
If children want to chase high, they must do 8 things a day when they eat this vitamin until they are 18 years old → grow taller

author:Cute high

1. Drink 500ml of milk every day

Milk is rich in calcium and protein, so if you don't like milk, you can try sugar-free yogurt, soothing milk, and original cheese (low sodium).

If children want to chase high, they must do 8 things a day when they eat this vitamin until they are 18 years old → grow taller

Image Credit: Cutie High

Milk can be drunk with meals or with meals, but try not to drink milk within 2 hours before bedtime.

2. Eat 1 egg a day

Eggs are a whole nutritious food, protein, calcium, iron, zinc, vitamins are available;

Boiled eggs, steamed eggs, and low-oil omelets are recommended;

Omelettes, braised eggs, and scrambled eggs with a lot of oil are not recommended (beaten eggs are very absorbent)

If children want to chase high, they must do 8 things a day when they eat this vitamin until they are 18 years old → grow taller

▲The oil absorption rate of scrambled eggs is about 43%

You can try the "Microwave Boiled Egg", which is cooked in 2 minutes, which is suitable for a quick breakfast after the start of school:

If children want to chase high, they must do 8 things a day when they eat this vitamin until they are 18 years old → grow taller

Image Credit: Cutie High

3. Eat 50g of red meat every day

Lean beef, lean pork, lean lamb, 1 palm-sized piece per day, provides high-quality protein, iron and vitamin B12.

Eat fresh meat, try to choose steamed, boiled, and stir-fried, and do not choose braised meat, fried, or barbecued;

Try boiled beef meatballs, steamed meatloaf, stewed lamb, stir-fried shredded pork, and more.

Do not eat or eat less processed meat products such as bacon, bacon, bacon, ham, and sausages.

If children want to chase high, they must do 8 things a day when they eat this vitamin until they are 18 years old → grow taller

▲What is processed meat?


The World Cancer Research Fund (WCR) recommended in 2007 that the intake of red meat should not exceed 500g per week. Our recommended amount of 50g per day is safe.

If you are an adult who pursues extreme health, you can also follow the recommendations of The Lancet: eat 14-28g of red meat a day, which is about the size of 1-2 fingers.

If children want to chase high, they must do 8 things a day when they eat this vitamin until they are 18 years old → grow taller

▲2019 Lancet EAT Special Committee recommends adult dietary patterns (picture from watermark)

4. Accumulate 1 hour of moderate and high-intensity physical activity every day

Do more longitudinal jumping exercises such as one-legged jumping, skipping rope, touching height, hopscotch, high jumping, basketball, etc., strengthen the mechanical stimulation of lower limb bones, improve the ability of epiphyseal cartilage proliferation, and promote growth hormone secretion.

If children want to chase high, they must do 8 things a day when they eat this vitamin until they are 18 years old → grow taller

Image Credit: Cutie High

Other than that:


#每次静坐时间不超过1小时, sit for a while and then stand up and move.

5. Go to bed early and get up early, and work and rest regularly

There was a positive correlation between nighttime sleep quality and growth hormone secretion:

Good sleep quality, ensure deep sleep time, normal secretion of growth hormone;

Disturbed sleep, or restless sleep and constant light sleep, can greatly affect nocturnal growth hormone secretion.

If children want to chase high, they must do 8 things a day when they eat this vitamin until they are 18 years old → grow taller

▲The peak secretion of growth hormone occurs about 1 hour after falling asleep at night, and the peak secretion accounts for more than half of the secretion throughout the day

Parents should ensure that their children have sufficient, regular and high-quality deep sleep, go to bed early and get up early, work and rest regularly, and try to fix the time of falling asleep and getting up every day, and do not miss this key moment to help them grow taller.

Children eating food before bedtime, staying up late on weekends, sleeping in soft beds, and looking at screens before bed can all affect sleep quality.

6. Vitamins A and D must be supplemented

1 capsule of vitamin AD daily, supplemented at least until the end of puberty.

Vitamins A and D are closely related to children's growth and development, which can promote calcium absorption, help bone calcification, regulate immune function, and promote growth and development.

If children want to chase high, they must do 8 things a day when they eat this vitamin until they are 18 years old → grow taller

(Data source: Expert Consensus on the Clinical Application of Vitamin A and Vitamin D in Chinese Children (2024))

If children want to chase high, they must do 8 things a day when they eat this vitamin until they are 18 years old → grow taller

(Data source: Expert Consensus on the Clinical Application of Vitamin A and Vitamin D in Chinese Children (2024))

[Top left] recommended dosage of vitamin A and vitamin D

If children want to chase high, they must do 8 things a day when they eat this vitamin until they are 18 years old → grow taller

▲The ratio of AD in cod liver oil is 10:1, which is not suitable for children

7. Control your weight

Obesity leads to active aromatase, which converts androgens into estrogen, and excess estrogen is an important cause of premature closure of the epiphysis.

Therefore, both boys and girls must control their weight during growth and development.

For children who need to control the rate of bone age growth, it is generally recommended to control the annual weight gain within 2kg from the age of 3 to puberty.

If you don't need to control the rate of bone age growth for the time being, it is recommended to keep your annual weight gain below average:

If children want to chase high, they must do 8 things a day when they eat this vitamin until they are 18 years old → grow taller

Image Credit: Cutie High

8. Refuse tonic medicinal diets

Breast development at the age of 7 and menstruation at the age of 9

Don't give these "good" things to your child again:

Ginseng, royal jelly, chicken embryo, cordyceps, snow clams, bird's nest, astragalus, deer antler, seahorse, notoginseng and other tonics, long-term consumption has the risk of "ripening" children and accelerating the closure of epiphysis.

It's like pulling seedlings to help grow, growing taller in a short period of time, but compressing the overall time to grow taller, and the gains outweigh the losses!

If children want to chase high, they must do 8 things a day when they eat this vitamin until they are 18 years old → grow taller

Image Credit: Cutie High


1. Food Encyclopedia: Milk Drinks

2. Dietary Guidelines for Chinese Residents (2022), edited by the Chinese Nutrition Society, People's Medical Publishing House;

3. Children's Health Care Committee of Chinese Preventive Medicine Association. Expert Consensus on the Clinical Application of Vitamin A and Vitamin D in Chinese Children (2024). Chinese Journal of Child Health Care, Vol. 32, No. 4, Apr. 2024.

4. Li Hui et al. "Standardized growth curves of height and weight of children and adolescents aged 0~18 years in China." Chin J Pediatrics 47.7(2009):6.

Cute and high, more suitable for the new generation of Chinese children's growth management experts

With the big data of Chinese children's growth accumulated over the years, combined with the development of contemporary Chinese children, and with children's height as the focus of health management, Lovely High provides six modules for Chinese children aged 3~16, including health assessment, psychological behavior, nutrition management, sleep management, exercise guidance, and posture correction, and a comprehensive and full life cycle health management program to help each child give full play to their growth potential.

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