
When the magic weapon meets national security, Xuhang Town carried out the theme publicity activity of "rule of law warms the enterprise and the magic weapon helps the enterprise".

author:Ping An Jiading

In order to strengthen publicity and education on national security, and enhance the public's concept of protecting national security. On April 9, the Xuhang Town Safety Office and the Judicial Office jointly walked into Shanghai Jialang Industrial Co., Ltd. to carry out the publicity and publicity activities with the theme of "Rule of Law Warm Enterprises and Magic Weapons to Help Enterprises".

When the magic weapon meets national security, Xuhang Town carried out the theme publicity activity of "rule of law warms the enterprise and the magic weapon helps the enterprise".

  The staff introduced the significance and importance of national security to the employees of the enterprise through graphic interpretation, and interpreted the relevant legal content of the "crime of endangering national security" and the seven obligations that citizens should fulfill to maintain national security. Subsequently, the staff of the judicial office introduced the overview of the "National Security Law", "Law on Guarding State Secrets" and other relevant laws, reminding everyone that everyone has the responsibility and obligation to keep state secrets, and must not divulge state secrets for personal interests. During the event, staff distributed publicity materials on national security, civil code and public legal services, and played promotional videos of the National Security Law and the Secrecy Law.

When the magic weapon meets national security, Xuhang Town carried out the theme publicity activity of "rule of law warms the enterprise and the magic weapon helps the enterprise".

  Xuhang Town has firmly built a platform for the construction of the rule of law through departmental linkage and coordination, using the rule of law to help enterprises, so that the rule of law can protect people's livelihood, comprehensively improve the level of grassroots rule of law construction, and optimize the business environment under the rule of law.

When the magic weapon meets national security, Xuhang Town carried out the theme publicity activity of "rule of law warms the enterprise and the magic weapon helps the enterprise".

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