
What are the functions of various vitamins? How to judge which vitamins you are deficient in?


Vitamins, also known as vital elements, are a class of organic compounds that are indispensable for maintaining human health. They play a vital role in the body's growth, energy conversion, and cell repair.

Understanding the unique functions of each type of vitamin and its role in the body is fundamental to understanding how we maintain health through them. Recognizing the signs of vitamin deficiencies, understanding the needs of specific vitamins for people with different constitutions and stages of life, and taking the right way to supplement are critical steps in maintaining and optimizing one's health.

What are the functions of various vitamins? How to judge which vitamins you are deficient in?

Vitamins are not "miracle cures" for overdose or poisoning

Vitamins, a class of essential nutrients with diverse chemical structures, are divided into two categories: fat-soluble and water-soluble according to their solubility properties. Fat-soluble vitamins include A, D, E, etc., while water-soluble vitamins include B1, C, folic acid, biotin, etc.

For most healthy people, a balanced diet is sufficient to meet their vitamin needs. However, vitamin intake beyond the maximum capacity of the body may cause adverse effects. The Dietary Reference Intakes for Chinese Residents guidelines recommend a daily vitamin A requirement of 800 micrograms for adult males and 700 micrograms for females, with a maximum tolerable limit of 3000 micrograms. Excessive intake of vitamin A may lead to a range of discomforts such as nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, loss of appetite, blurred vision, lethargy and headache. Similarly, the recommended daily intake of vitamin D for adults is 10 mcg, with the highest tolerable amount being 50 mcg. Excess vitamin D can cause symptoms such as hypercalcemia, decreased appetite, indigestion, muscle weakness and pain, nausea and vomiting.

So what are the symptoms of different vitamin deficiencies? Let's take a look at it together~

A pale or yellow complexion usually points to a sign of B12 deficiency. This condition may be accompanied by a small area of redness, painlessness and itchiness of the skin, and the possibility of peeling, which is the body's response to vitamin B12 insufficiency.

Gum problems, such as pain and bleeding, are often associated with vitamin C deficiencies. Vitamin C, also known as ascorbic acid, is a key water-soluble antioxidant that is essential for maintaining healthy gums.

What are the functions of various vitamins? How to judge which vitamins you are deficient in?

Dry and brittle hair can be a sign of vitamin B7 deficiency. Vitamin B7, also known as vitamin H, is important for maintaining healthy hair growth and preventing premature graying and hair loss.

The roughness of the skin can be a result of niacin deficiency. Niacin, essential to fight rough skin. In the case of niacin deficiency, it may cause skin lesions, such as pellagra, or thin the stratum corneum of the skin, causing sensitivity.

What causes B vitamin deficiency?

Vitamin B deficiency caused by improper eating behavior

Picky foods, a single diet, irregular meals, and excessive dieting may contribute to B vitamin deficiency. B vitamins are mainly distributed in the germ part of grains, and frequent consumption of overly processed white rice and high-alkali flour products can reduce vitamin B intake.

Lifestyle effects on vitamin B consumption

Habitual drinking, smoking, excessive coffee consumption, and a high-sugar, high-fat diet not only hinder the absorption of vitamins, but also accelerate their consumption. In addition, vitamin B deficiency may also interfere with the body's normal metabolic processes.

The importance of vitamin K and vitamin D

Vitamin K deficiency symptoms: including easy bleeding and osteoporosis. As a fat-soluble vitamin, vitamin K is not only essential for blood clotting processes, but is also essential for bone and cardiovascular health. Green vegetables, animal liver, and vegetable oils are all good sources of vitamin K.

What are the functions of various vitamins? How to judge which vitamins you are deficient in?

Vitamin D deficiency symptoms: may lead to osteoporosis and muscle weakness. Vitamin D is mainly synthesized by sunlight exposure to the skin, which helps to absorb calcium and phosphorus, maintain strong bones, and regulate immune and nervous system functions. Foods rich in vitamin D include cod liver oil, seafood such as salmon and cod, and mushrooms.

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