
Treasure Author's Recommendation: Face North Meinan (Explosive Reservation!Amazing Work of Face North Meinan!)

author:Scan diary

Today's recommended treasure author faces north and eyebrows!


Facing North and Eyebrow South:

Gu Yan Dashen, a romance novel writer of China Literature Group, is famous for his works on the theme of power schemes. The plot of the novel is full of ups and downs, gripping, and the writing is smooth, full of insight, and every word is fine. There is the persistence of love, and there is also the scheming of the big picture!



Reborn as a daughter, scheming people's hearts!See how the heroine protects her loved ones and counterattacks to become a winner! The emotional line is slow to heat, and the male and female protagonists are online!

God-level ancient sayings house fighting text, it's really fragrant!

2️⃣《Golden Branch》

Ancient romance offerings, how do golden branches and jade leaves face family disputes and protect true love?

The novel is still being serialized, but the content is really exciting, and it's just a finale!

3️⃣ "Famous Lady Killing"

Born in a famous family, but encountered many difficulties. See how she turned danger into a winner in life!

4️⃣ "Dongjun"

The brutal, domineering, arrogant and lascivious Princess Chengping is reborn and returns, how to rewrite her fate and win true love?

Treasure Author's Recommendation: Face North Meinan (Explosive Reservation!Amazing Work of Face North Meinan!)
Treasure Author's Recommendation: Face North Meinan (Explosive Reservation!Amazing Work of Face North Meinan!)
Treasure Author's Recommendation: Face North Meinan (Explosive Reservation!Amazing Work of Face North Meinan!)
Treasure Author's Recommendation: Face North Meinan (Explosive Reservation!Amazing Work of Face North Meinan!)

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