
Today welcomes the "Year of the Dragon, the Dragon, the Moon, the Dragon, the Dragon", remember to prepare in advance for 3 things, it doesn't matter if you miss it, there are two more this year

author:Sharp-eyed life

Chinese people like auspicious words, this year of the dragon is also not lacking in "dragon and tiger leap to welcome auspicious" and other words on the lips, it is worth mentioning that this year will also usher in the year of the dragon moon dragon day dragon, but few people know.

In traditional Chinese culture, the dragon is regarded as an auspicious beast, symbolizing authority, dignity and auspiciousness. And when the Year of the Dragon, the Dragon Moon, the Dragon Day, and the Dragon Hour are united, it is considered to be a good omen of good fortune and good luck.

The ancients also endowed each special moment with unique cultural significance and symbolism, and the "Year of the Dragon, Dragon Moon, Dragon Day, Dragon Hour" is undoubtedly one of the most high-profile auspicious moments.

Today welcomes the "Year of the Dragon, the Dragon, the Moon, the Dragon, the Dragon", remember to prepare in advance for 3 things, it doesn't matter if you miss it, there are two more this year

It is not only a time node, but also a concentrated embodiment of the Chinese nation's yearning and expectation for a better life. On this special day, we can feel the profound heritage of traditional culture and people's infinite longing for a better life.

So, on this day full of auspicious atmosphere, how should we grasp this rare auspiciousness and make life better?

Today welcomes the "Year of the Dragon, the Dragon, the Moon, the Dragon, the Dragon", remember to prepare in advance for 3 things, it doesn't matter if you miss it, there are two more this year
Today welcomes the "Year of the Dragon, the Dragon, the Moon, the Dragon, the Dragon", remember to prepare in advance for 3 things, it doesn't matter if you miss it, there are two more this year


The Ganzhi Discipline is the crystallization of ancient Chinese wisdom, and through the combination of the ten heavenly stems and the twelve earthly branches, it accurately marks the flow of time.

At the same time, the 12 earthly branches form an ingenious correspondence with the 12 zodiac signs. Under this discipline, each moment is endowed with unique cultural meanings and symbols.

Among the twelve earthly branches, "Chen" ranks fifth, and it corresponds to the zodiac dragon. The dragon has always been a symbol of strength, wisdom and good luck in Chinese culture.

Therefore, when the "Chen" is spent in the combination of the stem and branch of the year, month, day and hour, it is endowed with a deeper auspicious meaning.

April 10, 2024, from 7 a.m. to 9 a.m., this special moment is known as the "Year of the Dragon, the Dragon, the Dragon, the Dragon, the Day, and the Dragon". This is because in the Ganzhi discipline, the year, month, and day of this day all contain the earthly branch "Chen", and "Chen" is the representative of the zodiac dragon.

Today welcomes the "Year of the Dragon, the Dragon, the Moon, the Dragon, the Dragon", remember to prepare in advance for 3 things, it doesn't matter if you miss it, there are two more this year

The arrival of this moment seems to be a perfect combination of time, place and people, and it symbolizes endless auspiciousness, wealth and happiness.

In ancient China, people carefully chose auspicious days before making important decisions or undertaking major events. This cultural tradition of choosing auspiciousness reflects people's ardent desire for a better life and their deep desire for a smooth life.


As an important part of traditional Chinese culture, the culture of Zeji still deeply affects people's lives. Whether it's a wedding, a funeral, or a groundbreak, people want to choose an auspicious day for things to go smoothly and a better future development.

In modern society, this cultural tradition of Chiji has not disappeared due to the changes of the times, but has been integrated into people's daily life in a more modern and practical way.

Today welcomes the "Year of the Dragon, the Dragon, the Moon, the Dragon, the Dragon", remember to prepare in advance for 3 things, it doesn't matter if you miss it, there are two more this year

When choosing important dates, people will not only refer to the traditional yellow calendar, but also make more informed decisions based on the modern pace of life and practical needs.


On the occasion of this very special "Year of the Dragon, Dragon Moon, Dragon Day, Dragon Hour", people can make some special preparations to welcome this auspicious moment according to traditional customs.

First of all, getting married is the number one priority in life. On this auspicious day, it is undoubtedly very appropriate to choose to hold a wedding or to carry out wedding-related matters. On this special day, the newlyweds can walk into the palace of marriage hand in hand and start a happy new life together.

Secondly, renovating a new house is also one of the things that people often do on this auspicious day. Choosing to start decorating your new house at this time not only means that you are looking forward to a better life in the future, but also hopes to bring good luck and happiness to your new house with the help of this auspicious day.

Finally, moving is also an important option. Moving on this special day symbolizes the beginning of a new life and a bright future. It is hoped that this auspicious day will bring good luck and tranquility to the new residence.

Today welcomes the "Year of the Dragon, the Dragon, the Moon, the Dragon, the Dragon", remember to prepare in advance for 3 things, it doesn't matter if you miss it, there are two more this year


In 2024, in addition to April 10, we will once again celebrate the precious "Year of the Dragon" from 7 a.m. to 9 a.m. on April 22 and May 4.

On April 22nd, spring is full of joy and everything is revived, and choosing to carry out important activities on this day is like adding a strong touch to the picture scroll of life. And May 4th, on the eve of the beginning of summer, the season of growth of all things, at this time a new beginning, symbolizing vitality and infinite possibilities.

These special moments deserve to be cherished every time. They are not only a node in time, but also a lucky symbol in our life journey.

In these days, let us feel every detail of life more attentively, to pursue the beauty that has been hidden by time, and to create more unforgettable memories for ourselves and our loved ones. Because these moments, once missed, are hard to find.

Today welcomes the "Year of the Dragon, the Dragon, the Moon, the Dragon, the Dragon", remember to prepare in advance for 3 things, it doesn't matter if you miss it, there are two more this year

So, please cherish these beautiful moments of "Dragon Year, Dragon Moon, Dragon Day, Dragon Hour", they will become the most precious treasure in our lives.

These traditional customs and auspicious culture make us more precious and grateful for every beautiful moment in life. Let us feel the profound heritage of traditional culture in this auspicious day and welcome a better future together.