
The transfer of property by the rich is as high as 22 trillion, why is there no departure tax, and there is no expert advice to be in line with international standards

author:Thousands of mountains are volumes, and mountains and rivers answer

A staggering 22 trillion yuan of property transferred to Western countries by China's richest people. In the process, some people could not help but raise several questions: Why is there no departure tax? Why is there no expert advice to be in line with international standards? Why don't banks ask how to use the more than 50,000 yuan of money? How did so much money flee China? Why didn't experts stand up and stop it?

The transfer of property by the rich is as high as 22 trillion, why is there no departure tax, and there is no expert advice to be in line with international standards

First, let's explore why there is no departure tax. A departure tax is a tax levied on an individual or business when they leave a country. However, there is no policy of a departure tax in China. This may be because a departure tax is not practical for China. The Chinese government is more focused on attracting foreign investment and promoting economic development, so it does not set a departure tax to restrict the flow of assets of the wealthy.

The transfer of property by the rich is as high as 22 trillion, why is there no departure tax, and there is no expert advice to be in line with international standards

Second, why is there no expert advice that is in line with international standards? Expert advice is often closely related to national policies. In this case, the voice of the expert may be influenced by political and economic interests. At the same time, there are still some obstacles in China's international integration. There are still gaps between China's financial system and regulators and those in Western countries, which has led to some unsatisfactory problems in terms of financial transactions and regulation.

The transfer of property by the rich is as high as 22 trillion, why is there no departure tax, and there is no expert advice to be in line with international standards

Next, let's answer the bank's question of how to use the amount of more than 50,000 yuan and the outflow of funds. First of all, the requirement that bank withdrawals require the use of the amount of money is mainly to prevent illegal activities such as money laundering. However, when it comes to the transfer of property by the wealthy, they often choose to transfer funds in a legal way, such as through cross-border investment, stocks and real estate, etc., without violating the bank's regulations in the process.

The transfer of property by the rich is as high as 22 trillion, why is there no departure tax, and there is no expert advice to be in line with international standards

First, the experts' recommendations often require the approval and adoption of the government, which takes into account a variety of factors, including economic development and tax policy. Second, experts may be subject to political and economic pressure, and there may be some kind of interest in the transfer of wealth by the wealthy. Moreover, a country as large as China is very difficult to control the flow of money, and the government needs more time and resources to deal with this problem.

The transfer of property by the rich is as high as 22 trillion, why is there no departure tax, and there is no expert advice to be in line with international standards

To sum up, the transfer of up to 22 trillion yuan of property by China's wealthy to Western countries has raised a series of questions and concerns, but answering these questions is not so simple. Factors such as policy, national development, and interest relations are all affecting the solution of this problem. In the future, we can expect the Chinese government to improve the supervision of capital flows and economic development, and to integrate with international standards, so as to improve the transparency and legitimacy of capital flows.

The transfer of property by the rich is as high as 22 trillion, why is there no departure tax, and there is no expert advice to be in line with international standards

All in all, the transfer of assets from China's wealthy to Western countries has indeed raised a lot of questions and speculation. However, when discussing this issue, we need to look at the complexity and multifaceted nature of the issue objectively and rationally. In dealing with this issue, the government, experts, and all sectors of society should make full use of their wisdom and ability to safeguard the interests and image of the country and the legitimate flow of personal property. Only on this basis can we promote China's economic development and the health and stability of the financial system.

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