
Is there still a "butt needle" that I used to play when I was a child? What is involved behind the gradually rare one?

author:Li Xu Yao, Department of Traditional Chinese Medicine

In the memories of many middle-aged and elderly people, when they were young, they went to the hospital due to illness, and the "butt needle" given by the doctor was an unforgettable experience. At that time, whether it was a high fever, cough, or other common ailments, it seemed that the "butt needle" always had an immediate effect. Now, as time goes by, the "butt needle" seems to be gradually withdrawing from people's sight. Is this a huge advance in medical technology, or is it a rise in people's understanding of pain management?

Is there still a "butt needle" that I used to play when I was a child? What is involved behind the gradually rare one?

Definition and application of "butt needle": more than just a needle

A time-traveling treatment

A "butt needle", medically known as an intramuscular injection, is a type of administration in which a drug is injected directly into the muscle. Compared with oral medications, intramuscular injections allow the drug to enter the bloodstream more quickly, avoiding the first-pass effect of the liver, and thus acting quickly. In the past, this type of treatment has become a common treatment method for various diseases because of its rapid effect and good absorption.

Background of a wide range of applications

For most of the 20th century, intramuscular injections occupied an important place in the medical field. Whether it's antibiotics, antipyretic analgesics, or other emergency treatments, in many cases the first choice is to do it with a "butt needle". Especially in children's medical care, considering that they are difficult to cooperate with the ingestion of oral drugs, intramuscular injection has become an efficient and convenient solution.

From popularization to gradual replacement

However, with the deepening of medical research and the development of new drug technologies, more delivery methods have begun to enter the field of vision of doctors and patients. For example, many drugs that would have been given intramuscularly have now been developed into oral forms that are not only easy for patients to accept, but also greatly reduce the pain of use. In addition, for some drugs, other routes of administration, such as intravenous or subcutaneous injections, are gradually showing their unique advantages.

Is there still a "butt needle" that I used to play when I was a child? What is involved behind the gradually rare one?

Technological progress and medical transformation: Say goodbye to the era of "butt needle".

With the rapid development of science and technology, the medical world has witnessed unprecedented changes. In the past, intramuscular injections were the routine treatment for many diseases, but nowadays, this is changing. The advent of new drug delivery systems and the development of non-invasive treatments have effectively reduced the need for traditional "butt needles".

On the one hand, the formulation and absorption efficiency of oral drugs have been significantly improved, and many drugs that would otherwise need to be injected can now be administered orally with the same or better efficacy. For example, for the treatment of abnormal glucose metabolism, there are now more options for oral medications that are not only easy to take, but also have fewer side effects and are highly accepted by patients.

On the other hand, innovations in intravenous and subcutaneous injection techniques, such as the use of microneedling, also provide a more comfortable treatment experience. Microneedling technology uses very small needles for drug delivery, reducing pain for the patient while ensuring effective drug absorption.

Improving Pain Perception and Patient Experience: A Human-Centered Innovation in Healthcare

In recent years, pain management and improvement of the patient experience have become the focus of medical research. Pain not only affects the physical health of the patient, but also negatively affects their psychological state. Therefore, reducing pain during treatment is key to improving patient satisfaction.

Researchers have significantly reduced patient discomfort during treatment by improving drug formulations and developing new injection tools, such as skin patches and needle-free injection systems. These innovations not only reduce pain for patients, but also simplify the treatment process and allow patients to receive treatment in a more comfortable and relaxed environment.

Is there still a "butt needle" that I used to play when I was a child? What is involved behind the gradually rare one?

In addition, healthcare providers are increasingly focusing on doctor-patient communication to ensure that patients have a full understanding and sense of control over their treatment options. In this way, patients feel more at ease in the face of treatment, so that they can actively participate in the treatment process and improve the treatment results.