
be dressed to kill用法解析

author:Wings English

be dressed to kill 是口语, 意为"打扮得十分迷人;穿着时尚的衣服,打扮得引人注目,光鲜亮丽;打扮得花枝招展(尤其指吸引异性)穿着花俏;打扮得让人神魂颠倒。

The young girls in the town are dressed to kill in market day so as to find their Mr. right.

The girls of the town dress up on market day in order to find their favorite Prince Charming.

be dressed to kill用法解析

The welcome party for the British ambassador was very formal. Everybody was dressed to kill.

The British Ambassador's welcome dinner was very formal. Everyone was dressed up to attend.

You are dressed to kill today!

You're dressed up very attractively today.

be dressed to kill用法解析

My husband said I was dressed to kill.

My husband said I was dressed up to death.

It's natural for a girl to get dressed to kill in public.

It's in a girl's nature to dress up in public.

She arrived at the party, dressed to kill as usual.

She came to the party, dressed up as usual.

be dressed to kill用法解析

She was in the spot-light at the party because she was dressed to kill.

She was the center of attention of the evening because she was dressed up so glamorously.

be dressed to kill用法解析

There was a famous "kept women" village in Shenzhen where the streetwalkers were dressed to kill to attract men.

There is a famous second mother village, and the women standing on the street are dressed up to attract men.

be dressed to kill用法解析

I have to be dressed to kill at this event tonight—a lot of important people will be there.

I'm going to have to dress up tonight because a lot of important people will be there.

be dressed to kill用法解析