
Baisha deploys the 2024 comprehensive performance appraisal work

author:White sand media

On the morning of April 8, Deng Weiqiang, secretary of the county party committee, presided over the 2023 Baisha comprehensive performance appraisal results briefing meeting and the 2024 comprehensive performance appraisal work deployment meeting in the conference room on the third floor of the county party committee standing committee building, comprehensively summarized the implementation of Baisha's comprehensive performance appraisal work, deeply analyzed the existing problems and shortcomings, and arranged and deployed the 2024 comprehensive performance appraisal work tasks.

Baisha deploys the 2024 comprehensive performance appraisal work

Huang Cong, Chen Lanju, Wang Xiaorong, Li Feng, He Ling, Fu Chuande, Chen Yangzhou, Fu Die, Dong Jianwu, Xing Zhan, Huang Zhaoru, Li Zhaoxing, and other leaders of the four sets of county teams, as well as the two chiefs of the "legal inspection" attended the meeting.

Baisha deploys the 2024 comprehensive performance appraisal work

Deng Weiqiang emphasized that the comprehensive performance appraisal of the city and county is a centralized review of the county's work throughout the year and a "baton" to promote the development of the county's work. The whole county should raise awareness, correct attitude, fully understand the importance and urgency of carrying out assessment work under the new situation, soberly see their own problems and shortcomings, take the initiative to benchmark the advanced rectification team, change the style, and improve the ability, so as to lay a solid foundation for the comprehensive performance appraisal in 2024 and strive to catch up. Deng Weiqiang demanded that we should strengthen the problem orientation, accurately analyze the root cause of the loss of points in the assessment indicators, refine the task measures according to the situation, resolutely grasp the rectification and improvement, ensure that the real reform is implemented, and effectively promote the development of the county to achieve new breakthroughs with new achievements. It is necessary to benchmark the assessment results in 2023 and actively plan the work in 2024, not only to scientifically formulate goals and tasks according to the key indicators of the assessment, but also to find the "way" for development based on the long-term, and do a good job of promoting advantages, making up for shortcomings, and building a foundation for a long time, focusing on key tasks such as rural revitalization, six water co-governance, safe construction, industrial investment, and scientific and technological research and development, and strive to make breakthroughs to ensure the successful completion of the goal. It is necessary to strengthen the overall planning of work, and all townships and departments should not only perform their own duties, but also work together to tackle tough problems, strengthen communication, coordination, supervision and scheduling, and effectively form a joint work force. It is necessary to strengthen the use of results, increase supervision and accountability, force all townships and departments to implement rectification responsibilities, and stimulate the strong momentum of entrepreneurship among the majority of cadres and officials. At the same time, it is necessary to strengthen confidence, inspire spirits, pay close attention to implementation with excellent ability and style, and make concerted efforts to create a new situation of high-quality development in Baisha. The meeting informed the results of the 2023 annual assessment of the Baisha leadership team and leading cadres, the results of the special business assessment and the results of the 2023 comprehensive assessment of the high-quality development of Baisha. All relevant departments shall analyze the reasons for the annual assessment results and make statements. The leading groups of each township attended the meeting in the form of video at the branch venues of each township. The main persons in charge of the working organs of the county party committee, the working departments of the county government, the office of the county people's congress, the county CPPCC office and other units participated.

◎Source: Baisharong Media Center

◎ Reporter: Fu Miaojin, Li Ying

◎ Editor: Pei Hongzhi ◎ Review: Chen Quan The content of this article is original, please indicate the source for reprinting

Baisha deploys the 2024 comprehensive performance appraisal work

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