
Zhang Pei, member of the Standing Committee of the Shanyang County CPC Committee and director of the Propaganda Department, went deep into the county Rong Media Center to investigate and guide the work

author:Northwest Information Newspaper

On the afternoon of September 26, Zhang Pei, member of the Standing Committee of the Shanyang County CPC Committee and director of the Propaganda Department, went to the county rong media center to investigate and guide the progress of media integration development and news and public opinion publicity. Jin Xuehua, deputy governor of the county government, and Bai Haifeng investigated together.

Zhang Pei, member of the Standing Committee of the Shanyang County CPC Committee and director of the Propaganda Department, went deep into the county Rong Media Center to investigate and guide the work
Zhang Pei, member of the Standing Committee of the Shanyang County CPC Committee and director of the Propaganda Department, went deep into the county Rong Media Center to investigate and guide the work

Zhang Pei and his party successively went to the central kitchen, command center, live broadcast room, studio, news production center and other departments of the county rong media center to learn more about the construction and operation of the organizational structure, operation process, personnel allocation, resource integration, hardware facilities, collection, editing and distribution process, etc., and organized a symposium to listen to the work report of the county rong media center, and exchange and study the problems existing in the development process of the rong media center on the spot.

Zhang Pei, member of the Standing Committee of the Shanyang County CPC Committee and director of the Propaganda Department, went deep into the county Rong Media Center to investigate and guide the work
Zhang Pei, member of the Standing Committee of the Shanyang County CPC Committee and director of the Propaganda Department, went deep into the county Rong Media Center to investigate and guide the work

Zhang Pei pointed out that since the establishment of the county rong media center, it has made excellent achievements in theme publicity, media integration, external publicity, transformation and upgrading, etc., which is inseparable from the momentum of all staff members who dare to fight and the enthusiasm to strive for the first.

Zhang Pei, member of the Standing Committee of the Shanyang County CPC Committee and director of the Propaganda Department, went deep into the county Rong Media Center to investigate and guide the work

Zhang Pei stressed: We must always uphold the party's absolute leadership over propaganda work, adhere to the principle of the party managing the media, adhere to the bottom line of media personnel, and persist in being the disseminator and resolute defender of the party's good voice. At the same time, it is necessary to base ourselves on the reality of Shanyang, have the courage to try to innovate, continuously optimize the mechanism, further respond to the new changes in the media pattern under the new situation, and make every effort to run the characteristics and brands, so as to contribute more to the high-quality economic and social development of Shanyang.

Zhang Pei, member of the Standing Committee of the Shanyang County CPC Committee and director of the Propaganda Department, went deep into the county Rong Media Center to investigate and guide the work

Zhang Pei demanded that we should raise our standing, deepen our understanding, and fully understand the important position of the work of county-level financial media centers in the overall situation of propaganda and ideological work. Deeply understand that doing a good job in the work of the media center is an urgent requirement for consolidating the position of public opinion, an urgent requirement for enhancing the communication, guidance, influence and credibility of grass-roots media, and an urgent requirement for better serving the masses and meeting the needs of the masses for a better life. It is necessary to be upright and innovative, forge ahead, and resolutely shoulder the heavy responsibility of the times of raising the banner, gathering people's hearts, cultivating new talents, revitalizing culture, and displaying image. Always keep in mind the party media surname party, make every effort to promote integrated development, make full use of various media platforms in the county, and comprehensively build an efficient communication model of "overall planning, one collection, multiple generations, and multiple communication". It is necessary to tell the story of Shanyang with heart, convey a good voice, show a new image, and spread positive energy. It is necessary to innovate mechanisms, arouse vigor, and strive to build a propaganda and ideological work force that is politically competent, highly skilled, realistic and innovative, and capable of winning battles. It is necessary to strengthen study, improve quality, firmly establish the concept of "content is king", learn from advanced experiences and characteristic practices, and increase the intensity of originality. It is necessary to strengthen management and innovate mechanisms. Establish and improve mechanisms such as managing and employing personnel, performance appraisal, and post exchanges, and stimulate the enthusiasm of staff. It is necessary to strengthen docking and overall planning and coordination. Strengthen exchanges, docking, and communication with higher-level propaganda departments, mainstream media, and departmental and town offices, dig deep into the vivid examples and vivid practices of the grass-roots frontline, create more news products that the people like to hear, and continuously improve the credibility and influence of the media center.

At the meeting, arrangements were also made for the propaganda and reporting work of the upcoming Nineteenth CPC Shanyang County Congress. (Zhang Yanan)

Responsible Editor: Anxin Review: Yang Yong

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