
The master-level team is built, Xie Miao leads the Three Kingdoms kung fu masterpiece, netizens: The next hit is scheduled

author:Aim at Meow Films

As a new representative of Hong Kong action films, "Kowloon Walled City" is known for its large-scale production at a cost of 300 million yuan and excellent visual effects.

Upon its release, it was a notable market success.

In the mainland film market, this work is like a rising star, and its box office results are like an eagle spreading its wings.

jumped to an astonishing height of 498 million,

And the glorious threshold of 700 million seems to be ready to meet the gorgeous leaps again and again in front of its light dance steps.

The master-level team is built, Xie Miao leads the Three Kingdoms kung fu masterpiece, netizens: The next hit is scheduled

And in Hong Kong, the cosmopolitan city, this film is also born out of nowhere, with its unique charm and deep emotional resonance.

It has captured the hearts of countless audiences.

The box office results were equally impressive, and the final figure was fixed at 45 million, which is more than just a record.

It represents the countless days and nights of hard work and sweat of filmmakers.

In the long history of Chinese films, it is proud to be the runner-up, second only to the unrivaled champion.

The master-level team is built, Xie Miao leads the Three Kingdoms kung fu masterpiece, netizens: The next hit is scheduled

However, despite the huge success of Kowloon Walled City, it is important to assess its long-term impact on the action film genre as a whole.

More time is still needed to observe.

When it comes to the success of a film, its impact goes far beyond the box office figures.

It needs and can stimulate the creative enthusiasm of the same type of film, and inject a shot in the arm for the entire film genre.

But if you want this vitality to continue.

Not only do more filmmakers need to devote themselves to high-quality creations, but also the support and cooperation of the entire industry.

From the careful polishing of the script to the continuous innovation of technology.

From the marketing strategy to the layout of the distribution, every link is crucial.

The master-level team is built, Xie Miao leads the Three Kingdoms kung fu masterpiece, netizens: The next hit is scheduled

Only in this way can the charm of the film last for a long time, attract more audiences into the cinema, and witness the birth of one movie miracle after another.

The master-level team is built, Xie Miao leads the Three Kingdoms kung fu masterpiece, netizens: The next hit is scheduled

Sammo Hung said goodbye to kung fu, Jackie Chan was powerless, what is the new chapter of Hong Kong movies

Since the film's debut, its box office results have been like a wonderful series, with high-energy episodes and episodes stronger than the last.

Today, its box office has firmly stood at the peak of 480 million, and this is just the beginning.

The original plan was laid out like this:

Lin Feng will take on the role of the protagonist in the movie.

And Louis Koo and Sammo Hung, two veteran actors who have been in the film industry for many years, will serve as his artistic mentors.

Use their rich experience and exquisite skills to elevate Lam Fung's performances.

The intention of the producers is to not only tell a compelling story through this film, but also to discover and nurture new acting talent.

I hope that the audience can not only enjoy the wonderful plot, but also pay attention to those rising stars, such as Liu Junqian and other emerging action stars.

The master-level team is built, Xie Miao leads the Three Kingdoms kung fu masterpiece, netizens: The next hit is scheduled

On the screen, Louis Koo interprets the role of "Tornado" vividly with his extraordinary acting skills, full of dynamism and charm.

Although his hands bear the traces of time, trembling and unstable, they release amazing power at the critical moment, like a thunder in a storm, showing the profound imprint of time on the tempering of a warrior's skills.

As the prologue of the film slowly descends.

He wrote the final chapter of the hero with enthusiasm, and put the heavy responsibility of guarding the homeland on the shoulders of Chen Luojun and his brothers.

At this moment, it is like Louis Koo using his super high influence.

Will be the torch of Hong Kong cinema.

Elegantly handed over to Lin Feng and Liu Junqian, the new stars of the screen, heralding the beginning of a gorgeous chapter in a new era.

The master-level team is built, Xie Miao leads the Three Kingdoms kung fu masterpiece, netizens: The next hit is scheduled

In the films, Louis Koo is like a wise man who has insight into everything, and has an extraordinary perception of the pulse of Hong Kong films.

He saw the problems that were left behind by the times,

The light of innovation no longer shines, and it is difficult for new stars to take over the baton, these problems are like an unfinished picture in his eyes.

Waiting for new strokes.

So, he embarked on a new artistic journey and devoted himself to the filming of the sci-fi masterpiece "Tomorrow's War".

Strive to use the innovation of light and shadow.

Break through the shackles of those old police and bandit themes and explore the infinite possibilities of cinematic storytelling.

The master-level team is built, Xie Miao leads the Three Kingdoms kung fu masterpiece, netizens: The next hit is scheduled

Over the years, he has been like a novice driving instructor, always keen to take a group of novice drivers on the road, although sometimes they will drive their cars to the lawn.

But he was always optimistic that one day, these novices would become veteran drivers

And the shocking release of "Kowloon Walled City" not only filled the theater, but also made people's thoughts travel back to that era.

The names of Louis Koo and Sammo Hung have once again become a hot topic.

The success of the movie not only reproduced the classic images of the two old actors, but also gave a new generation of audiences a taste of their former style.

The master-level team is built, Xie Miao leads the Three Kingdoms kung fu masterpiece, netizens: The next hit is scheduled

Sammo Hung pretended to be a big boss in the movie, and he can be called a lively "I have the final say" spokesperson.

However, in reality, he seems to have understood that he is no longer the much-anticipated superstar, which is like a heroic version of "retirement".

When it comes to Sammo Hung and Jackie Chan, two legends of Hong Kong action movies, their names have become almost synonymous with action movies.

Time flies, and they are all old.

But it has left a strong mark in the history of Hong Kong cinema.

Although they no longer fly the walls on screen like they once did, the duo's spirit and work continue to inspire a new generation of action stars.

Sammo Hung, now in his seventies, has basically bid farewell to the acting stage he once loved.

The master-level team is built, Xie Miao leads the Three Kingdoms kung fu masterpiece, netizens: The next hit is scheduled

Jackie Chan, although there are still new works launched.

He is now supporting young actors in the mainland more, and he has participated in fewer fight scenes than before.

Those thrilling shots that once made people's hearts beat faster are now more stable and thoughtful.

The master-level team is built, Xie Miao leads the Three Kingdoms kung fu masterpiece, netizens: The next hit is scheduled

As for Donnie Yen, although he is over 60 years old, he is still a key figure in the Hong Kong action movie industry.

The master-level team is built, Xie Miao leads the Three Kingdoms kung fu masterpiece, netizens: The next hit is scheduled

In this era of unpredictable films, the future of Hong Kong cinema seems to hang by a thread.

The names and works of the veteran actors who have left a deep mark on the screen have been engraved into the history of Hong Kong cinema.

But they can't stand at the center of the stage forever.

A new generation of actors, such as Lin Feng and Liu Junqian, with their youthful vitality and unlimited possibilities, are standing at the starting point of their careers.

Their eyes sparkled with a desire for the future.

But the pressure of reality tells them that they need more training and growth to really take over the baton from their predecessors.

The master-level team is built, Xie Miao leads the Three Kingdoms kung fu masterpiece, netizens: The next hit is scheduled

Therefore, the hopes of the Hong Kong film industry seem to be pinned on Semyon.

The master-level team is built, Xie Miao leads the Three Kingdoms kung fu masterpiece, netizens: The next hit is scheduled

Xie Miao leads the Three Kingdoms kung fu masterpiece, netizens: The next hit is scheduled

Speaking of Hong Kong-style action movies, don't think that only Hong Kong movie bigwigs can make great films, this is not their "patent".

Others can also get involved and make a fuss.

This is generally agreed upon on the Internet.

In the case of Semyon, since he started making movies online, it is like finding a creative paradise and freely expressing his artistic ideas.

For example, the series of masterpieces of "Northeast Police Story" and "No One in My Eyes".

The inheritance and innovation of the style of Hong Kong-style action movies.

The master-level team is built, Xie Miao leads the Three Kingdoms kung fu masterpiece, netizens: The next hit is scheduled

The audience can see the collision of the classic and the modern, the fusion of traditional martial arts and gunfight chase, and each scene is full of tense and exciting atmosphere.

His team members, such as Wei Junzi, Qin Pengfei, Yang Bingjia, etc., are all big fans of Hong Kong-style action movies.

Not only do I discuss the latest movie trends in my spare time, but I also organize regular movie viewing sessions to review those classic fight scenes together.

In such an atmosphere, they not only cultivated a deep team camaraderie, but also inadvertently integrated the heroism and indomitable spirit of these films into their work.

The master-level team is built, Xie Miao leads the Three Kingdoms kung fu masterpiece, netizens: The next hit is scheduled

Although the screening of "No One in My Eyes 2" in theaters can only be described as "mediocre", the audience's response was far less enthusiastic than expected.

But the film unexpectedly sparked another wave on the Internet.

Semyon's performance in the film is particularly eye-catching, and his acting skills and talent have been liked and shared by countless netizens on the Internet, becoming a hot topic.

The master-level team is built, Xie Miao leads the Three Kingdoms kung fu masterpiece, netizens: The next hit is scheduled

But veterans of Hong Kong-style action movies have high hopes for Semyon and arrange for him to co-star with Andy Lau in "Spreading Anger".

And it is possible to get a role in Donnie Yen's "Fuse 2".

The master-level team is built, Xie Miao leads the Three Kingdoms kung fu masterpiece, netizens: The next hit is scheduled

It is worth mentioning that Donnie Yen, a martial arts superstar, has far more influence in the film industry than his fists and feet on the screen.

He once spared no effort to support Semyon's "Northeast Police Story 2".

Although before that, the two did not have the opportunity to appear in the same frame.

The master-level team is built, Xie Miao leads the Three Kingdoms kung fu masterpiece, netizens: The next hit is scheduled

In addition, Semyon's latest masterpiece "Fury" has also attracted a lot of attention.

Among them, as one of Asia's top producers, Jiang Zhiqiang personally devoted himself to the production of the film.

He led Anle Pictures, which has made a name for itself for its outstanding achievements, producing a number of films that have achieved international box office success.

For example, "Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon", "Hero" and "Huo Yuanjia".

These works have not only won praise overseas, but also achieved remarkable success in the Chinese mainland market.

The master-level team is built, Xie Miao leads the Three Kingdoms kung fu masterpiece, netizens: The next hit is scheduled

And the goal of the film "Fury" is to break into the global market, and it has the potential to become the most expensive action film in the history of Hong Kong cinema.

In the near future, Jiang Zhiqiang will be joined by a number of international superstars - Joe Taslim, Yayan Ruian, Jayja Yaning and others.

Weaving together a gorgeous chapter of this action movie.

The film will also be an affectionate tribute to the Hong Kong-style action style, which is like a clear stream, firmly maintaining its unique flavor.

away from the hustle and bustle of mainland production.

The master-level team is built, Xie Miao leads the Three Kingdoms kung fu masterpiece, netizens: The next hit is scheduled

Entering the mainland market as an imported film, "Fury" is expected to break the scale restrictions of Hong Kong-style action films, even if it needs to be edited.

It is also sure to be one of the highly anticipated works.

The plot of the new film bears a striking resemblance to "Hurricane Rescue", which tells the story of the retired master played by Semyon.

This once feared figure in the dark world now lives as an ordinary father.

However, the peaceful days are shattered, and when his daughter is unfortunately kidnapped by a criminal syndicate, he is forced to return to the world he thought he had said goodbye to.

The master-level team is built, Xie Miao leads the Three Kingdoms kung fu masterpiece, netizens: The next hit is scheduled

It's worth noting that Fury was created by the same production team that brought Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon to the world stage.

With his unparalleled courage and deep-rooted charm, Semyon has won the reputation of the most courageous and people-friendly action actor of the new generation.

I'm convinced that with the release of the film, his outstanding performance on screen will surely set off a wave of discussion.

Whether it is in domestic cinemas or international film festivals, his role interpretation will be deeply rooted in the hearts of the people and become a hot topic after dinner.

And "Fury" is not just a film, it will be a turning point in Semyon's career.

The master-level team is built, Xie Miao leads the Three Kingdoms kung fu masterpiece, netizens: The next hit is scheduled

As a once hot action child star in the Chinese film industry, Semyon's name has accompanied the growth of countless audiences.

Now, as the years go by, he is forty years old.

At this age, many people may choose to live a stable life, but Semyon still retains that love for movies.

He not only shows a mature and steady demeanor in front of the camera.

Behind the scenes, he quietly cultivates a new generation of action actors, passing on his experience and passion to young people.

However, although he has become well-known in the online film industry and has won several good awards, in order to become a big name in Chinese action movies, he still has to be familiar and appear in those big-budget action movies, otherwise who knows who he is?

And now the film "Fury" provides a perfect time to show off his talent at an important moment in the transition between the old and the new in the Chinese-language action film industry.

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