
Talking about China's new economic opportunities|Overview: Feel the vigorous pulse of investing in China - German political and business circles continue to be optimistic about China's economy

author:Xinhua pictures


Talking about China's new economic opportunities|Overview: Feel the vigorous pulse of investing in China - German political and business circles continue to be optimistic about China's economy

On April 5, von Reinersdorf, CFO of German spring company Kern-Liebers, delivered a speech at the German special session of the 2024 "Invest in China" series of events held in Stuttgart, Germany. Photo by Xinhua News Agency reporter Ren Pengfei

Talking about China's new economic opportunities|Overview: Feel the vigorous pulse of investing in China - German political and business circles continue to be optimistic about China's economy

On April 5, Walter Delin, former Deputy Governor of Baden-Württemberg, Germany, delivered a speech at the German session of the 2024 "Invest in China" series of events in Stuttgart, Germany. Photo by Xinhua News Agency reporter Ren Pengfei

Talking about China's new economic opportunities|Overview: Feel the vigorous pulse of investing in China - German political and business circles continue to be optimistic about China's economy

On April 5, Friedrich, Chairman of the German-Chinese Parliamentary Group of the German Bundestag, delivered a speech at the German special session of the 2024 "Invest in China" series of activities held in Stuttgart, Germany. Photo by Xinhua News Agency reporter Ren Pengfei

Talking about China's new economic opportunities|Overview: Feel the vigorous pulse of investing in China - German political and business circles continue to be optimistic about China's economy

On April 5, Matthias Müller, general manager of China Chain Consulting, delivered a speech at the German session of the 2024 "Invest in China" series of activities held in Stuttgart, Germany. Photo by Xinhua News Agency reporter Ren Pengfei

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