
Motorcycles force high-speed, and potential safety hazards cannot be ignored

author:Look at Zaza

In the mainland, expressways are important transportation hubs connecting various places, providing great convenience for people's travel. However, in recent years, the phenomenon of motorcycles forcibly breaking into the highway has occurred from time to time, which has brought serious hidden dangers to road traffic safety. In this article, we will analyze the causes of motorcycles forcing their way into high speeds and propose corresponding countermeasures.

Motorcycles force high-speed, and potential safety hazards cannot be ignored

1. The reason why the motorcycle is forced to break into the highway

1. Lack of awareness of road traffic regulations. Some motorcyclists do not have enough knowledge of the laws and regulations of the highway and think that motorcycles can enter the highway at will.

2. The cost of breaking the law is low. At present, the punishment for motorcycles forcibly crossing the highway is relatively light, and some drivers have a fluke mentality, believing that even if they are investigated, the price paid is small.

3. The supporting facilities of the expressway are not perfect. Some highway toll booths do not have strict interception measures for motorcycles, resulting in motorcycles having an opportunity.

4. Traffic safety publicity and education are not in place. The traffic safety awareness of motorcycle drivers needs to be improved, and relevant departments should increase traffic safety publicity efforts to improve drivers' awareness of the rule of law and safety awareness.

Motorcycles force high-speed, and potential safety hazards cannot be ignored

Second, the hazards of motorcycles forcibly breaking into high speeds

1. Increased risk of traffic accidents. Motorcycles are driving on highways and are prone to collisions with cars, causing casualties and property damage.

2. Affect the order of road traffic. Motorcycles forcibly break into the highway, which can easily lead to highway congestion and affect the normal passage of other vehicles.

3. Harm to the public interest. Motorcycles driving on highways can lead to increased road surface damage and increased road maintenance costs.

Motorcycles force high-speed, and potential safety hazards cannot be ignored

3. Practical cases

In an unfortunate case in February 2022, six motorcyclists set off from Xiangtan, Hunan Province, planning to travel to Sanya, Hainan. While passing through the city of Zhaoqing, they decided to pass through a highway toll booth, even though the station had clear signs prohibiting motorcycles. Their card rush was discovered by the toll booth staff and tried to stop it, but the six ignored the staff's obstruction and forcibly entered the highway.

Unfortunately, one of the motorcyclists, Ding, was involved in a serious accident on the highway. The motorcycle he was driving collided with the left guardrail, resulting in his own death and the injury of the passenger, Yang. The investigation of the accident found that the motorcycle driven by Ding did not undergo regular safety technical inspections, and his driving behavior violated a number of traffic laws. Therefore, he was found to be the fully responsible party for the accident, and the passenger Yang was not liable.

In hearing the case, the court held that the management company of the expressway toll booth had fulfilled its safety management responsibilities because the entrance to the toll booth was intact and there were obvious no-entry signs. The court also pointed out that Ding's companions failed to fulfill their obligations to persuade and remind each other, which led to the tragedy. In the end, the court ruled that Ding's companions should jointly bear a certain percentage of the liability for compensation, and compensated Ding's family an amount of 123,455.75 yuan.

Fourth, countermeasures and suggestions

Here are some suggested measures to address the problem of motorcycles forcing themselves on high speeds:

1. Improve the prohibition sign reminder: Set up a prohibition sign at the entrance of the highway to enhance the effect of the prohibition of motorcycles on the highway in a conspicuous position to enhance the effect of the reminder.

2. Renovation of the entrance pole lifting barrier: The ultra-wide lane at the entrance of the expressway toll station is renovated, and the existing single-pole lifting barrier is transformed into a double-pole lifting barrier to prevent motorcycles from entering the highway from the right gap.

3. Installation of intelligent voice system: Install an acoustic and photoelectric intelligent perception voice alarm system at the entrance of the highway toll station to intelligently perceive and voice remind motorcycles and pedestrians who illegally trespass.

4. Add electronic police capture: upgrade and improve the high-definition electronic monitoring and automatic number plate recognition and other electronic police capture equipment at the entrance square of the expressway toll station, capture the motorcycles that force the highway, and fix the evidence for off-site law enforcement.

5. Sort out the key targets: The traffic police department and the expressway company will comprehensively investigate the basic information such as the time, place, personnel, and license plate number of motorcycles that are prone to high-speed violations in the jurisdiction, and sort out a number of key objects of motorcycle break-in.

6. Carry out joint and unified actions: The traffic police department links with the expressway company and the road administration department to integrate multiple forces to regularly carry out special rectification actions to crack down on the illegal behavior of motorcycles forcibly entering the expressway, and create a high-pressure and strict management situation.

7. Open up online reporting channels: In view of the road company's complete video surveillance resources and convenient management advantages, collect evidence of illegal motorcycle trespassing, rely on the traffic integrated command platform to enter the system of conclusive illegal acts, and send SMS reminders to the illegal parties.

8. Publish the telephone number for reporting violations: Open an online reporting platform on the official WeChat public account, and citizens can report online through the WeChat official account, or bring relevant evidence materials to the designated place for on-site real-name reporting.

In short, the phenomenon of motorcycles forcibly breaking into the highway needs to be rectified urgently, and all parties need to work together to effectively ensure road traffic safety.

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