
An account with zero works but 4 million followers is suffocating on the whole network......


In the early hours of the morning, a Douyin blogger posted a video that attracted a netizen named Mortal to leave him a message:

"Tips: If you don't sleep, your hair will fall out~"

looked at the other party's portrait of the gray wolf, with a hint of ridicule in his tone.

The blogger felt that the other party was yin and yang, and his temper suddenly rose, and he replied:

"It's okay, so are you. ”

An account with zero works but 4 million followers is suffocating on the whole network......

However, the other party's next reply was unexpected by the blogger.

"I had cancer and underwent chemotherapy, and my hair was shaved. ”

That line of helpless and light text, like a heavy hammer, slammed into the blogger's heart:

"Bah, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm damned, I wish you a speedy recovery, come on!"

In response to the blogger's unintentional offense, Mortal's reply remained calm:

"I can't recover, and I've been given a critical illness notice. ”

Mortal said such a heavy sentence in the lightest way possible, as if he was not talking about his own life.

This is the end of the conversation, and the blogger stays up all night.

Soon after, the conversation between the two was screenshotted by netizens and went viral, and some people impersonated.

As a last resort, the blogger sent out a screenshot again.

It was 12 o'clock in the evening, and a private message from Mortal, the first sentence of which made the blogger burst into tears.

"They didn't cyberbully you, right?"

It turned out that after learning that their conversation had become a hot topic, Mortal had been worried about the blogger being subjected to online violence.

I wanted to reply to the blogger in time, but my body couldn't hold it anymore, and I just woke up in pain again.

But even so, she still remembered the blogger, and at the end she told him:

"I signed the human organ donation registration form today, I really can't bear it, you also take care of yourself...... Be friends with me in the next life. ”

"Oh no, don't lie to me......"

An account with zero works but 4 million followers is suffocating on the whole network......

The blogger tried to make a final effort, but Mortal left a message, "Don't be sad, I don't blame you", and there was no reply.

After the story of Mortal spread, many people learned the truth through Mortal's friends.

It turned out that Mortal, who used the gray wolf as his avatar, was a native of Anshun, Guizhou, and was a cheerful and smiling beautiful girl in life, only 23 years old, but unfortunately diagnosed with terminal cancer.

Interested netizens also checked the meaning of Mortal, and the result was once again to break the defense.


It wasn't until this moment that everyone read the signature on Mortal's account:

"Ask for a resurrection scroll and forget it......"

also finally remembered the shout at the end of each episode of the gray wolf:

"I'll definitely be back......"

How much she wants to stay in this world for a while longer.

Also from that day, many netizens changed to the avatar of the gray wolf, saying that they wanted to see the world for Mortal.

An account with zero works but 4 million followers is suffocating on the whole network......

In the related topics of Mortal, they shared the sunset, morning glow, snow-capped mountains, and the sea they have experienced......

Mortal's video account, which has never uploaded a single work, has gained 4 million followers in a year.

An account with zero works but 4 million followers is suffocating on the whole network......

More and more people are starting to write private messages to Mortal:

"There is a spicy tang in my hometown, take you to try it!"

"Is there anyone bullying you? You can go to my grandma to play, if you are in trouble, you go to her, she will definitely help you!"

Some people also posted their honorary certificates for donating hematopoietic stem cells:

"I brought back a Mortal last year, it's a pity that I can only help one person in my life, everyone should be good!"

The messages were full of warmth and strength, and netizens paid tribute to the girl they had never met in their own way.

Reminds me of a passage:

"Do you know how gentle people are born? After going through a lot of difficulties and injustices, they decided to make the people around them no longer feel as sad as they are. This bloody thoughtfulness, people call it gentleness.

Because I had been drenched in the rain myself, I tried my best to be the one holding the umbrella.

What I protect with an umbrella is not the person under the umbrella, but the faint light in my heart. ”

What is that glimmer of light for Mortal and those who miss Mortal?

Isn't it the two words we tend to overlook, "alive"?

Life is a lifetime, grass is born in autumn. It comes like wind and rain, and goes like dust.

As one netizen said: "Mortal is not a person's name, she represents a group of the same people! ”

Everyone who insists on moving forward for a better life is a hero.

An account with zero works but 4 million followers is suffocating on the whole network......

Share a story with everyone.

A boy from Xi'an, who loves 3D models and often visits second-hand stores on the Internet.

One day, he met a rookie seller in Shandong @Qiansihu.

An account with zero works but 4 million followers is suffocating on the whole network......

At first, it was just a few small talks, and he asked the other party a lot of difficult questions with his own accord.

Unexpectedly, the other party not only answered for him very patiently, but the more the two chatted, the more speculative they became, "from 3D printing to SLR cameras and then to games", and finally added friends to each other.

But suddenly one day, Qiansi Fox suddenly stopped shipping, and no one replied to the messages sent in the past.

This state of affairs lasted for a long time until the store reopened.

Then I saw this dynamic:

"I am the mother of this owner, my son passed away on May 21 due to illness, according to my son's wishes, the body and cornea have been donated, a cornea matching has been completed, and the operation is very successful......"

At this time, the boy knew that the gentle and kind buddy on the Internet had already been seriously ill.

"Congenital genetic disease, you can't live to be 40 years old. ”

From the year he was diagnosed at the age of 5, Qiansi Fox knew that he was different from other children.

Because of his illness, he was frail since he was a child, he couldn't climb the stairs, and even the flat road would sway, let alone go to school, fall in love, get married and have children normally.

Let me ask, if you are a fox in a thousand temples, will you still have that heart of "live well"?

But this boy is in the dark, looking for the light in his life little by little.

Legs and feet are inconvenient, don't you still have hands?

Starting by hand, he gradually put all his passion into 3D models.

The praise rate of Qiansi Fox's online store is 100%, and when buying and selling goods, he is afraid that netizens will not understand, and even provide video explanations.

Many people affectionately refer to Senji Fox as "Big Guy", and at that time no one would have imagined that sitting on the other end of the screen was a weak patient.

An account with zero works but 4 million followers is suffocating on the whole network......

The mother of the fox of the thousand temples also said a small thing.

An ant ran to his table, and the first reaction of the fox was not to slap it to death, but to protect it.

Be kind and passionate.

Unfortunately, such a bright guy did not finish his 25 years old.

Fortunately, he used his short life to outline his own wonderful.

After the death of the fox, he donated his body and cornea.

His mother, with the encouragement of netizens, also decided to take over his online store.

Those netizens who have been helped by Qiansi Fox have now become the helpers of Qiansi Fox's mother.

They taught an elderly man in his 50s how to make 3D models and how to make deals with netizens online......

In the past two years, the number of fans of Senji Fox has increased from more than 1,000 to more than 260,000.

An account with zero works but 4 million followers is suffocating on the whole network......

Even the world-famous game "Cyberpunk 2077" specially designed an NPC character of "Prosthetic Doctor" for Qiansi Fox.

An account with zero works but 4 million followers is suffocating on the whole network......

"Hey, friend, have you ever met my mother? I'm too busy here to go back to see her, if you meet her, please help me convey that I love her forever." ”

Countless players poured into the game to interact with the Thousand Temple Fox as if he had never left.

We've all heard the saying that people experience three deaths:

The first time is when the heart stops beating, and the death is physiologically declared;

The second time, when the funeral was held, his death was pronounced in society;

The third time was when no one in the world remembered him, and he actually died.

Life will eventually pass, don't let down the world, don't come in vain.

An account with zero works but 4 million followers is suffocating on the whole network......

Many people have been amused by a set of cartoons to cry and laugh.

A girl who drifted north drew her daily life in the hospital into cute cartoons.

In the atmosphere of humor and humor, people almost forget that the author's pen name is "Tumor-kun".

Maybe many people have already shouted the girl's name in their hearts: Xiong Dun, and a movie based on her: "Get Out, Tumor-kun".

Realistically speaking, in the face of death, no one can talk and laugh.

The first time, because the treatment required shaving his head, Xiongton cried.

The second time, the condition relapsed, and she cried again when she got the consent form for chemotherapy again.

So, why do we know Xiongton to be an optimistic and cheerful girl?

I remember Xiongton once said:

"One cannot be afraid of losing and not possessing. ”

Since that day is destined to come, it is better to cherish what you have now.

The pain was unbearable, and she would have no qualms about posting caricatures she drew on the Internet and asking for advice.

An account with zero works but 4 million followers is suffocating on the whole network......

Nasal feeding, which can only be eaten through the nasal cavity, can also tease herself.

An account with zero works but 4 million followers is suffocating on the whole network......

Even on a drip, she imagines herself "drinking orange juice".

An account with zero works but 4 million followers is suffocating on the whole network......

She updated her comics and dressed up beautifully to accompany her friends to take wedding photos.

Even the last Weibo was concerned about the best friend who cared about her: "Amy, it's cold outside, you wear more clothes." ”

In fact, at the time of posting this Weibo, Xiong Dun was already having difficulty breathing and could not lie down.

But she insisted that "you have to write two sentences, otherwise everyone should be worried".

Because in Xiong Don's view, compared to the fear of death, there is too much beauty in this world that she deserves to embrace and protect.

And after she left, there were still people in the world who loved her......

An account with zero works but 4 million followers is suffocating on the whole network......

When "Get Out, Tumor" was released, Wu Yanzu, as the starring actor, had a heartfelt confession.

He said that the film brought him out of the shadow of his mother's death, "This script gave me an inspiration, a motivation that you can't do that." Through Xiongton's story, I found that one of the most important points in life is to continue to work hard to live...... Cherish life well. ”

There's a high-frequency word on the internet: Born to die.

We will all lose this short life eventually, you might as well be bold, love someone, climb a mountain, and chase a dream.


1. Jimu News: "An account with zero works but 4 million followers, the story behind it is tearful"

2. Poster News: "The World丨Model Player Passed Away, Mother Took Over the Online Store to Inherit the Legacy, Brother Speaks: Mother Teaches 3D Printing by Herself, Persists as Long as There Are Customers"

3. Shanghai News Broadcasting: "Tears! After the death of a 25-year-old model player, his mother taught herself 3D modeling to take orders for him: slowly understanding her son's world"

4. Sanlian Life Weekly: "Xiong Dun: Laughing at Life"

An account with zero works but 4 million followers is suffocating on the whole network......

作者:王耳朵। 来源:王耳朵先生(ID:Huangezishib).

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