
Food recommendation: Kung Bao fresh shrimp, green onion roasted cactus mushroom, lychee waist block production method

author:Candlelight rafting
Food recommendation: Kung Bao fresh shrimp, green onion roasted cactus mushroom, lychee waist block production method

Shrimp in the palace


304 grams of Jiwei shrimp, 1 green onion, 2 slices of ginger, 2 cloves of garlic, 2 tablespoons of Sichuan pepper, 10 dried chilies.


1/3 tablespoon salt, 2 tablespoons cooking wine, 1/5 tablespoon ground white pepper.


4 tablespoons oil, 1/2 tablespoon salt, 1/3 tablespoon sugar, 1/2 tablespoon chicken broth mix, 1 tablespoon cooking wine, 1/2 tablespoon sesame oil, 1 tablespoon soy sauce.

Cooking process:

1. Wash the green onion from the head and tail, cut it into segments, separate the white green onion from the green onion, and cut the ginger and garlic into slices.

2. Heat 3 tablespoons of oil in a pan, pour in the Jiwei shrimp and fry until the shrimp shells turn red, and immediately put them on a plate.

3. Heat 1 tablespoon of oil, stir-fry peppercorns and dried chili peppers over low heat, pour in green onions, ginger slices and garlic slices and fry until the fragrance overflows.

4. Add 1/2 tablespoon salt, 1/3 tablespoon sugar, 1/2 tablespoon chicken powder, 1 tablespoon cooking wine, 1/2 tablespoon sesame oil and 1 tablespoon soy sauce and stir-fry evenly.

Chef's Tips:

1. After washing the shrimp, cut off the shrimp whiskers and spikes, and when eating after cooking, you don't have to worry about hurting your mouth by the spikes of the shrimp head.

2. Cut a knife horizontally on the back of the shrimp, which can make the shrimp more flavorful when cooking, and convenient to pick off the shrimp intestines.

3. To master the heat of the shrimp, you can marinate the shrimp with seasoning and then stir-fry in the pot.

4. When frying Sichuan pepper and dried chili peppers, you need to stir-fry over low heat until the fragrance overflows.

Food recommendation: Kung Bao fresh shrimp, green onion roasted cactus mushroom, lychee waist block production method

Roasted cactus mushrooms with green onions


300 grams of cactus mushrooms, 8 green onions, 15 grams of sweet soy sauce, 150 grams of broth, 5 grams of salt, 10 grams of sugar.


1. Peel and wash the cactus mushrooms and cut them into hob pieces, and change the green onions to a word flower knife.

2. Heat the oil at a temperature of 6-7, and remove the cut cactus mushrooms from the oil to control the oil.

3. Leave the bottom oil in the pot, fry the green onions on low heat to bring out the fragrance, add the sweetened soy sauce, salt, sugar and broth to boil after adding the oiled cactus.

4. Cook until the soup is thick, and then remove the juice from the pot after slow heat.

Food recommendation: Kung Bao fresh shrimp, green onion roasted cactus mushroom, lychee waist block production method

Lychee loin


It is shaped like a lychee shell, crisp and fragrant, sweet and sour, slightly spicy.


1. Cut the pork loin in half, slice it to remove the loin, cut it into triangular pieces after cutting the cross knife, and then starch it with salt, cooking wine, ginger and onion juice and water starch.

2. Mix salt, soy sauce, sugar, vinegar, monosodium glutamate, water starch and fresh soup into lychee-flavored sauce.

3. Put the cooked vegetable oil in the net pot and boil it until it is hot, then put in the waist block with good pulp and slide it to cook, then take it out and drain the oil. Leave the bottom oil in the pot, put in the dried chili pepper, Sichuan pepper, ginger slices and garlic slices and stir-fry until fragrant, put in the slippery loin pieces and horse's ear onion sections, cook in the prepared lychee-flavored sauce, and after the juice is brightly oiled, it is ready to be put out of the pot and put on a plate.

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