
Older people who wake up earlier live longer?Doctor: After the age of 65, it is healthier to sleep for this time

author:Li Xu Yao, Department of Traditional Chinese Medicine

Imagine waking up naturally and feeling energized when the first rays of the morning sun shine through the curtains and gently brush your cheeks. Does such a morning indicate longer health and longevity? For many people in old age, waking up early has become a daily routine, but is it really linked to longevity?

Older people who wake up earlier live longer?Doctor: After the age of 65, it is healthier to sleep for this time

Analysis: Sleep, the patron saint of the health of the elderly

Sleep is inextricably linked to the health of the elderly

Sleep isn't just a time to rest when night falls, it's a critical moment for the body to repair, regulate, and recover from itself. For the elderly, good sleep quality not only promotes physical health, but also has a direct impact on daytime energy and quality of life. As we age, many people's sleep patterns change, with fragmented sleep at night and waking up earlier in the morning, but that doesn't mean the total amount of sleep they need is less.

The secrets of sleep revealed by scientific research

Scientific studies in recent years have shown that sleep is closely related to the health of the elderly. A study in older adults found that those with regular, good-quality sleep patterns were associated with a lower risk of cardiovascular disease, improved cognitive function, and longer lifespans. Sleep not only affects the mental and emotional state, but it is also closely related to the long-term health of the body. For example, sleep deprivation or poor sleep quality has been found to be associated with a variety of health problems, such as weight gain, memory loss, and even an increased risk of life-threatening diseases.

Sleep Duration & Quality: Finding a Healthy Balance

For seniors aged 65 and above, it is especially important to maintain adequate quality sleep. While individual differences mean that there is no "ideal" amount of sleep in stone, studies generally recommend that 7 to 8 hours of sleep per night is most beneficial for most older adults. It is important to note that excessive sleep (usually referred to as more than 9 hours per night) can also be a sign of a health problem and requires a doctor's evaluation.

Older people who wake up earlier live longer?Doctor: After the age of 65, it is healthier to sleep for this time

Ideal Sleep Duration: The Golden Rule for Older Adults

For seniors aged 65 and older, maintaining good sleep quality and the right amount of sleep is essential for good health. Studies have shown that the ideal sleep duration should be between 7 and 8 hours. Too little or too much sleep can be linked to a variety of health problems, including cardiovascular disease, cognitive decline, and even early death. Therefore, finding the optimal amount of sleep for an individual and maintaining it is very important to promote the overall health and quality of life of the elderly.

A hands-on guide: Top 5 strategies to improve your sleep quality

1. Regular routine: Establish and stick to a regular sleep and wake up time. Even on weekends and holidays, try to follow this rule to help regulate your body's biological clock and promote the quality of sleep at night.

2. Comfortable sleeping environment: Keep your bedroom quiet, dark, and at a moderate temperature. Using a comfortable mattress and pillow, as well as a suitable bedding, can greatly improve the quality of sleep.

3. Exercise properly: Regular moderate-intensity exercise, such as walking or yoga, can help improve the depth and quality of sleep at night. Be careful to avoid strenuous exercise within 3 hours of bedtime so as not to affect falling asleep.

Older people who wake up earlier live longer?Doctor: After the age of 65, it is healthier to sleep for this time

4. Dietary modifications: Reduce the intake of high-fat, high-sugar foods at dinner and avoid overeating before bedtime. At the same time, limit caffeine and alcohol intake, especially after the evening, which may interfere with sleep.

5. Relax and unwind: Engaging in relaxation activities before bed, such as reading, listening to soft music, or deep breathing exercises, can help reduce tension and anxiety, putting the brain and body into a resting state, making it easier to fall asleep.