
Wang Junkai's new film "Wild Child" is coming, netizens: After Cheng Lang, another wave of emojis is booked!

author:In White


Wang Junkai's Hundred Flowers Award was preliminarily evaluated

In the movie "Ten Thousand Miles Home", Cheng Lang played by Wang Junkai let the audience see a transformation from youth to maturity. The character of Cheng Lang has experienced the growth from a simple hot-blooded young man to a diplomat who can take charge of himself. Every scene in the movie shows the profound changes in the character's mental journey.

Wang Junkai's new film "Wild Child" is coming, netizens: After Cheng Lang, another wave of emojis is booked!

Especially in the negotiation scene with the border officer Hassan, Cheng Lang's small expressions that can almost pinch out of the water make the audience laugh and feel the reality of the character at the same time. On social media, netizens imitated Cheng Lang's small actions at the negotiation table, among which "Cheng Lang blinked" and "Cheng Lang pretended to think" became popular emojis, which made people laugh.

Highlight moment: Hassan's true feelings

The negotiation with Hassan is undoubtedly a highlight in the movie, not only because Cheng Lang's small emojis are all-encompassing, but also because this paragraph shows the deep friendship and trust between people. The audience can feel that even in the complex relationship between countries, the kindness and understanding based on human nature can still overcome obstacles.

Wang Junkai's new film "Wild Child" is coming, netizens: After Cheng Lang, another wave of emojis is booked!

Here, Cheng Lang is no longer a simple hot-blooded young man, but a diplomat who can understand each other with his heart and reach a consensus with wisdom and courage. On social media, this scene also sparked a wide range of discussions, and netizens said: "When I saw the part between Cheng Lang and Hassan, I laughed and cried, this is the charm of the movie." ”

The shouting shook the audience: Cheng Lang's voice passed through the heart


In the climax of the movie, Cheng Lang's shouting on the broken bridge not only shocked everyone, but also showed Wang Junkai's profound acting skills. This scene is not only the high point of Cheng Lang's character's emotional outburst, but also the key to the emotional turn of the movie.

Wang Junkai's new film "Wild Child" is coming, netizens: After Cheng Lang, another wave of emojis is booked!

Conveying emotions to every audience through sound, Cheng Lang's determination and courage are moving. After that, social media was full of videos of netizens imitating "Cheng Lang shouting", some funny, some affectionate, but all of them expressed their love and recognition for this highlight moment.

Looking forward to more works: Wang Junkai's future is promising


With the success of "Ten Thousand Miles Home", Wang Junkai's acting skills have been widely recognized, and the movies he is about to star in "Wild Child", "Hedgehog" and "749 Bureau" have also aroused great expectations from the public.

Wang Junkai's new film "Wild Child" is coming, netizens: After Cheng Lang, another wave of emojis is booked!

The audience is curious about Wang Junkai's performance in different roles, and expects him to bring more surprises and touches. On social media, fans have already started to promote the upcoming film, and their support and enthusiasm show Wang's special place in the hearts of audiences.

Cheng Lang, green or mature?

Although Wang Junkai's performance has won the love of most audiences, there are still different voices on the Internet about the role of Cheng Lang. Some people think that Cheng Lang's growth line is clear, from a young teenager to a mature diplomat, Wang Junkai's interpretation is vivid and expressive; Some people also think that Cheng Lang's maturity process is too abrupt and lacks sufficient emotional foreshadowing.

Wang Junkai's new film "Wild Child" is coming, netizens: After Cheng Lang, another wave of emojis is booked!

On social media, the discussion about whether Cheng Lang is young or mature is intensifying, and everyone is explaining their understanding of growth in their own way. But it is undeniable that through the role of Cheng Lang, Wang Junkai allows us to see the growth and struggle of the younger generation, and also makes us look forward to more of his works and breakthroughs in the future.

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