brother and sister, and was full of dislike and disgust for her. Even with the results, she still can't let go.

Review | The girl is beautiful and beautiful, and it is determined that she is definitely not born to a village mother, and the paternity test is looking for a rich mother! Hurt my mother's heart

Tang Aiju is also reflecting on her own behavior. She admits that she ignored her feelings when Chen Meili was growing up, especially after she suffered from schizophrenia, and was unable to understand and accept her daughter's actions and choices. Chen's beautiful mental state made her feel helpless and ashamed, which led to the deterioration of the mother-daughter relationship.

Review | The girl is beautiful and beautiful, and it is determined that she is definitely not born to a village mother, and the paternity test is looking for a rich mother! Hurt my mother's heart

Although the results of the appraisal have been clear, Chen Meili still needs time to accept this fact. And Tang Aiju also realized that her stereotyped thinking and neglect of her daughter were the root cause of all this. She decided to correct her attitude and truly understand and care for her daughter and help her come out of the shadows.

Review | The girl is beautiful and beautiful, and it is determined that she is definitely not born to a village mother, and the paternity test is looking for a rich mother! Hurt my mother's heart

The mother felt that her daughter was embarrassed by her work, and Chen Meili did escort/drinking work, going in and out of KTV, bars and other night clubs all day long, wearing glamorous makeup and sexy clothes......

The mother and daughter eventually reconciled. Chen Meili quit her night job and began to receive formal treatment. And Tang Aiju tried her best to support her daughter's recovery and reopened the door to welcome her home. After the turmoil, the family has rediscovered warmth and hope.

Review | The girl is beautiful and beautiful, and it is determined that she is definitely not born to a village mother, and the paternity test is looking for a rich mother! Hurt my mother's heart

【Sublimation at the end】

The story of Chen Meili and Tang Aiju is full of emotion. The power of family affection is more tenacious and precious after trials and tribulations. This story not only allows us to see the possibility of reconciliation of family conflicts, but also makes us realize that the obsessions and misunderstandings in everyone's hearts often need love and understanding to resolve.

Review | The girl is beautiful and beautiful, and it is determined that she is definitely not born to a village mother, and the paternity test is looking for a rich mother! Hurt my mother's heart

As the ancients said, "Home and everything prospers". Family harmony requires not only material satisfaction, but also spiritual communication and mutual tolerance. Chen Meimei's story reminds us that in the face of doubts and conflicts in family relationships, we might as well have more communication and understanding, and less accusation and indifference. Only in this way can the rainbow be ushered in after the storm.

Review | The girl is beautiful and beautiful, and it is determined that she is definitely not born to a village mother, and the paternity test is looking for a rich mother! Hurt my mother's heart

In this complex society, everyone longs to be loved and understood. The final reconciliation between Chen Meili and Tang Aiju allows us to see the brilliance of human nature and the power of family affection. May this story inspire more families to choose to believe in love and the power of family affection when faced with adversity. After all, only the understanding and support between family members can allow us to move forward firmly in the face of wind and rain.

Review | The girl is beautiful and beautiful, and it is determined that she is definitely not born to a village mother, and the paternity test is looking for a rich mother! Hurt my mother's heart

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