
Spread the know! Prevention is better than "burning", please pass this safety tip to more people

author:Huailai posted
Spread the know! Prevention is better than "burning", please pass this safety tip to more people
Spread the know! Prevention is better than "burning", please pass this safety tip to more people

Gas is widely used in homes, restaurants and other places, and once a leak occurs, it is easy to cause explosion accidents and threaten the safety of life and property. What should I pay attention to when buying and using a stove, and what should I do if there is a gas leak?

Spread the know! Prevention is better than "burning", please pass this safety tip to more people
Spread the know! Prevention is better than "burning", please pass this safety tip to more people
Spread the know! Prevention is better than "burning", please pass this safety tip to more people
Spread the know! Prevention is better than "burning", please pass this safety tip to more people
Spread the know! Prevention is better than "burning", please pass this safety tip to more people
Spread the know! Prevention is better than "burning", please pass this safety tip to more people
Spread the know! Prevention is better than "burning", please pass this safety tip to more people
Spread the know! Prevention is better than "burning", please pass this safety tip to more people
Spread the know! Prevention is better than "burning", please pass this safety tip to more people

Note: Anything that belongs to the content of this official account shall not be reproduced without permission!Source|CCTV News Editor|Zhang Shugang Review|Niu Fei, Zhang Xin, Li Yue Review|Zhao Liangge

Spread the know! Prevention is better than "burning", please pass this safety tip to more people
Spread the know! Prevention is better than "burning", please pass this safety tip to more people

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