
Industry Panorama Overview|Zhiyan Industry Encyclopedia [449] - Marine Engineering Equipment

author:Zhiyan Consulting
Industry Panorama Overview|Zhiyan Industry Encyclopedia [449] - Marine Engineering Equipment

Abstract:In recent years, with the improvement of the technical level of offshore engineering equipment and the enhancement of market competitiveness, the overall revenue of the offshore engineering equipment industry in mainland China has shown a trend of increasing year by year. According to the statistics of the China Shipbuilding Industry Association, the revenue of China's offshore engineering equipment industry in 2021 will be 61.8 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 40.58%. In 2022, the revenue of China's offshore engineering equipment industry will reach 74 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 19.7%.

Industry Panorama Overview|Zhiyan Industry Encyclopedia [449] - Marine Engineering Equipment

1. Definitions and Classification

Marine engineering equipment mainly refers to large-scale engineering equipment and auxiliary equipment in the exploration, exploitation, processing, storage and transportation, management, logistics services and other aspects of marine resources (especially marine oil and gas resources), with the characteristics of high technology, high input, high output, high added value and high risk, and is a complex of advanced manufacturing, information, new materials and other high-tech complexes, with strong industrial radiation capacity and great driving effect on the national economy. With the development and application of new marine engineering equipment, the development of marine resources will not be limited to oil and gas resources in the future, but will gradually expand to mineral resources, biological resources, seawater resources and renewable energy. Continental marine engineering equipment is divided into marine mineral resources exploration and development equipment, marine biological resources development and utilization equipment, seawater resources development and utilization equipment, marine renewable energy development and utilization equipment, and marine space resources development and utilization equipment.

Industry Panorama Overview|Zhiyan Industry Encyclopedia [449] - Marine Engineering Equipment

Second, industry policies

With the introduction of China's "dual carbon" policy and the development of industry and offshore wind power, the steady development of China's offshore engineering equipment industry has been stimulated. In March 2023, the Department of Standards and Innovation Management of the State Administration for Market Regulation issued the "Guiding Opinions on Further Strengthening the Quality and Standardization of Central Enterprises", proposing that central enterprises in the fields of rail transit equipment, power equipment, shipbuilding and marine engineering equipment, and construction machinery should accelerate the promotion of global layout and international operation, and provide more high-quality products to the global market. In January 2024, the National Development and Reform Commission issued the "Opinions on Supporting Guangzhou Nansha to Relax Market Access and Strengthen the Reform of the Regulatory System", proposing to accelerate the construction of a high-end marine equipment manufacturing base, promote the construction of a pilot base for intelligent ships, and smooth the application of key technology scenarios, systems and policies in the field of marine resources protection and development such as marine science and technology and equipment, marine resources exploration, marine science and environment, etc., and improve marine engineering equipment, high-tech ships, deep-sea aquaculture equipment, deep-sea diving equipment, Independent research and development capabilities of high-end equipment such as marine exploration.

Industry Panorama Overview|Zhiyan Industry Encyclopedia [449] - Marine Engineering Equipment

Third, the development process

China's marine engineering equipment industry has developed from the 60s of the 20th century to the present, mainly through four stages. From 1966 to 1989, China's marine engineering equipment industry was in its infancy, and the first steel structure jacket, the first jack-up drilling platform, the first double-floating drilling ship and other equipment were built successively, laying the foundation for the utilization of China's marine resources. From 1990 to 1999, affected by the downturn in the global offshore engineering equipment industry, China's offshore engineering equipment market developed slowly. The marine engineering equipment products are relatively simple, mainly shallow water oil and gas development equipment. From 2000 to 2015, the policy promoted the marine engineering equipment industry to enter a period of rapid development, and domestic high-end products began to take off, further narrowing the gap with Europe and the United States. Since 2016, artificial intelligence and other technologies have developed rapidly, environmental protection policies have been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, and China's marine engineering equipment industry has also entered the stage of intelligent and green development.

Industry Panorama Overview|Zhiyan Industry Encyclopedia [449] - Marine Engineering Equipment

Fourth, industry barriers

1. Talent barriers

The offshore engineering equipment industry needs a large number of management, operation and technical personnel who are familiar with the industry, and most of these outstanding talents are already serving the leading enterprises in the offshore engineering equipment industry. For enterprises that are new to the offshore engineering equipment industry, it is difficult to carry out business operations smoothly if they cannot obtain the necessary talents for business operations through various channels.

2. Technical barriers

The offshore engineering equipment industry is a technology-intensive industry. With the increase in the concentration of the offshore engineering equipment industry, advanced technologies, especially core technologies, are increasingly in the hands of industry-leading enterprises, and these technologies have a certain degree of advancement or monopoly. As a late entrant in the offshore engineering equipment industry, it will be difficult to gain a foothold in the offshore engineering equipment industry if the above-mentioned technical barriers cannot be broken.

3. Financial barriers

The marine engineering equipment industry is a capital-intensive industry, whether for the equipment business or technical services, the investment of funds is very large, and strong financial strength is required, which forms a large obstacle for the late entrants in the marine engineering equipment industry. First of all, the R&D, design and manufacturing process of offshore engineering equipment requires a large amount of capital, mainly including the purchase of advanced equipment, the construction of production bases, and the conduct of technology research and development and testing. Secondly, the operation and maintenance of the offshore equipment industry also requires a lot of capital. Therefore, for enterprises that are new to the marine engineering equipment industry, they need to have strong financial strength to enter the marine engineering equipment industry and succeed.

Fifth, the industrial chain

1. Analysis of the industry chain

The upstream of the marine engineering equipment industry chain is mainly for the production of main materials and coatings and supporting parts and systems of marine engineering equipment. Among them, the main materials and coatings include steel, aluminum alloy, anti-friction coatings, anti-corrosion coatings, etc., and supporting parts and systems include electronic components, electrical equipment, drilling and production systems, etc. The middle reaches of the industrial chain are mainly marine engineering equipment manufacturing. The downstream of the industrial chain is mainly the application field of marine engineering equipment, including general contracting of marine engineering projects, marine energy development engineering construction, offshore oil and gas resources exploration and exploitation, offshore oilfield exploitation, oilfield work and auxiliary work.

Industry Panorama Overview|Zhiyan Industry Encyclopedia [449] - Marine Engineering Equipment

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