
The logo on the car buttons, finally someone translated it, collect it and take a look.

author:Extraordinary leaf 3F

The logo on the car buttons, finally someone translated it, collect it and take a look.

The logo on the car buttons, finally someone translated it, collect it and take a look.
The logo on the car buttons, finally someone translated it, collect it and take a look.
The logo on the car buttons, finally someone translated it, collect it and take a look.
The logo on the car buttons, finally someone translated it, collect it and take a look.
The logo on the car buttons, finally someone translated it, collect it and take a look.
The logo on the car buttons, finally someone translated it, collect it and take a look.
The logo on the car buttons, finally someone translated it, collect it and take a look.
The logo on the car buttons, finally someone translated it, collect it and take a look.
The logo on the car buttons, finally someone translated it, collect it and take a look.
The logo on the car buttons, finally someone translated it, collect it and take a look.
The logo on the car buttons, finally someone translated it, collect it and take a look.
The logo on the car buttons, finally someone translated it, collect it and take a look.
The logo on the car buttons, finally someone translated it, collect it and take a look.
The logo on the car buttons, finally someone translated it, collect it and take a look.
The logo on the car buttons, finally someone translated it, collect it and take a look.

Do you know what this button is for on a car?" I casually threw up this question in my circle of friends, accompanied by a photo of some mysterious buttons in my new car.

It didn't take long for his old friend Xiao Liu to reply: "Ha, you're too backward, and now someone has translated the functions of these keys clearly, why are you still guessing?"

I was stunned for a moment, then became excited. "Really, share it with me!"

Xiao Liu sent a picture explaining the functions of each car button in detail, with the caption: "Learn, don't turn on the fog lights as high beams." ”

It gave me a flash of inspiration, and if I could dig deeper into the functions of these buttons and write an article to share them, it would definitely help more car owners who know a little about the functions of car buttons like me.

On the way home, I kept thinking about how to conceive this article. I thought it would be important to not only explain the function of each key, but also the principles behind it, and even include some tips and precautions, so that my article can be more valuable.

I started to take pictures of every button in the car, and then compared them with the manuals one by one, and even consulted a lot of information to try to explain every detail clearly.

In the process of writing, I deeply realized that the design philosophy behind the car buttons is actually very subtle. For example, the small snowflake symbol in the air conditioner button represents the cooling function, and the arrow on the circulation button indicates the switch of air circulation mode.

I also found some lesser-known tips, such as the fact that a long press on the window button can not only control the rise and fall of the window, but also a long press on some models to fully open or close the window, which is very convenient.

Once the article was done, I published it on my blog and on several social platforms for car enthusiasts. I hope that this "translation" of mine will help more car owners to stop being confused about the buttons in the car.

Unexpectedly, my article received an enthusiastic response. Many readers have commented that they have learned a lot of practical knowledge from my articles, and some have even suggested that I continue to dig deeper and write more articles on car maintenance and use.

This experience made me realize that there is so much knowledge in life waiting to be discovered and shared. Every time we explore and learn, we can increase our knowledge and help others.

Since then, I have become more enthusiastic about exploring various "secrets" in life, and passing on these interesting and practical knowledge to more people through my articles. It's not just a way to share, it's a way to make life better.

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