
The truth behind "Japanese cars surrender to Huawei": Ali has brought the price war to the United States......

author:Sales & Management

Author: Zicheng

Interpretation of TO news

The truth behind "Japanese cars surrender to Huawei".

Recently, the well-known car blogger "Sun Shaojun 09" revealed in the live broadcast that the one-day brand will use Huawei's intelligent driving system. And said that it is indeed one of the "three major Japanese mothers", and Huawei will drive intelligently at the meeting. Later, it was reported that the Japanese car company was Toyota.

The truth behind "Japanese cars surrender to Huawei": Ali has brought the price war to the United States......

Although none of the three Japanese car companies has responded to the rumor, the information about the Japanese car's "investment in China" still aroused heated discussions among netizens. Some netizens said, "Are the three Japanese mothers going to lose their souls?

Interpretation: Judging from the source of the revelations, the blogger originally meant that "among the three major Japanese car companies, one will be equipped with Huawei intelligent driving". However, after dissemination, it became "cooperation with Huawei Smart Car". It is very likely that this kind of remark is that the communicator is not familiar with Huawei's automotive business and confuses the concept.

The truth behind "Japanese cars surrender to Huawei": Ali has brought the price war to the United States......

According to public information, there are currently three types of Huawei's automotive business:

The first is the standardized parts model, which belongs to the business of a primary or secondary component supplier.

The second is Huawei's HI mode, which is the intelligent driving mode mentioned in this article, in which car companies use Huawei's full-stack solutions, including hardware and software, but Huawei does not participate in subsequent marketing and marketing.

The third is the "Huawei Smart Car", which has been renamed "HarmonyOS Zhixing", which provides both technology and sales channels.

It can be seen that smart driving and smart car are two different modes. Since Japanese cars have well-established sales channels in China, it is unlikely that they will choose the Smart Car model.

Moreover, Huawei's efforts to embrace automobile companies have already kicked off in 2023, and this year it has only joined the intention of Japanese car companies, which is far from the rumors of "Japanese cars surrendering to China".

According to Toyota's insider's answer: "At present, the known cooperation still lies in the intelligent cabin (car machine), that is, the technology adopted by the ninth-generation Camry, not intelligent driving." ”

The person added, "Beijing Auto Show Toyota will bring two new cars, the official release time is the end of the year, by Toyota's Chinese department research and development, the specific technical parameters and potential cooperation in intelligent driving is not clear, has not been released." ”

Although the possibility of cooperation between Toyota and Huawei cannot be completely ruled out, it is absolutely impossible for "Toyota to rely on Huawei for all its intelligent driving in China, or to completely hand over its soul to Huawei".

The rapid progress of China's auto industry has a big enemy, and this kind of "rice circle killing" is this kind of "rice circle killing" with false rumors.

While we rejoice that Huawei's automotive intelligent technology has rushed to the world's advanced level, we also need to beware of this kind of poison disguised as honey, and some extreme remarks packaged under patriotic complexes.

Supporters who really think about Huawei will look at Huawei's automotive technology customers with an equal eye, instead of shouting "far ahead, hang everything".

It was originally a "win-win marriage", but it turned out to be distorted into a "conquest". And this kind of distorted rhetoric is not believed to be shared by Huawei and China's auto industry.

Xiaomi sent three articles in a row late at night: strongly opposed!

On the morning of April 9, topics such as #小米公司深夜连发三文# rushed to the hot search on Weibo.

The truth behind "Japanese cars surrender to Huawei": Ali has brought the price war to the United States......

At the Zhiji Automobile press conference that started at 20 o'clock in the evening on April 8th, Zhiji Automobile moved out the most popular product in the recent car market, Xiaomi SU7 Max, for benchmarking, but the key parameters of Xiaomi car motor were wrong.

The truth behind "Japanese cars surrender to Huawei": Ali has brought the price war to the United States......
The truth behind "Japanese cars surrender to Huawei": Ali has brought the price war to the United States......

Comparison chart of Zhiji L6 and Xiaomi SU7

At 23 o'clock on the 8th, Liu Tao, CEO of Zhiji Automobile, apologized on his personal Weibo, saying that due to the wrong research results of product information, there was an information error at the press conference, Xiaomi SU7 is the same as Zhiji L6, both front and rear motors use SIC silicon carbide modules.

The truth behind "Japanese cars surrender to Huawei": Ali has brought the price war to the United States......

At around 23:30 that night, Xiaomi Auto posted two Weibo posts naming Zhiji Auto, urging Zhiji to immediately make a public clarification and formally apologize to the public who were misled by it.

Or the first two Weibo failed to attract Zhiji's attention, in the early morning of April 9, Xiaomi's spokesperson official Weibo issued an ultimatum to Zhiji. About half an hour later, Zhiji Auto's official Weibo issued a letter of apology, saying that due to the team's negligence in content review, the key parameters of the competing Xiaomi car were incorrectly labeled at the press conference.

Interpretation: Generally speaking, major technology manufacturers will definitely check the PPT content of the press conference repeatedly.

In particular, the content of those pages comparing with friends must be reviewed many times. If you make a mistake, isn't it just causing trouble for yourself?

It stands to reason that Zhiji Auto is very professional, and it is jointly built by SAIC, Alibaba, and Zhangjiang Hi-Tech, with a registered capital of 10 billion yuan.

But in reality, Zhiji Auto really had problems in the collection of Xiaomi Automobile-related information, or in the follow-up review process, and made jokes.

Fortunately, Liu Tao, co-CEO of Zhiji Auto, apologized to Xiaomi, quickly enough. This quick and fast action may be related to its attention to Xiaomi.

After the release of Xiaomi SU7, Liu Tao posted 2 Weibo posts in a row:

The first is: the speed of Xiaomi cars is indeed fast, three years from the platform to do the first vehicle, Internet companies can be so efficient and high-speed realization, there is indeed a fast trot, my heart surging feeling.

The second is that traffic does not necessarily represent the truth, and the truth is often not in the hands of traffic. After seeing the excitement of the splashing traffic, let's take a look at the doorway, and want to know the extent to which the most cutting-edge and cutting-edge technology of China's smart electric vehicles has developed, welcome to witness the masterpiece of the day after tomorrow - #智己L6#.

It can be said that Liu Tao, co-CEO of Zhiji, has always paid attention to the dynamics of Xiaomi Automobile, and has been attracting traffic for the new car Zhiji L6 on social platforms.

For Lei Jun, Xiaomi was benchmarked for the first time when he made a car, which can be regarded as an affirmation.

Finally, I want to say that behind this hot search, we can also see that the "volume" and "fight" of China's automobile industry have long reached an exaggerated level, and various voices have been heard throughout the night.

However, whether it is questioned or touched, or whether it is intentional, the final results must be handed over to the market and consumers.

The popularity on the Internet is not the same as the sales heat of the automobile market, so let the bullets fly for a while, and let time give us the right answer!

Alibaba Cloud has brought the price war to the United States, with a maximum price reduction of 59%

On the afternoon of April 8, Alibaba Cloud officially announced that it would raise product prices offline in 13 regional nodes around the world, with an average decrease of 23% and a maximum decrease of 59%, covering five categories of products and 500+ product specifications.

The truth behind "Japanese cars surrender to Huawei": Ali has brought the price war to the United States......

From the perspective of geographical nodes, this price reduction covers Asia, Europe, and the United States, the home of cloud giants such as Amazon and Microsoft. Alibaba Cloud announced that the new price will take effect immediately and will be applicable to new and existing customers who place orders through Alibaba Cloud's official website.

After the news was announced, Ali Hong Kong stocks rebounded slightly in late trading, and finally closed up 0.5%, with a market value of HK$1.37 trillion.

Interpretation: Sure enough, after two consecutive sharp price cuts in China, Alibaba Cloud finally expanded the price war to overseas markets.

As soon as the news of Alibaba Cloud's price reduction came out, it immediately sparked heated discussions in the American media. Bloomberg pointed out that Alibaba Cloud's price cut coincides with the surge in demand for cloud computing brought about by the global AI development boom. Bloomberg commented that Alibaba Cloud's overseas price cuts confirm that the company is more focused on revenue growth than profitability this fiscal year.

From the perspective of market structure, Alibaba Cloud is currently the largest cloud vendor in the Asia-Pacific region, including China, and the fourth largest cloud vendor in the world, after Amazon, Microsoft and Google.

Just like the price reduction in China, Alibaba Cloud's overseas price reduction does not mention price wars, but focuses on cost advantages.

Yuan Qian, President of Alibaba Cloud Intelligence International Business Unit, said that the world is at a critical moment in the transformation from traditional computing to AI computing. Alibaba Cloud continues to reduce cloud computing costs by unleashing scale and technology dividends, enabling global developers and enterprises to seize the growth opportunities brought by AIGC.

In February this year, when the "largest price reduction in history" was carried out in China, Liu Weiguang, senior vice president of Alibaba Cloud Intelligence Group and president of public cloud business, also said that Alibaba Cloud provides millions of customers with a reusable global cloud computing network and resource pool, and the more customers use, the supply chain procurement cost, average R&D cost and resource idle cost can be continuously reduced.

It is undeniable that the advantage of scale can share the cost pressure, but Alibaba Cloud's aggressive price reduction strategy must also take into account market competition factors.

In recent years, Alibaba Cloud's revenue growth rate has been declining year by year, and in the four years from fiscal year 2019 to fiscal year 2022, Alibaba Cloud's revenue growth rate was 84%, 62%, 50%, and 29% respectively, all the way down.

In China, Alibaba Cloud is constantly suffering from the impact of Huawei Cloud and carriers. According to IDC data, in the third quarter of 2023, Alibaba Cloud accounted for 26.7% of China's public cloud market, ranking first in the market, but its market share fell by 5.8 percentage points year-on-year, while the share of Huawei Cloud, e Cloud and Mobile Cloud increased.

In the global market, American cloud giants such as Microsoft, Amazon, and Google occupy an absolute dominant position.

Data shows that in the fourth quarter of 2023, Amazon topped the global cloud computing market with a share of 31%, Microsoft ranked second with 25%, and Google's share stabilized at around 11%. Combined, these three U.S. companies account for 67 percent of the market, compared to 4 percent for Alibaba Cloud.

The truth behind "Japanese cars surrender to Huawei": Ali has brought the price war to the United States......

In this context, Alibaba Cloud is competing in the global market, on the one hand, it has to face the competitive pressure of American giants, and on the other hand, there is still uncertainty about the export control of advanced chips in the United States. In this case, it is not difficult to understand that Alibaba Cloud is competing for the market through a price reduction strategy.

TO Characters/Perspectives

Zhou Hongyi talked about why Xiaomi Auto is successful

In Zhou Hongyi's free class held on the 8th, Zhou Hongyi, the founder of 360 Group, revealed that "he can't drive" when talking about Lei Jun's car. Zhou Hongyi said to the audience: "I am an absolute novice in terms of cars, unlike everyone here who is an old driver, I don't even have a driver's license to this day, and I can't even drive a car." ”

Zhou Hongyi believes that Lei Jun not only does a good job in making Xiaomi cars, but also has a god-like existence in marketing. "Lei Jun said a lot of things at the Xiaomi press conference, and I, as a novice user, listened to them all and felt that I understood them. ”

In his opinion, one of the most important reasons for the success of Xiaomi Auto is that it has a user mindset. "Many car manufacturers used to deal with the media or their dealers, all of which were a kind of thinking of To B, which is called jargon if it is good, and black when it is not good. Zhou Hongyi said.

Musk said that Tesla's cumulative investment in autonomous driving will exceed 10 billion US dollars

Musk recently said on X that Tesla's cumulative investment in the field of autonomous driving this year will exceed $10 billion. The remarks stemmed from an EV proponent's speculation about Tesla's FSD training process, and Musk pointed out in a reply to netizens that Tesla will invest more than $10 billion in training calculations, data pipelines and video storage this year.

"The difficulty of achieving universal autonomous driving is staggering, and it requires everything we described above and more," he wrote. This year alone, Tesla will spend more than $10 billion in training computing, massive data pipelines, and massive video storage. But that's nothing compared to cars worth about $250 billion with Tesla-designed AI inference computers installed on the roads and trained by drivers. ”

Tesla's chief designer responds to the cancellation of the development of a $25,000 electric car: Don't believe the rumors

Tesla's chief designer Franz Hoyson recently responded to rumors that Tesla has canceled the development of a $25,000 (currently about 181,000 yuan) cheap electric car, echoing Tesla CEO Elon Musk's previous denials. Franz also responded to reports of cheap electric cars on Sunday, according to a video posted by YouTuber BLKMDL3.

The video, filmed at a panel discussion at the Petersen Automotive Museum, shows a reporter asking about the progress of the $25,000 cheap electric car, whether it has been canceled, postponed or otherwise scheduled. While Franz's response was not as direct as Musk's, he was equally skeptical of the Reuters report. "Stay tuned," Franz said, "and don't always believe what you read." ”

TO Corporation's movements

Apple suddenly revealed a major leak

Apple recently sued a former employee named Andrew Aude for leaking sensitive information to media and other technology companies, violating the company's nondisclosure agreement and labor laws, according to the latest documents released by the Santa Clara County Superior Court in California, and Apple is seeking more than $25,000 in damages.

In 2016, Aude joined Apple as an iOS software engineer shortly after graduating from college. The complaint alleges that because Aude was responsible for optimizing battery performance, it gave him "access to information on dozens of Apple's most sensitive projects."

According to the complaint, Aude leaked confidential information over a five-year period on at least six Apple products, including the then-unannounced mixed reality headset Vision Pro, Apple's product development policies, regulatory compliance strategies, and changes in the number of employees in various departments.

According to Apple, Aude used the company-issued work iPhone to send more than 1,400 messages to a Wall Street Journal reporter "Homeboy" through the encrypted messaging app "Signal" and as many as 10,000 text messages to another reporter from Silicon Valley tech media outlet "The Infomation" and made a special trip to meet up. Since Aude often takes screenshots on his work iPhone to save a record of his communications with media reporters, this allows Apple to retrieve these contents.

Li Auto's response: The layoffs and the significant reduction in the budget are not true

Ideal response to reporters, online rumors of layoffs and significant budget cuts are not true. Previously, it was reported on the Internet that some employees of Li Auto revealed the current status of the company: 1. All new offers are suspended for approval; 2. There will be a small number of stocks above the 17 post, but they may be linked to performance evaluation, and low performance cannot be cashed out; 3. The total budget has been reduced by more than 30%, and the current personnel structure is arranged according to the annual sales of 800,000, and the personnel are relatively redundant, and the next step will be to lay off employees.

Amazon China laid off employees, and some employees have received emails

Some employees of Amazon China are reported to have received layoff notification emails from the headquarters. The outgoing emails show that Amazon said it had optimized teams in other areas of the business and found "duplication in job categories such as project management, sales operations," and therefore reduced hundreds of positions in specific sales, marketing, and global services organizations.

Faraday Future: The U.S. market recall has been completed through the remote OTA of the new version of the software, and users can use it normally

Faraday Future said it has completed the release of a remote OTA software update, correcting potential security risks identified in previous voluntary recalls.

A user notification letter regarding the upgrade was sent on March 28. The software update can be performed remotely via OTA technology, and as of April 1, all FF 91 2.0 vehicles sold in the U.S. market have been updated with the software and this recall has been completed.

"Tencent Cloud collapsed" is on the hot search, official: It is being urgently repaired

The truth behind "Japanese cars surrender to Huawei": Ali has brought the price war to the United States......

At noon on April 8, "Tencent Cloud collapsed" entered the hot search on Weibo. At 16:45 on the 8th, Weibo @tencentcloud issued an announcement saying: "After investigation, the relevant services of the Tencent Cloud official website console are abnormal, and engineers are urgently repairing them, I'm really sorry! ”

Shimao Group was filed with a winding-up petition, down more than 18% throughout the day

On April 8, Shimao Group, a Chinese real estate developer, announced that it had received a winding-up petition filed by China Construction Bank with the High Court of Hong Kong. Shimao Group's Hong Kong stocks fell by more than 7% after the opening on the 8th, and fell by more than 18% throughout the day.

China Construction Bank (Asia) Corporation Limited filed a winding-up petition against the company in the High Court of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region on April 5, involving financial obligations amounting to approximately HK$1,579.5 million (about S$272 million), Shimao Group announced on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange on Monday.

The truth behind "Japanese cars surrender to Huawei": Ali has brought the price war to the United States......

According to the announcement, Shimao Group believes that the petition does not represent the common interests of the company's overseas creditors and other related parties. In order to protect the interests of its related parties, the Company will vigorously oppose the petition and continue to move forward with the offshore debt restructuring to maximize the value of its related parties.

Affected by this, Shimao Group fell 7.69% immediately after the opening and fell all the way. By the end of trading at 16 o'clock, the Hong Kong stock market fell by 18.68% to HK$0.37 per share, and the market value fell to HK$1.4 billion.

Xiaomi responds to the SU7's inability to pull out the gun at the Tesla charging pile: the problem of three-phase voltage in the power grid

Recently, some users have been unable to pull out the charging gun normally after using the Tesla AC home charging pile to charge the Xiaomi SU7.

In response, Xiaomi Auto responded. Through analysis, they found that after the vehicle started charging, due to the serious imbalance of the three-phase voltage of the user's community power grid, the vehicle charger system (OBC) reported three consecutive errors, and entered the charging protection mechanism at the same time, so it could not respond to the user's unlocking command. Due to the inconsistent voltage balance of each user's community power grid, Xiaomi Auto will also optimize the operation mechanism of entering the charging protection mode due to errors through OTA in the future.

AVATR refuted the rumors and took over Gaohe Automobile

On April 8, some netizens broke the news that Gaohe Automobile ushered in a white knight, and AVATR had reached a merger and acquisition agreement with Gaohe. In this regard, a person from the public relations department of AVATR responded to reporters that the information was not true.

Master Kong's bottle has been printed with a suggested retail price of 5.0 yuan

On April 7, the topic "1L Master Kong Ice Tea Rose to 5 Yuan" appeared on Weibo's hot search, causing heated discussions among netizens. Some consumers sighed: There seem to be fewer and fewer drinks within 3 yuan on the shelves?

Previously, due to its large capacity and low price, Master Kong's 1L tea series was very popular with consumers. On the 8th, a Jimu News reporter visited the Wuhan market and found that in many convenience stores and small supermarkets, the price of the product has increased to varying degrees, and most of the prices are set at 4.5 yuan to 5 yuan. However, there are still preferential activities on local instant retail platforms, which are converted to less than 4 yuan per bottle.

On the morning of April 8, in a small supermarket near Xinhua Road, Jiefang Avenue, Wuhan, a Jimu News reporter saw that at the bottom of the plastic film on the outer packaging of the bottle, a line of words was written: "Suggested retail price of 5.0 yuan". According to the owner, this is only available in the new packaging, and the old packaging did not have this line of words. However, although the suggested retail price is 5 yuan, the price of a single bottle in the store is 4.5 yuan, "I'm afraid that it will rise too much and consumers won't be able to accept it, so take your time!"

Huawei applied for the registration of the trademark Petal Travel

Tianyancha intellectual property information shows that recently, Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. applied for the registration of 3 "petal travel" trademarks, which are internationally classified as communication services, website services, transportation and storage, and the current status is pending substantive examination. Previously, Huawei has applied for a series of petal-related trademarks such as "Petal Chain", "Petal Map", "Petal Payment", "Petal Translation", "Petal Search", and "Petal Patent".

Evergrande Real Estate was enforced to be 1.02 billion yuan, and the cumulative amount of enforcement exceeded 51.5 billion

Tianyancha App shows that on April 7, Evergrande Real Estate Group Co., Ltd. added 11 pieces of information on the person subject to execution, with a total of more than 1.02 billion yuan in the subject matter of enforcement, involving cases such as construction project contract disputes and bill recourse disputes, some of which are cases for the resumption of enforcement, and some cases of executors also include Evergrande Real Estate Group Changsha Real Estate Co., Ltd., Evergrande Real Estate Group Jinan Real Estate Co., Ltd., Changde Xinze Real Estate Co., Ltd., etc. According to the risk information, Evergrande Real Estate Group Co., Ltd. has more than 620 pieces of information on persons subject to execution, with a total amount of more than 51.5 billion yuan.

In addition, the company also has a number of consumption restriction orders, judgment defaulters (lai) and final case information.

Oriental Selection announced the launch of hourly delivery service, covering 80% of the area within Beijing's Fifth Ring Road

Dongfang Selection announced that it officially launched the "Hour" service and launched the "Dongfang Selection Hour" account on Douyin. It is reported that Dongfang Selection's "Hour Delivery" business is first aimed at the Beijing market, and has established cooperation with 17 front warehouses, covering 80% of the area within Beijing's Fifth Ring Road, and will cover more cities in the future.

Rs.26.5 billion SAIC responds to MG India's introduction of strategic investors

On April 7, SAIC Motor announced that its holding subsidiary, MG Motor India Pvt. Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as MG India), intends to introduce investors such as JSW through equity transfer and capital increase.

On the same day, the reporter learned from SAIC that SAIC Motor had recently received 26.5 billion rupees from JSW for the equity transfer. It is reported that in 2017, SAIC Motor wholly owned MG India with a paid-in capital of Rs 29.2 billion, and has received Rs 26.5 billion paid by JSW for the purchase of 26% equity of MG India, recovering most of the investment, in addition, JSW, investment funds, dealer trusts, and employee stock ownership plans will jointly inject Rs 25.6 billion into MG India.

The truth behind "Japanese cars surrender to Huawei": Ali has brought the price war to the United States......

SAIC told reporters that the follow-up SAIC MG India is equivalent to a joint venture, mainly because of various considerations to adopt this cooperation method, in order to achieve better development in the local area, which is a strategic consideration. "In the future, SAIC will continue to introduce advanced technologies and products in the local market. ”

Alibaba's overseas "No. 1 Project" has been exposed, and Huawei, Lenovo, etc. have joined

On the morning of April 8, the WeChat public account "Alibaba AliExpress" issued an announcement, saying that it would launch "10 billion subsidized brands to go overseas" to promote more brand merchants and products to enter overseas markets. According to some rumors, the project is regarded as AliExpress's "No. 1 project" in 2024. At noon on the same day, a person close to Ali International Digital Business Group (AIDC) confirmed this statement to reporters.

The truth behind "Japanese cars surrender to Huawei": Ali has brought the price war to the United States......

According to the data, merchants can use the model of fully managed or semi-managed POP to participate in the "tens of billions of subsidized brands going to sea". According to the plan, merchants who settle in the "brand going overseas" can enjoy the special support of "10 billion subsidies" and exclusive channel traffic, as well as the full-link transparent transmission of the brand's exclusive logo, the black label brand certification of the store, the priority display of the search and promotion brand, the traffic subsidy, and the subsidy for breaking zero for new products.

It is reported that well-known brands including Huawei, Lenovo, Xiaomi, DJI, and Timco have settled in, and Midea, Hisense, and TCL are also in contact.





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