
Today, March 3rd, don't forget to eat 3 kinds of traditional food, do 3 auspicious things, and ward off evil spirits and welcome good luck

author:Little Jasmine's Gourmet Notes


The lunar calendar has a special significance in the mainland, which is not only an ancient chronology, but also a treasure book of folk culture. Turning each page of it, there are different traditional customs and exquisiteness, and these festivals often cover primitive beliefs, sacrificial culture, astronomical calendar, farming, humanities, food and other aspects of the content, through the understanding of these, can make our hearts more fulfilling, and at the same time conducive to family harmony and social development.

The lively scene of the second dragon raising its head in February seems to be still yesterday, and it has come to the third day of March in a blink of an eye, which is also a grand day, this day covers a number of traditional festivals, it is the Shangsi Festival, the birthday of Xuanyuan Yellow Emperor, and the birthday of the Queen Mother. This is what makes March 3rd romantic and mysterious. March is the time when spring flowers bloom and Vientiane is renewed, and people pray for a better life through these customs.

Today, March 3rd, don't forget to eat 3 kinds of traditional food, do 3 auspicious things, and ward off evil spirits and welcome good luck

Today, March 3rd, don't forget to eat 3 kinds of traditional food, do 3 auspicious things, and ward off evil spirits and welcome good luck. Let's take a look at the customs and exquisiteness on March 3, the traditional culture is worth continuing and pleasing a good fortune for the family.

Eat 3 traditional delicacies

Mugwort leaf glutinous ba

The third day of March every year is often very close to Qingming, and at this time, the mugwort leaves are growing vigorously, fresh and delicious. In folk tradition, mugwort leaves have the effect of warding off evil spirits and avoiding epidemics, and making them into mugwort leaves symbolizes peace and auspiciousness. Its color is verdant, it is glutinous when eaten, and it is the fragrance of wormwood when chewed, which is the taste that does not live up to this season.

Today, March 3rd, don't forget to eat 3 kinds of traditional food, do 3 auspicious things, and ward off evil spirits and welcome good luck

1. Prepare some wormwood, wash it, and put it in boiling water to boil until soft. Pick it up and put it in a food processor and mix it with glutinous rice flour, sticky rice flour, and lard, and then mix it with milk and form a ball.

Today, March 3rd, don't forget to eat 3 kinds of traditional food, do 3 auspicious things, and ward off evil spirits and welcome good luck

2. Grind black sesame seeds and peeled peanuts into crumbs in advance, add powdered sugar and lard, which can be replaced with butter, and then put gloves on your hands to knead the filling.

Today, March 3rd, don't forget to eat 3 kinds of traditional food, do 3 auspicious things, and ward off evil spirits and welcome good luck

3. First, divide the dough into small portions of equal size and roll them round one by one. It is best to cover with plastic wrap and avoid air drying.

Today, March 3rd, don't forget to eat 3 kinds of traditional food, do 3 auspicious things, and ward off evil spirits and welcome good luck

4. Then divide the adjusted filling into small portions and roll it into the shape of a small ball, so that it is more convenient to wrap it.

Today, March 3rd, don't forget to eat 3 kinds of traditional food, do 3 auspicious things, and ward off evil spirits and welcome good luck

5. Take the dough and put it in the palm of your hand, press it flat and further form it into a small bowl, wrap it with the filling, and put it in the steaming drawer after further reunion.

Today, March 3rd, don't forget to eat 3 kinds of traditional food, do 3 auspicious things, and ward off evil spirits and welcome good luck

6. Start steaming after all the wrapping, and continue to steam for ten minutes after the water is boiled. Brush the surface with a little corn oil, and if you can't eat it on the same day, you can wrap it in plastic wrap to prevent it from drying and hardening.

Today, March 3rd, don't forget to eat 3 kinds of traditional food, do 3 auspicious things, and ward off evil spirits and welcome good luck


Xuanyuan Yellow Emperor is regarded as the ancestor of mankind, and every March 3 Xuanyuan birthday, the people will hold a grand event to worship it and express gratitude. In addition, the folk pay attention to eating a bowl of longevity noodles to celebrate their birthday, and also pray for the blessing and health of their families.

Recommended recipe: Tomato and egg noodle soup

Today, March 3rd, don't forget to eat 3 kinds of traditional food, do 3 auspicious things, and ward off evil spirits and welcome good luck

1. Prepare all the required ingredients, appropriate amount of thin noodles, beat two eggs into a bowl and stir together, cut the tomatoes into cubes, and cut a little chopped green onion and coriander.

Today, March 3rd, don't forget to eat 3 kinds of traditional food, do 3 auspicious things, and ward off evil spirits and welcome good luck

2. Heat the oil, first put the chopped green onion inside, heat it with the cooking oil, after the fragrance wafts out, pour the tomatoes into it, if the soup is not enough, make up a little tomato sauce, and fry it softly. After that, the light soy sauce and oyster sauce are fragrant.

Today, March 3rd, don't forget to eat 3 kinds of traditional food, do 3 auspicious things, and ward off evil spirits and welcome good luck

3. Heat the water directly in the soup and bring it to a boil, put the noodles and cook for three to five minutes, cook the noodles, then pour in the egg liquid, turn off the heat after forming egg drops. After putting it in a bowl, add the coriander and chopped green onion.

Today, March 3rd, don't forget to eat 3 kinds of traditional food, do 3 auspicious things, and ward off evil spirits and welcome good luck


In "Journey to the West", we can often see the image of the Queen Mother, who is the head of the Three Realms Immortals, working with the Jade Emperor in the Lingxiao Treasure Palace. Legend has it that March 3 is also the birthday of the Queen Mother, when the folk are popular to eat vegetarian, eat longevity peaches, eat tofu, etc., in order to express their respect for the Queen Mother, and at the same time pray for the safety and success of the family.

Recommended recipe: Vegetarian stir-fried tofu

Today, March 3rd, don't forget to eat 3 kinds of traditional food, do 3 auspicious things, and ward off evil spirits and welcome good luck

1. First soak some black fungus, wash it thoroughly and cut it into thin strips.

Today, March 3rd, don't forget to eat 3 kinds of traditional food, do 3 auspicious things, and ward off evil spirits and welcome good luck

2. One carrot and one green pepper, wash them separately and cut them into thin strips.

Today, March 3rd, don't forget to eat 3 kinds of traditional food, do 3 auspicious things, and ward off evil spirits and welcome good luck

3. Boil some hot water in a pot, add salt to boil, cut the tofu into small pieces and pour it in, cook for about two minutes.

Today, March 3rd, don't forget to eat 3 kinds of traditional food, do 3 auspicious things, and ward off evil spirits and welcome good luck

4. Put soy sauce, vinegar, sugar, white pepper, boiled water, and cornstarch into them separately and stir well with a spoon.

Today, March 3rd, don't forget to eat 3 kinds of traditional food, do 3 auspicious things, and ward off evil spirits and welcome good luck

5. Heat the oil, put some green onion in the pot, then pour the side dishes into it, fry it for one minute on high heat, cook its fragrance, pour the tofu in, pour in the sauce, stir-fry well and simmer for two minutes, and immediately get out of the pot.

Today, March 3rd, don't forget to eat 3 kinds of traditional food, do 3 auspicious things, and ward off evil spirits and welcome good luck

Do 3 auspicious things

1. Be filial to your parents

Filial piety comes first, respecting the old and loving the young, and filial piety to the elderly have been the traditional virtues of mainland folk since ancient times. March 3 is a festival to worship ancestors, which is intended to remind people to trace back to their roots, not forget their ancestors, and know how to be grateful. And on such days, we must be filial to our parents, and if you have the conditions, you can accompany them more, cook some delicious meals for them, and if you can't accompany them, you might as well call and chat with them. The life of parents is not easy, we must always be grateful, filial to them, and respect them. Our hearts will also be warmer and more grounded.

Today, March 3rd, don't forget to eat 3 kinds of traditional food, do 3 auspicious things, and ward off evil spirits and welcome good luck

2. Kite flying

On the third day of March, paper kites are released, which is an ancient custom. In March, the weather is warm, and the spring breeze is warm and not cool or dry, which is very suitable for kite flying. When people go outdoors, pull kite strings or walk, or run, and look up, it is good for our body and mind. Some people will cut the string of the high-flying kite and let it drift, hoping to take away their troubles and illnesses. In addition, farmers fly kites in the fields, hoping that the kites can drive away evil birds and pests in the furrows, so that the crops can be kept away from harm, so as to obtain a good harvest.

Today, March 3rd, don't forget to eat 3 kinds of traditional food, do 3 auspicious things, and ward off evil spirits and welcome good luck

3. Take a bath

When it comes to the third day of March, the most well-known is the Shangsi Festival, which has a long history and has existed since ancient times. The festival is a festival related to water, and in ancient times, people would go to the water's edge to worship and wash away dirt, and it was believed that this would ward off bad luck and ward off diseases.

Now that the weather is warmer, we can also take a bath and give the body a thorough cleansing, which helps to relieve fatigue and relax the body and mind, which is a great help for our health.

Today, March 3rd, don't forget to eat 3 kinds of traditional food, do 3 auspicious things, and ward off evil spirits and welcome good luck
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