
18 Questions on Buddhism | Why do Buddha disciples call each other senior brother (all dry goods)

18 Questions on Buddhism | Why do Buddha disciples call each other senior brother (all dry goods)


What is a Buddha

The word Buddha is transliterated from Sanskrit. The pronunciation of the word "Buddha" in Chinese is the same as that of Sanskrit, because Shakyamuni Buddha was enlightened by Prince Siddhartha of India after enlightenment, so he added a "single person" next to the word "Buddha". Therefore, the word "Buddha" is a newly created word for the Buddha, and it also shows the wisdom of the ancient great virtues.


What is a bodhisattva

Bodhisattva is the abbreviation of Bodhisattva, "Bodhisattva" is a transliteration of Sanskrit bodhi-sattva, which translates to mean "feeling sentient".

The bodhisattva's journey starts with self-awareness, and ends with self-awareness, and the result of a bodhisattva's action is to suddenly become aware of others, and even to all sentient beings.


The earliest Buddhist temple in China

After Emperor Ming of the Han Dynasty invited the two masters, Zhu Falan and Jia Ye Moteng, to come to China, they arranged for the Honglu Temple in Luoyang, Henan, to be under the direct jurisdiction of the emperor. Later, in order to keep the two monks in China for a long time, they established the first government-run monastery in China, the White Horse Temple, for monks to live in and preach the Dharma.

The reason why it is called White Horse Temple is because when the two monks were invited, the Buddhist scriptures, Buddha statues, ritual utensils, etc., were carried by a white horse, so this temple was called White Horse Temple as a memorial.


Why are the walls of most monasteries yellow

Yellow has been used exclusively by the emperor since ancient times, and it is not allowed to be used in other institutions and civil buildings.

Because Buddhism was first invited by the emperor of the Han Dynasty from India, the emperor regarded the Buddha as a teacher, in order to show respect for the teacher, so the Buddhist monasteries were built according to the specifications of the imperial palace, and yellow can be used, and later successive dynasties have been inherited.

18 Questions on Buddhism | Why do Buddha disciples call each other senior brother (all dry goods)


Why do Buddha disciples call each other senior brother?

The disciples of the Buddha call each other brothers, and there is no such thing as a brother and sister, for three reasons:

First, it represents the equality of men and women, everyone has Buddha nature, and Buddha nature is equal.

The second is that the practice of the path of liberation is done by the husband, which shows respect for the other person and admires his courage to take responsibility.

Third, calling the other person a senior brother means that we are humble and willing to live under others, which is a state of enlightenment for our Buddha disciples.


What is the Four Hiroshi Vows

All sentient beings have boundless vows, endless troubles vow to break, immeasurable vows to learn, and supreme vows to come true in Buddhism.


What are the five evils

(1) Body-view (Sakya view), (2) Side-view (persistence, judgment), (3) Evil view (slander of cause and effect, bad and good deeds), (4) Seeing and seeing (non-effect), (5) Abstaining and taking (non-cause).


What are Six Roots

The six roots are the root of the eye, the root of the ear, the root of the nose, the root of the tongue, the root of the body, and the root of the mind. The root is the tree, and we use our eyes, ears, nose, tongue, body, and mind to take pictures of the outside and plant the causes of birth and death, which is called the root.

18 Questions on Buddhism | Why do Buddha disciples call each other senior brother (all dry goods)


What is Six Dust

That is, color dust, sound dust, fragrance dust, taste dust, touch dust, and law dust. When the six roots come into contact with these six realms, they pollute and purify the mind, hence the name dust.

Color dust is all kinds of things, sound dust is all kinds of sounds, incense dust is all kinds of smells, taste dust is all kinds of tastes, touch dust is all kinds of astringent and slippery feelings, and law dust is the separation of good and evil laws.


What are the three refuges?

"Conversion" means to turn back, and "Yi" means to rely on. Taking refuge in the Buddha, taking refuge in the law, and taking refuge in the Sangha are collectively known as the three refuges.


What are the aggregates

The five aggregates are the aggregates of color, receiving, thinking, doing, and cognizing.

1. Color: "Color" refers to matter. Chromatic aggregates refer to the aggregation of all objectively existing substances with form and quality, which is equivalent to what people now call material phenomena.

2. Accumulation: refers to the feelings or emotions arising from sensory contact with external objects.

3. Thoughts: Perceptions and appearances obtained through the analysis of the feelings generated by the acceptance of external things.

Fourth, the will to act: the will to act through the understanding of external things.

5. Cognition: It mainly refers to the role of human consciousness. For example, distinguishing and knowing things.


What are the Eight Dharmas of the World

The eight winds, also known as the eight laws of the world, are "profit, decline, destruction, reputation, praise, ridicule, suffering, and happiness".

These eight winds can fan the fire of trouble, so they are called the "eight winds".

Profit is a proud thing, decline is a frustrating thing, destruction is slandered behind the back, reputation is praised behind the back, praise is praised in person, ridicule is ridiculed in person, suffering is all kinds of physical and mental pain, happiness is all kinds of happiness in body and mind. These eight realms are the sum of fame and fortune, gains and losses, prosperity and decline, success and failure, so the eight dharmas are often loved and hated by the world.

18 Questions on Buddhism | Why do Buddha disciples call each other senior brother (all dry goods)


What are the Eight Bitters

The Buddha said that "all living beings are suffering", and there are "eight sufferings" in life, so what do the eight sufferings of Buddhism's life refer to?

The sufferings of birth, old age, sickness, and death

Birth, old age, sickness and death are normal human conditions, and according to Buddhism, they are all suffering.

Love and parting from suffering

"Love parting" is an irrepressible pain, life and death parting, is something that everyone has to encounter. Parting from love is a very common pain that cannot be changed and can only be endured.

Resentment can be bitter

Resentment will be bitter, simply put, the rivals don't want to meet, but they do. In fact, resentment will be bitter and love will be separated from suffering, and it is a pair of mutual suffering.

Don't be bitter

If you can't ask for suffering, you have too many desires and can't achieve them.

The five yin are blazing and bitter

In the doctrine of Buddhism, people have five yin, that is, the five elements that make up the body: color (equivalent to matter), feeling (feeling), thinking (appearance, perception), action (will), and consciousness (the totality of the spirit). The five yin blazing refers to the use of the five yin to bear all suffering.


What is the four-shot method

The "four senses" are generosity, love, benevolence, and colleague, which are the four methods that bodhisattvas should adhere to when taking care of their lives.

First, generosity

Charity is further divided into financial giving, dharma giving, and fearless giving.

Second, the language of love

When we speak to others, we should be kind and pleasant, kind and comforting, honest, straightforward, mediating, and soft, so that they will have a respectful heart for the Three Jewels, so that they can follow the teachings.

Third, profit

Those of us who practice bodhisattva practice should do things and speak with our hearts and minds in the three karma of body, mouth, and mind, and we should take the benefit of sentient beings as the starting point, and we should be happy to help others and be kind to others, and people will naturally be happy to be taught.

Fourth, Ditto

Guanyin Bodhisattva Pumen manifests, with the incarnation of the kind, the same stop, the same practice, classmates and practitioners, that is, like-minded, it is easy to achieve Bodhi.


What are the six paramitas

The six paramitas are also called the six perfections:

1. Generosity, 2. Keeping the vows, 3. Forbearance, 4. Diligence, 5. Meditation, 6. Prajna

1. Generous and greedy. 2. Keeping the precepts and committing crimes. 3. Endure humiliation and anger.

4. Slack off on fine progress. 5. Meditation is scattered. 6. Prajna is stupid.

18 Questions on Buddhism | Why do Buddha disciples call each other senior brother (all dry goods)


What are the Ten Virtues

1. Don't kill: Those who don't kill are said to not harm all material lives, that is, the goodness of stopping killing.

2. Don't steal: Those who don't steal are said not to steal other people's property, which is the good thing to stop stealing.

3. Non-sexual immorality: Those who do not commit sexual immorality are said to be good at stopping sexual immorality.

4. Don't lie: Those who don't lie can't afford to lie, and deceiving others is the good thing to stop lying.

5. Not double-tongued: Those who do not speak twice are said not to talk to both sides, saying that they are talking about right and wrong, and making them fight, that is, to stop the goodness of two tongues.

6. Don't speak evilly: Those who don't speak evil are said not to speak harshly and insult others, which is the good of stopping evil mouths.

Seventh, do not speak: those who do not speak are not decorated with gorgeous words, which are pleasant to hear, that is, the goodness of stopping Qiyu.

8. Not greedy: Those who are not greedy are not greedy for lust and dust, that is, the goodness of stopping greed.

9. Not resentful: Those who are not angry are said to be free of anger, and hatred against others is the goodness of stopping resentment.

10. Non-evil views: Those who do not have evil views are said to be not biased and dissensive, and they insist on what is wrong, that is, the goodness of stopping evil views.


Ten Great Disciples of Buddha

Sariputta is the first in wisdom, first in Moggallan's supernatural powers, first in Ananda Tahwa, first in Upali vows, first in Anari Heavenly Eyes, first in Mahakasa Touta, first in Furuna, first in Kajayan Discussions, first in Rahu Ramitra, and first in Subodhi's Liberation of Emptiness.


How to develop bodhichitta

The Buddhist scriptures say that the first requirement for developing bodhichitta is to have a deep mind and to extensively cultivate the immeasurable good dharma. The second is compassion, which is immeasurable in the breadth of sentient beings. The third is straight-mindedness, mindfulness is true. Huayan Sutra: "The Bodhi Mystic Law Tree is born in the heart of the heart. "Because the heart is upright, and the heart is strong, faith will never shift, but can be courageously and diligently to do the work of self-interest and altruism.

内容参考 | 《佛教常识问答》

Image Source | Ten Wishes Network

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