
Seven Laws, and friends appreciate the rhododendrons of Yaoshan Mountain

author:Listen to the wind

The beautiful peaks and mountains are like fairies, and the fog lingers in the sound of the sub-rules.

Fresh soak the water in the cup, warm and moist the first dream.

I go back to the past with three hearts, and I urge you to take eight steps to give the present.


Note: In Yaoshan, Guilin City, Guangxi, the rhododendrons all over the mountains are blooming one after another, the brocade waves are surging, and the fragrance is intoxicating. The breeze and mist, Du Yu's voice, poetry and friends appreciate together, and the fighting color is more beautiful. (Photo: Xie Yidan, Wang Zhanfei, Pang Wei)

Seven Laws, and friends appreciate the rhododendrons of Yaoshan Mountain
Seven Laws, and friends appreciate the rhododendrons of Yaoshan Mountain
Seven Laws, and friends appreciate the rhododendrons of Yaoshan Mountain
Seven Laws, and friends appreciate the rhododendrons of Yaoshan Mountain
Seven Laws, and friends appreciate the rhododendrons of Yaoshan Mountain

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