
"Formaldehyde big households" have been found out, 3 kinds of vegetables contain formaldehyde, toxic and carcinogenic?

author:Sharp-eyed life

Aunt Li is a retired elderly person who pays great attention to health and bought a bag of fresh baby cabbage at the market one day to return home.

However, on the way home, a neighbor's words made her suspicious: "These dishes may have been soaked in formaldehyde, so be careful when eating!"

Aunt Li panicked all of a sudden, formaldehyde? That's a toxic substance, how can it appear in the vegetables she bought?

"Formaldehyde big households" have been found out, 3 kinds of vegetables contain formaldehyde, toxic and carcinogenic?

In fact, Aunt Li's worries are not unfounded.

In recent years, there have indeed been some news about vegetables being soaked in formaldehyde, which has made many people pay attention to this problem.

So, what exactly is formaldehyde, what is its effect on the human body, and does our vegetables really contain formaldehyde?

"Formaldehyde big households" have been found out, 3 kinds of vegetables contain formaldehyde, toxic and carcinogenic?


First, let's take a look at formaldehyde. Formaldehyde is a toxic chemical that is commonly used in the manufacture of adhesives, preservatives, etc.

It is very harmful to the human body, and long-term exposure may lead to diseases such as nasopharyngeal cancer and leukemia.

"Formaldehyde big households" have been found out, 3 kinds of vegetables contain formaldehyde, toxic and carcinogenic?

However, you don't need to panic too much, because most of the formaldehyde contained in vegetables is endogenous, that is, it is naturally produced during the growth of vegetables.

The content of this endogenous formaldehyde is very low, and most of it will be volatilized during cooking, so it generally does not cause harm to the human body.

Of course, there are also some merchants who may use formaldehyde to soak vegetables in order to make them look fresher. However, this practice is strictly forbidden because of the harm it can cause to the human body.

If we buy this formaldehyde-soaked vegetable, we need to pay special attention.


So, how to tell if vegetables have been soaked in formaldehyde? Generally speaking, vegetables that have been soaked in formaldehyde will be more colorful and may have a pungent smell.

If you encounter such a situation when buying vegetables, you need to be very careful.

Next, let's take a look at those foods that are known as "formaldehyde giants". The first is mushrooms, which are rumored to produce formaldehyde during their growth.

"Formaldehyde big households" have been found out, 3 kinds of vegetables contain formaldehyde, toxic and carcinogenic?

01. Mushrooms

It is true that mushrooms will produce trace amounts of formaldehyde during growth, but this is a normal physiological phenomenon, and the formaldehyde content in cooked mushrooms will be greatly reduced, so everyone can eat it with confidence.

02. Whitish tofu

The second is whitish tofu, some people say that merchants will add formaldehyde in order to make the tofu look fairer. But in fact, the color of tofu is mainly related to the raw materials and coagulants, and has nothing to do with formaldehyde.

"Formaldehyde big households" have been found out, 3 kinds of vegetables contain formaldehyde, toxic and carcinogenic?

03. Bundled vegetables

Finally, there are vegetables bundled with plastic bags, some people say that plastic bags will cause excessive formaldehyde in vegetables.

But in fact, qualified plastic products will not cause pollution to vegetables, and formaldehyde is volatile and soluble in water, and will basically be removed during cleaning and cooking.

"Formaldehyde big households" have been found out, 3 kinds of vegetables contain formaldehyde, toxic and carcinogenic?


So, how do we choose healthy vegetables? Here are three tips:

"Formaldehyde big households" have been found out, 3 kinds of vegetables contain formaldehyde, toxic and carcinogenic?

One look, two touches, three smells.

At first glance, it is necessary to see whether the appearance of the vegetables is bright, whether the shape is normal, and whether the surface is smooth;

The second touch is to feel whether the surface of the vegetable is moist and refreshing, if it is too smooth, there may be a problem;

Three smells, that is, to smell whether the smell of vegetables is fresh, if there is a peculiar smell, you should pay special attention.

In general, although vegetables may contain trace amounts of formaldehyde, as long as we purchase them through formal channels and pay attention to processing and cooking methods, we can effectively remove formaldehyde and ensure food safety.

At the same time, we must also learn to use scientific methods to judge the quality and safety of vegetables. I hope that everyone can enjoy food while also paying attention to health.


In addition, I would like to emphasize that in our daily life, in addition to paying attention to the safety of the ingredients themselves, the way we cook is equally important.

"Formaldehyde big households" have been found out, 3 kinds of vegetables contain formaldehyde, toxic and carcinogenic?

Try to choose healthy cooking methods such as steaming, boiling, and roasting, and avoid excessive frying and frying, which will not only retain the nutrients of the food, but also reduce the production of harmful substances.

Furthermore, a balanced and varied diet is key. Don't avoid a certain food altogether because you're worried about what it might do, but instead ensure the full absorption of nutrients by eating a varied diet.

For example, if you are concerned about the formaldehyde that mushrooms may contain, then you can eat it in moderation and pair it with other kinds of vegetables, such as greens, carrots, tomatoes, etc.

"Formaldehyde big households" have been found out, 3 kinds of vegetables contain formaldehyde, toxic and carcinogenic?

In this era of information explosion, we must learn to distinguish between true and false information, and not blindly believe rumors and rumors. For important issues such as food safety, it is necessary to treat them with a scientific and rational attitude. I hope everyone can eat healthy and eat with confidence!

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