
What kind of secret is hidden behind Chen Xiaotongyao's "tacit understanding CP"?


In this seemingly calm TV drama circle, a small detail has become the focus of national attention. That's right, I'm talking about the pair of "tacit CPs" from the crew - Chen Xiao and Tong Yao. They are not a couple, let alone a bloody couple in the palace fighting drama, but a pair of tacit "partners" shown in the crew.

What kind of secret is hidden behind Chen Xiaotongyao's "tacit understanding CP"?

Hey, you heard it right, actors who haven't seen a tacit understanding can also be "paired"? Yes, this is not some kind of strange convention, but the degree of tacit understanding they show in the crew has been infinitely amplified by netizens. In a word, "Chen Xiao and Tong Yao CP" appeared on the hot search, and fans were excitedly discussing how the tacit understanding of the "tacit CP" came about, whether it was a spiritual heart or a ghost.

What kind of secret is hidden behind Chen Xiaotongyao's "tacit understanding CP"?

I heard that their cooperation in the crew is like a natural pair, and they don't need to communicate too much, and they can understand each other's meaning by making eye contact. Some fans once joked that if the rivalry between the two was recorded on the set, probably the entire shooting team would be laid off easily, because the rest of the work would be handed over to Chen Xiao and Tong Yao.

What kind of secret is hidden behind Chen Xiaotongyao's "tacit understanding CP"?

Hey, don't think crooked, I'm not saying that they filmed "a combination of work and rest" to bed. In fact, the tacit understanding of this "tacit CP" is mostly reflected in the tacit understanding of filming. They work together seamlessly, as if they can act well without a director. Sometimes, with Chen Xiao's eyebrows raised, Tong Yao could understand what he was thinking, and then react accordingly.

What kind of secret is hidden behind Chen Xiaotongyao's "tacit understanding CP"?

Other people in the crew were also amazed by the tacit understanding of this pair of "tacit CP". It is said that once, the crew was recording an important rival scene, and suddenly the power went out. The other actors panicked, only Chen Xiao and Tong Yao tacitly cooperated without hesitation and continued to act. This scene was like a perfect "tacit show" that amazed everyone else.

What kind of secret is hidden behind Chen Xiaotongyao's "tacit understanding CP"?

Of course, this tacit understanding did not happen overnight. It is said that Chen Xiao and Tong Yao also spent a lot of effort in the crew. They often discuss scripts together, explore the inner world of the characters, and exchange acting skills with each other. Behind this tacit understanding is the result of their common love and unremitting efforts in the acting industry.

What kind of secret is hidden behind Chen Xiaotongyao's "tacit understanding CP"?

Some people may think that the tacit understanding of "tacit CP" is a bit exaggerated, but who can deny that such a tacit understanding makes their acting skills more excellent, and also lays a good foundation for the successful broadcast of the whole show?

What kind of secret is hidden behind Chen Xiaotongyao's "tacit understanding CP"?

In this world full of role-playing and props, many times, actors have to do more than just interpret the words, but also present the inner world of the characters to the audience. This pair of "tacit CP" Chen Xiao and Tong Yao are like a pair of tacit dance partners, cooperating with each other to dance the heartstrings of each character.

What kind of secret is hidden behind Chen Xiaotongyao's "tacit understanding CP"?

The audience also expressed their love and support for this "tacit CP". Chen Xiao's affectionate performance and Tong Yao's hard work have won the recognition and love of more and more audiences. Their hard work and dedication not only add infinite charm to the series, but also inject new vitality into the entire entertainment industry.

What kind of secret is hidden behind Chen Xiaotongyao's "tacit understanding CP"?

In this world of "dog blood" dramas, Chen Xiao and Tong Yao used their tacit understanding and strength to show the audience a different way of acting. They don't have a dazzling star halo, no "dog blood" hype, only down-to-earth efforts and tacit cooperation. It is this tacit understanding that makes them go further and further on the road of acting, and also makes the audience look forward to their wonderful performances in the future.

What kind of secret is hidden behind Chen Xiaotongyao's "tacit understanding CP"?

Perhaps on this gorgeous stage, there are countless "tacit CPs" who are working silently, using their tacit understanding and strength to present wonderful pictures to the audience. But no matter what, Chen Xiao and Tong Yao will become a beautiful landscape in the world of this drama series with their tacit understanding and strength, and become an indelible memory in the hearts of the audience.

What kind of secret is hidden behind Chen Xiaotongyao's "tacit understanding CP"?

"Tacit understanding CP" Chen Xiao and Tong Yao, your tacit understanding and strength let us see a different world of acting, and also let us have a deeper understanding of the professionalism and efforts of actors. May you go further and further on the road of performing arts and achieve a more brilliant future!

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