
Years of suffocating marriage: Chen Songling and her mother-in-law finally broke out into a big war, Zhang Duo was sad, and he could only persuade him

author:Sen Sen said ancient and modern
Years of suffocating marriage: Chen Songling and her mother-in-law finally broke out into a big war, Zhang Duo was sad, and he could only persuade him

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A gift of fate

After the dust settled, Chen Songling's life seemed to fall into the darkness of eternal night. She experienced one blow after another, her family was in the middle of the road, her father died, and the heaviest thing was that the doctor ruled that she had ovarian cancer, and it was difficult for her to get pregnant and become a mother in this life.

This cruel fact undoubtedly gave Chen Songling the most fatal blow, she was devastated, and the whole person fell into deep despair.

She was once so strong and optimistic, even when her family was in the most difficult situation, she never gave up her dream. But now, all hope seems to have been extinguished by life, and Chen Songling feels physically and mentally exhausted and can't see the future.

Years of suffocating marriage: Chen Songling and her mother-in-law finally broke out into a big war, Zhang Duo was sad, and he could only persuade him

She curled up helplessly in the corner of the room, her eyes blank, sometimes weeping bitterly, sometimes lamenting that she was destined to live alone.

At this critical juncture, fate gave Chen Songling an unexpected gift. Zhang Duo's appearance was like a ray of light in the dark night, giving her a new life force.

At first, Chen Songling was apprehensive about Zhang Duo's love, and she didn't know whether she should accept this sister-brother relationship. What's more, the fact that she couldn't have children made her feel inferior, for fear that she would become Zhang Duo's burden.

In the face of criticism from the outside world, Zhang Duo resolutely declared that he was a "Dink clan" and never cared about a childless life. His eyes were steadfast and he didn't seem to take all the doubts to heart at all.

Years of suffocating marriage: Chen Songling and her mother-in-law finally broke out into a big war, Zhang Duo was sad, and he could only persuade him

At home, Zhang Duo even concealed the fact that Chen Songling was unable to have children, and tried his best to persuade both parents not to let the fertility problem affect their relationship.

Zhang Duo's protection of Chen Songling gave her a new hope for life. Chen Songling finally came out of the darkness and regained her yearning for a better life. Her eyes regained their brightness, and the corners of her mouth returned to a happy smile.

With Zhang Duo's company, she felt the warmth of home and no longer felt lonely. Even the closest friends were shocked by her transformation and rebirth when they saw Chen Songling today.

Take its toll

Years of suffocating marriage: Chen Songling and her mother-in-law finally broke out into a big war, Zhang Duo was sad, and he could only persuade him

Looking back on Chen Songling's ups and downs in her life, she paid a heavy price to finally achieve today's happiness. Born in a wealthy family, Chen Songling has been doted on in a carefree life since she was a child.

The good times didn't last long, and the family fell into the middle of the house when she was still young, and the family had to come to Hong Kong alone and start a poor life.

Those days were undoubtedly a traumatic blow to the young Chen Songling. Seeing her parents go crazy due to the loss of their investment and turn against each other violently at every turn, she had to stand up on her petite body and face the turmoil of her family on her own.

Sometimes, Chen Songling would cower in a corner in horror and cover her ears with her hands, for fear of hearing her parents' quarrels.

Years of suffocating marriage: Chen Songling and her mother-in-law finally broke out into a big war, Zhang Duo was sad, and he could only persuade him

What's even more cruel is that when Chen Songling was 15 years old, she became famous in one fell swoop after participating in the talent competition with a musical dream and became the breadwinner of the family, she proposed to her mother her desire to leave the entertainment industry for further study, but was ruthlessly rejected by her mother and was completely expelled from the house.

That day, Chen Songling remembers it vividly. She said earnestly to her mother, "Mom, I want to go to school, please give me a chance."

In this way, Chen Songling, who is only 15 years old, is alone in the strange city of Hong Kong and has nowhere to go. She suffered the betrayal of her family affection and was penniless, so she could only take refuge in her superficially amiable godmother.

Who knew that the true face of the godmother was even more vicious than her biological mother, and she actually used the income from Chen Songling's hard work to make her two idle daughters her agents and embezzle her property on a large scale.

Years of suffocating marriage: Chen Songling and her mother-in-law finally broke out into a big war, Zhang Duo was sad, and he could only persuade him

The double betrayal of money and feelings caused Chen Songling to suffer another heavy blow in her career. However, despite her physical and mental exhaustion, she did not give up her yearning and pursuit of life.

Chen Songling gritted her teeth and persevered, and was finally admitted to the Chinese University of Hong Kong, opening a new chapter in her life. With her outstanding acting skills and hard work, she has worked hard to make a world in the entertainment industry, and has co-starred in many film and television dramas with popular movie stars, and her career has reached its peak.

From the ups and downs of her family, to the ruthless betrayal of her family, to the trough and rebirth of her career, Chen Songling's life can be described as ups and downs and bumpy. She paid a heavy price with tenacity and courage to finally find the meaning of life and full happiness.

The arduous journey along the way has forged her hard-working and optimistic character today.

Years of suffocating marriage: Chen Songling and her mother-in-law finally broke out into a big war, Zhang Duo was sad, and he could only persuade him

His perseverance

Faced with the fact that Chen Songling was unable to have children, Zhang Duo showed a unique protection and cherishment. From acquaintance to marriage hand in hand, the outside world has always questioned the love between the sister and brother.

Some people feel that the age gap between them is too big to last long; Some people are also worried that Zhang Duo will pursue Chen Songling as a "Dink clan", and there will be estrangement due to the lack of children in the future.

Zhang Duo's love for Chen Songling is out of Sima Zhao's heart, and he is indomitable, completely ignoring the rumors of the outside world. In the face of doubts, he resolutely and publicly stated that he was a "Dink", chose a childless life, and bravely faced everyone's criticism and criticism.

Years of suffocating marriage: Chen Songling and her mother-in-law finally broke out into a big war, Zhang Duo was sad, and he could only persuade him

What's even more touching is that at home, Zhang Duo actually hid the fact that Chen Songling was unable to have children from his parents. He meticulously comforted both parents and tried his best to persuade them that he would never let the fertility problem affect the relationship between him and Chen Songling.

It can be seen that Zhang Duo loves his wife very much and does not want this incident to bring her any psychological pressure.

In order to give Chen Songling enough protection, Zhang Duo carefully formulated a 40-year pension plan. From daily life to financial resources, from health care to leisure arrangements, he has made all-round arrangements for his wife's long-term life to ensure that she has no worries.

The careful arrangement implies Zhang Duo's deep attachment to his wife.

Years of suffocating marriage: Chen Songling and her mother-in-law finally broke out into a big war, Zhang Duo was sad, and he could only persuade him

In the face of her mother-in-law's indifference and criticism of Chen Songling, Zhang Duo was also unswerving and stood on his wife's side without flinching. In front of his mother, he personally expressed his support for his wife's authority and defended the proper status of husband and wife.

This courage to stick to it made the mother-in-law have no choice but to accept the reality.

From falling in love to getting married, from raising a family to supporting his waist, Zhang Duo always interprets his love with actions. This selfless and persistent guardianship not only saved his wife from the bottom of her life to regain hope, but also made Chen Songling feel the warmth and happiness of home again.

With such a caring husband by her side, Chen Songling, who had suffered a blow, could finally unload her heavy burden and regain her former bright look.

Years of suffocating marriage: Chen Songling and her mother-in-law finally broke out into a big war, Zhang Duo was sad, and he could only persuade him

Transform and move forward

At the beginning of marriage, Zhang Duo still had a kind of dependence and fear for his mother-in-law. In the eyes of her mother-in-law, her son Zhang Duo is the pearl of her palm, and she needs her mother's meticulous attention and care.

As for her daughter-in-law Chen Songling, her mother-in-law turned a blind eye, and even had an attitude of indifference and blame.

Faced with this subtle contradiction in the relationship between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law, Zhang Duo seemed a little helpless at first. He seems to be unable to completely get rid of his mother-in-law's influence on him, unable to publicly support his wife in front of his mother, and maintain Chen Songling's rightful status in the family.

Years of suffocating marriage: Chen Songling and her mother-in-law finally broke out into a big war, Zhang Duo was sad, and he could only persuade him

Once, when her mother-in-law loudly counted Chen Songling's faults and wrongs, Zhang Duo just flashed her eyes and did not refute at all, so she let her mother's scolding continue to resound in the room.

Chen Songling turned around with red eyes, and Zhang Duo saw the tears in the corners of his wife's eyes, but he could only hang his head helplessly.

It was this conflict that made Zhang Duo realize that he had to transform and become the real head of the family and husband. As his wife, Chen Songling deserves his full protection and respect.

So when the next conflict occurred, Zhang Duo finally mustered up the courage to stand up against his mother-in-law's unreasonable behavior.

Years of suffocating marriage: Chen Songling and her mother-in-law finally broke out into a big war, Zhang Duo was sad, and he could only persuade him

"Mom, Songling is my wife, you must give her the respect she deserves!" Zhang Duo's voice was firm and powerful, as if he had made up his mind.

In the face of her son's unexpected resistance, the mother-in-law showed a look of surprise, as if she didn't expect Zhang Duo to think about his wife like this. But soon she reined in and said coldly, "You just have to do things according to the rules."

Since that time, Zhang Duo has completely gotten rid of his mother's influence and become the head of the family. Whenever his mother-in-law criticized Chen Songling, he would immediately express his support for his wife and warn his mother to behave according to the rules.

Gradually, the mother-in-law can only temporarily restrain her indifferent attitude towards her daughter-in-law.

Years of suffocating marriage: Chen Songling and her mother-in-law finally broke out into a big war, Zhang Duo was sad, and he could only persuade him

This huge transformation made Zhang Duo finally become the backbone of the conflict between his mother-in-law and daughter-in-law. Chen Songling regained the respect and sense of security she should have in her marriage, and was no longer treated coldly by her mother-in-law.

With Zhang Duo as a strong backer, she can finally restore her rightful status at home.

Origin and extinction

The encounter between Chen Songling and Zhang Duo can be called a romantic legend. When filming the TV series "Blood is Not Cold", Chen Songling, who had just become famous, met the young and handsome Zhang Duo, and fell in love at first sight, and the fire of love ignited in the hearts of the two.

Years of suffocating marriage: Chen Songling and her mother-in-law finally broke out into a big war, Zhang Duo was sad, and he could only persuade him

Although the age difference between the two is 10 years, the outside world is amazed by this "sister and brother love", but the power of love triumphs over all worldly eyes. Soon, Chen Songling, who had a successful career, married her young man Zhang Duo and entered the palace of a happy marriage.

From the very beginning, the lovers carried too much criticism and doubts about the love of siblings. But no one could have imagined that not long after the sweet time of the newlywed Yan'er, their married life would be turbulent and full of hidden dangers.

The broadcast of the reality show "Mother-in-law and Mother 2" completely exposed the contradictions between Chen Songling and her mother-in-law under the camera. The original illusion of a happy marriage was torn apart, and what the outside world saw was a young couple who were troubled by a "suffocating marriage", and the wife had to fight with her mother-in-law.

In front of the camera, Zhang Duo's mother-in-law turned a blind eye to Chen Songling and poured all her love into her only son. For her daughter-in-law, she either scoffed at her or blamed her at all, and did not take it seriously at all.

Years of suffocating marriage: Chen Songling and her mother-in-law finally broke out into a big war, Zhang Duo was sad, and he could only persuade him

And once her son Zhang Duo is on his wife's side, she will be furious and make a lot of nonsense.

"What do you call your family? You and I are family, my family is your family, and your family is also my family!" The mother-in-law's words undoubtedly pushed the conflict to a climax.

In the face of his mother's arrogant remarks, Zhang Duo could only mediate. He had tried to stand up and defend his wife's authority in the family. But often the result is that both sides lose, and the wife's situation has not changed in the slightest, and she is also infamous as "unfilial".

In this way, the outline of the happy marriage of the young couple gradually blurred in the eyes of outsiders. Instead, there is a picture of mother-in-law and daughter-in-law fighting, and the wife suffering "suffocation".

Years of suffocating marriage: Chen Songling and her mother-in-law finally broke out into a big war, Zhang Duo was sad, and he could only persuade him

Zhang Duo, on the other hand, plays the role of a helpless peacemaker, trying to find a balance between his mother and wife.

The root of everything must start from the origin of marriage. If it weren't for a reality show, I'm afraid few people would be able to see through the couple's contradictions and hidden worries. Their love story, which was originally so legendary and romantic, is now hiding a stormy marriage crisis.

From the very beginning, Chen Songling and Zhang Duo's sister-brother relationship has been questioned by the outside world. Some people think that the age difference between them is 10 years, which is too big a gap and may be difficult to maintain for a long time.

Years of suffocating marriage: Chen Songling and her mother-in-law finally broke out into a big war, Zhang Duo was sad, and he could only persuade him

Some people are even more worried that Zhang Duo, as a staunch "Dink clan", pursues Chen Songling, who is unable to have children, and will be estranged in the future due to the lack of children.

These criticisms and doubts, like a cold snowstorm, make it difficult for the newcomers. However, Zhang Duo's protection and cherishing of his wife has always been like the warm sunshine in winter, protecting their love all the way.

In the face of doubts, he was bold and publicly stated that as a "Dink", he did not care about the childless life and bravely faced everyone's criticism.

What's even more touching is that at home, Zhang Duo actually concealed the fact that Chen Songling was infertile, so as not to let the parents of both sides have any pressure. He tried his best to appease his parents' concerns and showed his determination to love his wife with practical actions.

Years of suffocating marriage: Chen Songling and her mother-in-law finally broke out into a big war, Zhang Duo was sad, and he could only persuade him

In order to give Chen Songling no worries, Zhang Duo carefully deployed a 40-year pension plan. From living arrangements to financial resources, from health care to leisure and entertainment, he takes care of his wife.

Such meticulous care fully conveys Zhang Duo's deep attachment to his lover.

In the face of her mother-in-law's criticism and snubbing of Chen Songling, Zhang Duo was also unswerving and unflinching. In front of his mother, he personally expressed his support for his wife's authoritative position and defended the dignity of husband and wife.

This courage to persevere made the mother-in-law helpless and could only be forced to accept the reality.

Years of suffocating marriage: Chen Songling and her mother-in-law finally broke out into a big war, Zhang Duo was sad, and he could only persuade him

Even his closest friends were deeply moved by Zhang Duo's protection of his wife. Some people praised him as a real "wife protector", which is a great thing.

Some people even praised Zhang Duo for successfully saving Chen Songling from the trough of her life and giving her a new hope for life.

From falling in love to getting married, from supporting a family to supporting his waist, Zhang Duo interprets his love for his wife again and again with his actions. This love, which has experienced vicissitudes of life and is still moving, finally overcame all doubts and criticisms, and bloomed with brilliant and dazzling light.

Looking back on the past, Chen Songling's life can be described as ups and downs and ups and downs. She paid a heavy price with courage and tenacity to finally win the happiness she is today.

Years of suffocating marriage: Chen Songling and her mother-in-law finally broke out into a big war, Zhang Duo was sad, and he could only persuade him

And Zhang Duo's selfless protection of her not only saved his wife who was on the verge of despair, but also made Chen Songling feel the warmth and strength of home again.

With such a caring husband by her side, Chen Songling can finally unload her heavy burden and regain her bright old glory. She finally no longer feels lonely and no longer has to feel inferior because of fertility problems.

Because in Zhang Duo's eyes, his wife is the only pearl in his life, and he is willing to give up everything for her and go all out to care for her life.

This unconquerable love will surely go hand in hand through the long road of life, and it will still be brilliant and moving after all the vicissitudes of life.

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