
The little-known mysterious warship, the only one in the world in China, can launch 250 rockets at the same time

author:Xiao Hu loves to chat


In the depths of the world's oceans, there is a mysterious ship hidden, which is not just a ship, but a moving fortress. In the treasure trove of the Chinese Navy, the ship stands out for its unparalleled firepower and has been dubbed the "Fire Monster".

Imagine a 25-second onslaught of 250 rockets on the battlefield, a sight that can strike fear into any opponent.

The little-known mysterious warship, the only one in the world in China, can launch 250 rockets at the same time

This is not the plot of science fiction, but a true portrayal of the fire support ship "516" - the frigate Jiujiang. It is unique in the world, and what is so remarkable that even the most powerful ships in the country are overshadowed in front of it?

The Birth and Mission of the Jiujiang: China's Unique Fire Support Ship

In the history of modern naval forces around the world, few ships have been transformed from an ordinary frigate into a legendary fire support ship like the Jiujiang. As a lone ranger in the Chinese Navy, the existence of the Jiujiang is not only a product of tactical needs, but also a symbol of strategic innovation. Behind the ship's modification is China's urgent need for rapid response and maritime fire support capabilities.

The little-known mysterious warship, the only one in the world in China, can launch 250 rockets at the same time

The Jiujiang was originally a frigate that had been in service for many years, and its fate changed dramatically at a critical moment in the country's strategic transformation. Faced with the challenges of the regional security environment, the Chinese military needed a ship that could quickly provide strong fire support, and the Jiujiang was selected for the refit with the task of providing dense fire coverage during military operations, especially in complex landing operations.

Equipped with a large number of rocket launchers, the Jiujiang was endowed with the astonishing ability to fire 250 rockets in 25 seconds, a firepower unmatched at the time, ensuring its absolute superiority on the battlefield.

The little-known mysterious warship, the only one in the world in China, can launch 250 rockets at the same time

However, the transformation of an aging ship into a highly efficient firepower platform is not without controversy. Many people questioned, why not build a completely new ship, but choose a frigate that is about to be decommissioned for retrofitting?

The reason behind this decision was closely related to the economic and technological situation in China at the time, showing the wisdom of a stopgap measure. This not only saves resources, but also makes full use of the potential of existing ships, demonstrating the ultimate pragmatism.

Strategic Shift: The Role of the Jiujiang in Modern Warfare

The Jiujiang is more than just a warship, it is almost a mobile battery at sea, and its firepower has proven its worth in many military exercises. When the Jiujiang's 250 rockets rained down, it was not only a demonstration of strength in the exercise, but also a reshaping of the concept of naval fire support in the context of modern warfare.

The little-known mysterious warship, the only one in the world in China, can launch 250 rockets at the same time

In a large-scale tri-service joint exercise in 2005, the Jiujiang played a crucial role. As the main fire support unit, the Jiujiang stood on the front line. With the first wave of rockets, the target area was instantly filled with loud explosions and fire.

The little-known mysterious warship, the only one in the world in China, can launch 250 rockets at the same time

This demonstration demonstrated not only its unmatched support capabilities in landing operations, but also its ability to quickly develop and execute tactical plans. The firepower of the Jiujiang made it the key to ensuring the smooth landing of the army troops.

However, despite the excellent performance of the Jiujiang in the exercises, its tactical application was not without controversy. Its presence is a huge advantage on a tactical level, but it also carries the risk of dependency. Once relying on a single fire support ship, it can run into problems on the real battlefield.

The little-known mysterious warship, the only one in the world in China, can launch 250 rockets at the same time

If the Jiujiang encounters a technical malfunction or is targeted by the enemy, then the fire support of the entire landing operation will be affected. This strategy of "killing a bird with one stone", although powerful in firepower, is slightly fragile in terms of strategy.

In addition, the operation and maintenance costs of the Jiujiang are a topic that cannot be ignored. Every time the Jiujiang is deployed, it means a huge investment in materials and manpower. In peacetime, maintaining such an old but highly specialized warship requires a lot of resources. Despite the Jiujiang's unrivalled firepower, its economic benefits and strategic sustainability have been the subject of much discussion among strategists.

Technical Challenges and Innovations: The Retrofit of the Jiujiang

The refit of the Jiujiang was not only a technical challenge, but also a tactical innovation. How did this ordinary frigate transform into a destructive fire support ship? The process is full of technical ingenuity and tactical adjustments.

The little-known mysterious warship, the only one in the world in China, can launch 250 rockets at the same time

The task of refitting the Jiujiang was not a simple upgrade, but a radical tactical reinvention – adapting the Army's rocket artillery systems to naval vessels was indeed an unprecedented engineering challenge.

The original Jiujiang was equipped with standard naval artillery systems, which were effective enough for traditional naval warfare, but in the modern and rapidly changing battlefield environment, the fire coverage and reaction speed of these systems were no longer sufficient.

Faced with this challenge, the design team adopted a bold strategy: directly integrate the Army's rocket artillery system onto the Jiujiang. This decision, while innovative, also brought with it a series of technical issues, such as the weight and size of rocket artillery, and how to install these heavy equipment on ships without affecting the ship's stability and speed.

The little-known mysterious warship, the only one in the world in China, can launch 250 rockets at the same time

The biggest challenge in installing rocket artillery is how to configure these weapons systems to fit the space constraints of the ship and ensure that they can be fired stably and accurately at sea.

The solution was an innovative design of a modular system that could be quickly loaded and fired, which not only increased the ability to continuously deliver firepower, but also greatly improved response time during combat. The introduction of the automatic loading system has improved the combat efficiency of the Jiujiang, enabling it to complete the preparation for the launch of a large number of rockets in a very short time.

The little-known mysterious warship, the only one in the world in China, can launch 250 rockets at the same time

This technological breakthrough did not come without a price. The integration system required the reconfiguration of the internal structure of the hull, which involved complex engineering adjustments. Each new system added must be precisely calculated for its impact on the ship's balance. In addition, while the automation system has increased combat efficiency, it has also increased the need for on-board power and maintenance. Crews need to undergo new training to master the skills of operation and maintenance of these advanced equipment.

Retirement and Legacy: The Historical Significance of the Jiujiang and Its Future Implications

The retirement of the Jiujiang does not mean the end of its story, but rather the beginning of an in-depth discussion of its historical significance and future implications. After almost half a century of service, this particular warship was finally decided to be decommissioned due to its single function and increasing maintenance costs.

The little-known mysterious warship, the only one in the world in China, can launch 250 rockets at the same time

However, the Jiujiang's role in the history of the Chinese Navy goes far beyond its combat career, and its existence and transformation reflect the tactical changes and technological advances of an era.

As China's only fire support ship, the Jiujiang is designed and functioned to provide dense firepower. Its strength has allowed it to play a key role in several military operations, particularly the ability to rapidly deploy firepower at sea, redefining the concept of naval support to some extent.

The little-known mysterious warship, the only one in the world in China, can launch 250 rockets at the same time

However, it is precisely this mission-specific nature that makes it too one-dimensional in the context of the gradual dominance of multifunctional warships in modern naval warfare. With the introduction of new multi-purpose warships and the evolution of tactical needs, the tactical position of the Jiujiang was gradually marginalized.

Although the Jiujiang has been decommissioned, its impact on the Chinese Navy has been profound. The technical and tactical innovations involved in its design and transformation provided valuable experience for the development of subsequent ships. In particular, in the application of rocket rapid launch system and automatic loading technology, the practice of Jiujiang has promoted the further development and maturity of these technologies.

The little-known mysterious warship, the only one in the world in China, can launch 250 rockets at the same time

These innovations not only improve combat efficiency, but also prompt the Chinese Navy to pay more attention to the flexibility and responsiveness of fire support when designing new warships.

The little-known mysterious warship, the only one in the world in China, can launch 250 rockets at the same time

The story of the Jiujiang is an important chapter in the modernization of the Chinese Navy. It is not only a symbol of China's rapid development of maritime power after the Cold War, but also a bold challenge to traditional naval tactics. As the Chinese Navy transitions to more high-tech and versatile warships, the experience and lessons learned from the Jiujiang will continue to inspire future ship designs, ensuring that the Chinese Navy continues to maintain its unique tactical advantage in future strategic deployments.


The story of the Jiujiang is like a brilliant epic about how technological innovation and strategic shifts are changing the rules of the game on the battlefield. This former "firepower monster" is not only a testimony to technological progress, but also a manifestation of the evolution of strategic thinking.

Over time, although the Jiujiang has stepped down from the stage, its spirit and the innovative significance it represents still influence future design and tactical development. In the new era, although we no longer pursue a single-function behemoth, the story of Jiujiang reminds us that in the face of change and innovation, only by constantly challenging the existing boundaries can we grasp the key to the future.

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