
Yu Hewei's story: debuted at the age of 20, became popular at the age of 50, and the post-marital relationship with his wife is enviable

author:Butterfly Quest

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Yu Hewei's story: debuted at the age of 20, became popular at the age of 50, and the post-marital relationship with his wife is enviable

A new beginning in life

The years have flown by, and in a blink of an eye, Yu Hewei has entered the fiftieth year of his life. Looking back on the past years, his life can be described as ups and downs, magnificent waves.

From being born in a poor working family to finally becoming a popular actor, Yu Hewei has written a legendary dream-chasing life with his tenacity and hard work.

And when He Wei was over half a hundred years old, his career once again ushered in a new peak. In 2021, he won the Magnolia Award for Best Actor for his outstanding performance in the TV series "Awakening Age".

Yu Hewei's story: debuted at the age of 20, became popular at the age of 50, and the post-marital relationship with his wife is enviable

This is undoubtedly the highest recognition and appreciation for his hard work over the years.

In addition to this heavyweight award, Yu Hewei has frequently cooperated with top directors in the industry in recent years, and jointly bred excellent film and television masterpieces. He not only created the iconic image of Liu Bei in the new version of "Romance of the Three Kingdoms" in 2009, but also appeared on the screen of Zhang Yimou's blockbuster productions "Solid as a Rock" and "On the Cliff".

Today's Yu Hewei is already the mainstay of the entertainment industry. He used his strength and charm to explain to the world the wisdom of life of "coming from behind". And for this veteran actor who has been in a trough several times, the new peak of his career also means the reopening of a brilliant life.

The ups and downs of chasing dreams

Yu Hewei's story: debuted at the age of 20, became popular at the age of 50, and the post-marital relationship with his wife is enviable

For Yu Hewei, the road to chasing his dreams is difficult, full of ups and downs and tribulations. It all started in 1985, when Yu Hewei, who was only 14 years old at the time, had been ruthlessly destroyed by the reality of life.

After failing in successive years, he had to give up his studies to join the Fushun Repertory Theatre and open a new chapter in his life.

In the repertory troupe, Yu Hewei was just an unknown small role in the early days, playing some insignificant tricks for a long time, and even had the embarrassing experience of being reprimanded by the director in public for mispronouncing the wrong words on stage.

But he was not discouraged, but took this opportunity to hone his basic skills.

Yu Hewei's story: debuted at the age of 20, became popular at the age of 50, and the post-marital relationship with his wife is enviable

In 1992, 21-year-old Yu Hewei went to Shanghai alone, igniting the hope of realizing his dream again. He fought hard to apply for the Shanghai Theater Academy, and despite repeated setbacks, he finally got his wish and entered the campus.

Here, he not only received systematic professional training, but also met Song Linjing, the school girl he had loved for a long time, and a touching love story was born between the two.

After walking out of school, Yu Hewei was also frustrated everywhere in the film and television industry. He was just a little dragon in Zhang Yimou's debut novel "Shake, Shake, Shake to Grandma's Bridge", and he couldn't see himself on the screen at all, which made him feel devastated, and even had the idea of suicide for a while.

Fortunately, his wife Song Linjing stopped him in time and avoided the tragedy.

Yu Hewei's story: debuted at the age of 20, became popular at the age of 50, and the post-marital relationship with his wife is enviable

In this way, Yu Hewei used his tenacity and perseverance to make it difficult along the way. It wasn't until 2002 that he played the role of Bai Zhan'an in the well-known TV series "Mansion Gate 2", which really opened up his popularity in the film and television industry.

Since then, more and more good opportunities have snowballed, and his acting career has finally opened a new chapter.

Song Linjing and her mother's support

Looking back on the ups and downs of Yu Hewei's life, if it were not for the selfless support and encouragement of his wife Song Linjing and his mother, he would probably have given up halfway and would not have been able to reach today's height.

Yu Hewei's story: debuted at the age of 20, became popular at the age of 50, and the post-marital relationship with his wife is enviable

Song Linjing is the strongest spiritual pillar for He Wei. When he was at the most difficult and at the lowest point in his life, it was Song Linjing's sentence "I am willing to marry you" that cleared the haze in his heart and gave him the courage and motivation to start again.

Inspired by this affectionate style, Yu Hewei resolutely left his hometown and went to Shanghai to pursue his dream. And Song Linjing also entered the drama director training class in order to always be by her beloved's side, and they embraced each other and spent the most difficult time together as if they were "a little better than a newlywed".

Equally important, Yu Hewei's mother has also been silently supporting her son's dream. Despite her poor family, the 66-year-old mother still fully supported Yu Hewei to give up her stable job and devote herself to her studies.

In order to make up for their son's tuition, the family even did not hesitate to sell their property. It is with the spiritual pillars of Song Linjing and his mother that Yu Hewei can grit his teeth and come to this day and finally realize his dream.

Yu Hewei's story: debuted at the age of 20, became popular at the age of 50, and the post-marital relationship with his wife is enviable

The impact of scandals and the maintenance of reputation

While his acting career was rising step by step, Yu Hewei also suffered from reputational damage for a time. In 2010, he and international movie star Wang Likun played the role of a couple in many film and television works, and the relationship between the two was suspected and criticized by the outside world.

At first, it was just the gossip media that the two might be a little too close and didn't attract much attention. But soon, the tide turned.

When the photojournalists successively exposed the "on-site photos" of Wang Likun in Hewei's apartment, public opinion was in an uproar, and all kinds of insults and accusations were loud.

Yu Hewei's story: debuted at the age of 20, became popular at the age of 50, and the post-marital relationship with his wife is enviable

At the same time, Wang Likun also sent an agent to explain and clarify the incident, so that the commotion finally subsided. After that, the two even cracked down on those who spread rumors and slander in public, and pointed out the truth: the place where Yu Hewei and Wang Likun went that day was actually just their sister's home, and they completely unintentionally stabbed the hornet's nest.

Through sincere explanations and the fact that he used the facts as evidence, Yu Hewei successfully maintained and defended his noble personality and beautiful family image. Since then, he has been respected and loved by the outside world, and scandals no longer appear in the world's field of vision.

The supreme glory of a classic character

For an actor, there is nothing more important than being able to create some classic characters with great personality and memorability. And Yu Hewei has performed well in many heavyweight works through his superb acting skills, and has won praise from countless audiences.

Yu Hewei's story: debuted at the age of 20, became popular at the age of 50, and the post-marital relationship with his wife is enviable

As we all know, in 2009, Yu Hewei brilliantly interpreted the iconic role of the famous general Liu Bei in the new version of "Romance of the Three Kingdoms". At the beginning, he was hesitant to take over this remake, for fear of repeating the mistakes of his predecessors and being disgusted by the audience.

However, director Gao Xixi kept sending him sincere invitations and firmly said, "I can't feel at ease when I am played by others." For any actor, the love and affirmation of the main creative team is undoubtedly the greatest encouragement.

So, Yu Hewei nodded gratefully and agreed to play the role of Liu Bei. From the moment he took over the work, he devoted himself to it, and through repeated study of historical documents and related materials, he hoped to perfectly interpret the image of this well-known figure.

What's even more commendable is that despite the high-intensity work of filming for 9 months and the huge pressure of physical load, he did not complain and completed every scene of the play with his dedication and dedication.

Yu Hewei's story: debuted at the age of 20, became popular at the age of 50, and the post-marital relationship with his wife is enviable

Sure enough, when the plot was successfully completed, this challenging masterpiece successfully appeared on the screen, and Yu Hewei finally completely conquered the audience when interpreting the role of Liu Bei in "Righteous Bo Yuntian".

, a powerful actor who was only 39 years old at the time, further won high recognition inside and outside the industry.

In addition to this sensational masterpiece, Yu Hewei has performed well in heavyweight film and television dramas many times. He once won the Magnolia Best Supporting Actor for his portrayal of Cao Cao's strategist Xun Yu; In the large-scale production "The Military Alliance of Sima Yi", he won the championship with his accurate portrayal of Cao Cao's image.

It can be said that Yu Hewei has left a strong mark in countless excellent works with his solid acting skills and high degree of professional professionalism.

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