
My father partnered with his wife and wanted to take his grandson to live in my house, and said that his daughter would not have two more pairs of chopsticks: leave together

author:Luxurious Zen heart
My father partnered with his wife and wanted to take his grandson to live in my house, and said that his daughter would not have two more pairs of chopsticks: leave together

My mother has been gone for many years, and my father lives a lonely life.

Two years ago, my father said that he had found a partner, so I didn't have to worry about him.

I think it's a good thing that my father wants to open it, and if someone accompanies him, he doesn't care about the amount of money.

I've met my father's partner and wife a few times, and I'm very good at speaking and being able to speak, which makes me feel unreal.

However, my father enjoyed it, and I can't say anything but wish them a good life.

During the Chinese New Year this year, my father thought of my house for the New Year, saying that the family had not been lively for a long time.

I drove my father over, and a few days later, my father's partner and wife also came with their grandson.

She said that her son and daughter-in-law worked overtime during the Chinese New Year, and no one watched the children, so she brought them over to live for a few days.

Before I could speak, she pulled me and said, "Girl, don't you think it's just two more pairs of chopsticks, I'll help you cook together." ”

My father looked at me with pleading eyes, and I could only give him a face, and said yes with a smile.

Before the day was over, two teacups were broken, all the drawers were pounded out, and the living room was full of things.

I said, Auntie, you take care of the children, don't make a mess of my house.

When the child heard that I was telling him to take care of him, he ran up to me and kicked me and wiped it on me.

And my father's partner and wife didn't talk about their grandson, but said what I was calling a child.

Then the child said that I was a bad person, and when he came to my house to play, I didn't give him a red envelope.

When I heard this, it wasn't something that a child would say, it must have been taught by an adult behind my back.

I was so angry that I asked him to leave my house, and my father said that I was not sensible, and I couldn't bear it when the New Year was approaching.

The father sat on the sofa with his wife, and said that his old sister went to the house of his wife's children, and whose children gave how much money, what jewelry they bought, and how many clothes they gave away.

I finally understood that she was deliberately telling my father that she would go back to her son's house for the New Year.

In this way, my father was lonely at home, so he came to me for the New Year, and my aunt brought her grandson with her.

It's just so that I can buy her a gift and get a red envelope for her grandson.

It is said that it is not terrible for people to be poor, but it is sad when the heart is poor.

My father partnered with his wife and wanted to take his grandson to live in my house, and said that his daughter would not have two more pairs of chopsticks: leave together

I originally thought that when they stayed for a few days, my wife would take a holiday, drive out together, buy her a dress, buy some toys for the children, and give a red envelope in the Chinese New Year's Eve, which is also a kind of New Year etiquette.

Who knows, my father's wife couldn't wait, and instigated his grandson behind his back to turn my house upside down and break my favorite teacup.

It's not something that money can solve, it's a bad heart, and no matter how much money you give, you can't be satisfied.

I packed up my father's belongings and asked her to leave my house with her grandson.

But my father was anxious with me, saying that I was ignorant and didn't know how to let others.

I also said that I was spoiled by my deceased mother, and that I was a retired grandmother who was about to become a grandmother, and I didn't know how to behave as a person.

Looking at the unfamiliar father in front of me, I thought of a sentence in my heart: If there is a stepmother, there will be a stepfather.

It seems that no matter how old this man is, as long as he has a woman he likes, his children will not be kissed.

was already in an unhappy mood, and I was eccentric by my father's insistence, so I packed my father's luggage.

Open the door and let them go together, my family can't accommodate their three ancestors.

My mother has been gone for 10 years, and at first there were aunts around me who wanted to be with my father to support the elderly.

My father always said that he wanted to live alone, and when he was old enough to go anywhere, he would go to a nursing home.

I don't know what kind of charm this aunt has, so my father willingly handed over the pension card to her.

He also promised to leave himself in the future, and let his aunt live in his old house for a hundred years.

Although I don't like my aunt's personality, with her accompanying my father, I have a lot less to worry about.

After my mother left, my father handed over his savings to me for safekeeping, and I was responsible for paying for his illness and hospitalization.

My father partnered with his wife and wanted to take his grandson to live in my house, and said that his daughter would not have two more pairs of chopsticks: leave together

My father's pension is used for living expenses, and since I have a partner, my father often says that the money is not enough to spend.

It's not how much I paid for going to the hospital to get medicine today, or how much I want to change my home appliance tomorrow.

But nothing has changed in my father's house, it is still the same as before, and I know that this is not his intention.

In the first year, I gave my father 20,000 yuan for the New Year's fee, and my father directly gave it to my partner.

At the time, I thought it was incredible, why didn't he wait for me to leave before giving it, he had to do it in front of me.

Although the money was deposited by my father, I was still a little uncomfortable in my heart.

I didn't know what kind of ecstasy my father was poured by my aunt, and I asked for a deposit many times, saying that I could keep it.

My 76-year-old father, although he is healthy and able to take care of himself, why did he trust me as an only daughter before, but now he has no trust.

It's not that I care about my father's more than 200,000 yuan, but I'm worried that my father will give the money back to my aunt.

When the father really needs to spend money to save his life, the partner and wife turn around and disappear, and the pension and savings are gone.

When the time comes, it's not that my father is stupid, but that I can't find a place to cry myself.

There are too many instances of this in life, where men reach a certain age and only trust the old ladies they partner with.

Give all his worth to his partner who has known him for a few years, and take all kinds of precautions against his children, for fear that his children will want his property.

waited until he was deceived by his partner's wife to the point that he was only left with underwear, and then told his children that he was wrong and asked his children to give him a good death.

My father partnered with his wife and wanted to take his grandson to live in my house, and said that his daughter would not have two more pairs of chopsticks: leave together

The reason why I drove my father away with me was just to let him see the true face of his partner.

My father always said that this aunt was better than my mother, that she would feel sorry for people, and that she would say witty things to make him happy every day.

I understand my father's loneliness in old age, and I also understand my father's emotional needs in his later years, but I really can't agree with this aunt's approach.

She took her father's monthly pension of 6,800, and often persuaded her father to ask me for money.

This time, in order to ask me for a gift here, I gave her grandson a red envelope, and I actually taught my children to toss at my house behind my back.

Children are so simple, they must not be thoughtful when they learn their tongues, and they are taught by adults when they hear it.

This kind of practice makes me look down on her even more, her character is not good, and no matter how many gifts and red envelopes she gives, she can't satisfy her inner greed.

From the couch, she talked about other sisters' partners and other people's children, but she told me what to do.

If you put yourself in the position of a subordinate, don't blame others for disrespecting her.

My father partnered with his wife and wanted to take his grandson to live in my house, and said that his daughter would not have two more pairs of chopsticks: leave together

After the Chinese New Year, my father asked me to go home, saying that his partner life was disrupted by me.

My father told me that if I didn't dislike him, he wanted to go home with me to live in the old age.

After that, my father handed me his pension card, but I didn't take it, and went into the house to pack my father's things.

I retired from leisure at home, and accompanied my father to the square and park every day.

My father played chess and chatted with other old people, and I waited on the sidelines or found a place to exercise by myself.

When my father had fun, we went home together, and in the evening, my wife got off work, and I would accompany my father downstairs for a walk.

One day, my father said casually: You still see accurately·····

Author: Huagui Zen Heart

Follow my words and go into your heart. You have a story, I have tea, and we can talk about the rest of our lives together.

The pictures in the article come from the Internet.


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