
Positive factors increase, confidence continues to improve China's economy is stable and improving

author:International Online

CCTV News: On May 20, "News Network" reported the good news of the mainland's shipbuilding industry, foreign trade enterprises, urban construction, grain production and other industries. The positive factors in various fields and in various aspects have once again injected confidence into the prospects for the sustained improvement of the mainland's economy in the next stage.

In the first quarter of this year, the three major indicators of mainland shipbuilding grew simultaneously

The reporter learned from the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology on May 20 that the three major indicators of mainland shipbuilding in the first quarter maintained synchronous growth, the performance of major shipbuilding provinces was outstanding, and 90% of the country's shipbuilding completions were export ships.

Positive factors increase, confidence continues to improve China's economy is stable and improving

From January to March this year, the completion of shipbuilding in mainland China was 12.35 million deadweight tons, a year-on-year increase of 34.7%; the number of new orders was 24.14 million deadweight tons, a year-on-year increase of 59.0%; The hand-held order volume was 154.04 million deadweight tons, a year-on-year increase of 34.5%. In terms of deadweight tonnage, the three indicators account for 53.8%, 69.6% and 56.7% of the global total, respectively.

Positive factors increase, confidence continues to improve China's economy is stable and improving

From the perspective of the distribution of shipbuilding provinces and cities, the total shipbuilding completions of Jiangsu, Shanghai, Liaoning, Shandong and Zhejiang accounted for 90.1% of the national total. Among them, Jiangsu, a major shipbuilding province, accounted for 50.1% of the country's shipbuilding completions in the first quarter, winning more than 30% of the world's orders. Not long ago, a number of high-tech ships in Jiangsu have been tested or delivered, like the world's largest container ship with heavy container loading, a number of indicators have reached the world's leading level, and it only takes 14 months to build such a ship.

From January to March, the export value of mainland ships was 9.92 billion US dollars, and the proportion of ship exports in the country's shipbuilding completion was 90%.

The new orders signed by key foreign trade enterprises have been improving for four consecutive months

According to a recent survey by the Ministry of Commerce, since the beginning of this year, as the overall recovery trend of global trade has continued, the new contracts signed by key foreign trade enterprises in the mainland have been good, and the confidence in the development of foreign trade enterprises has continued to increase.

In the first four months of this year, the mainland's imports and exports increased by 5.7 percent. In April, the growth rate of mainland imports and exports increased significantly to 8%. Behind the growth of foreign trade scale is the continuous improvement of the international competitiveness of mainland foreign trade enterprises, the use of new technologies to open up overseas markets, and the acquisition of new international orders. In Yiwu, Zhejiang, the majority of foreign trade enterprises keenly grasp and grasp the Olympic Games, the European Cup and other sports economic business opportunities, in the first four months, Yiwu exports of sporting goods increased by 45.6%. The mainland cross-border e-commerce platform has also established a multilingual site and launched an artificial intelligence foreign trade assistant, which can realize real-time translation of multiple languages and one-click generation of graphics, texts and video content.

Positive factors increase, confidence continues to improve China's economy is stable and improving

From the perspective of the market, the mainland's trade with both traditional and emerging markets has shown a growth trend. In April, driven by factors such as inventory digestion and demand recovery, China's imports and exports to traditional markets turned from a decline to an increase, of which the European Union increased by 3.3% and the United States by 6.2%. At the same time, imports and exports to emerging markets continued to maintain a high growth rate, with ASEAN and the Belt and Road countries increasing by 14.4% and 9% respectively.

According to a recent survey by the Ministry of Commerce, the new orders signed by key foreign trade enterprises have been improving for four consecutive months, and more than eighty percent of the Canton Fair exhibitors have maintained or increased the amount of orders in hand.

The mainland is promoting the digital transformation of the whole city

On May 20, the National Development and Reform Commission (NDRC) and the National Data Bureau (NDDA) issued guidance on 13 specific measures to promote the digital transformation of cities in all fields, processes and in all directions. In terms of cultivating and expanding the city's digital economy, relevant departments will further promote the deep integration of digital technology and primary, secondary and tertiary industries, and encourage platform enterprises to build multi-level industrial Internet service platforms. At the same time, it will also promote the digital transformation of productive services such as finance and logistics, as well as life services such as commerce and trade, cultural tourism, and health care. The Guiding Opinions also proposed that the social security card will be used as a carrier to establish a "one-card" for residents' services. Explore the construction of data space applications such as individual enterprise carbon accounts and carbon footprints, better serve the efficient governance of cities, and promote the construction of Chinese-style modern cities.

All localities seize the agricultural time to ensure a bumper harvest

In the "three summers" season, all localities should seize the agricultural time, make every effort to do a good job in summer harvest, summer management, and summer planting, and lay a solid foundation for a bumper grain harvest throughout the year.

The wheat waves are rolling and rushing to harvest. Sichuan province's 9.1 million mu of wheat has been harvested nearly eighty percent, in order to improve the progress of wheat harvest, Mianyang Youxian District to implement rural land trusteeship services, guide farmers to concentrate scattered land, unified field management, centralized harvesting. The wheat producing areas in southern Hubei have entered the end of harvesting, and the main producing areas in the north have begun large-scale machine harvesting.

Positive factors increase, confidence continues to improve China's economy is stable and improving

In Anhui, a major grain-producing province, more than 43 million mu of wheat has been harvested from south to north, and the province plans to invest about 170,000 high-performance combine harvesters to seize the fine weather in the next few days and step up harvesting. At the same time, all parts of Anhui Province have done a good job of vacating warehouses and merging warehouses to ensure that summer grain particles are returned to the warehouse.

Positive factors increase, confidence continues to improve China's economy is stable and improving

Shaanxi, Xinjiang and other provinces and regions have adapted measures to local conditions and used new equipment and new technologies to help summer management. In Dacaozhuang Farm, Xingtai, Hebei Province, this self-propelled sprinkler in operation integrates watering, fertilization and spraying, and can water 600 acres of land a day. Shandong Laixi has built a smart agriculture big data platform, and farmers can set up programs on their mobile phones, so that the sprinkler and the drone can "cooperate with each other" to carry out "one spray and three prevention" operations. The Hexi Corridor in Gansu Province has vigorously promoted new wheat irrigation technology, which is more accurate, saving water and fertilizer. This year, Jiuquan City has focused on developing more than 1.3 million acres of high-efficiency and water-saving farmland.

Positive factors increase, confidence continues to improve China's economy is stable and improving

At present, 2.1 million mu of early rice in Ganzhou, Jiangxi Province has entered the tillering stage, and pest control is particularly critical. This year, the local government has actively promoted the application of multi-level prevention and control methods such as solar insecticidal lamps and plant protection drones to improve the efficiency of insect control and consolidate the foundation for a bumper grain harvest.

In April, the scale of international passenger traffic of mainland civil aviation exceeded 5 million

The reporter learned from the Civil Aviation Administration of China that in April, civil aviation completed a total of 55.95 million passenger trips, a year-on-year increase of 10.6%.

The scale of domestic passenger traffic increased by 8.1% over the same period in 2019, and the scale of international passenger traffic exceeded 5 million, recovering to 83.8% of the same period in 2019, and the recovery level exceeded 80% for three consecutive months.

Positive factors increase, confidence continues to improve China's economy is stable and improving

At present, mainland international passenger flights are operated to 70 countries, of which 5 new countries are Kuwait, Serbia, Tanzania, Luxembourg and Papua New Guinea compared with 2019.

Positive factors increase, confidence continues to improve China's economy is stable and improving

The number of passenger flights with the Belt and Road countries has recovered to 4,053 flights per week, about 76.6% of 2019 levels, 3.5 percentage points higher than the industry average recovery level.

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