
What should I do next after the single-enrollment exam?


Candidates may feel relieved as the single-enrollment exam comes to an end, but the next steps are just as important. Today, I will introduce to you what you should do after the single-enrollment exam to ensure that candidates can smoothly enter the ideal college.

What should I do next after the single-enrollment exam?

Volunteer to fill in

1. Don't lose the admission ticket

Keep the Admission Ticket Properly Even though the exam is over, the admission ticket is still very important. Admission tickets are required for score inquiry, application for score review, and admission registration of some institutions. Therefore, candidates must keep their admission tickets properly.

2. Score inquiry

Single Enrollment Exam Enquiry: Mid-April

Pay attention to the result inquiry time In mid-April 2024, candidates can use the website of the Hebei Provincial Education Examination Institute

( or Hebei Provincial Higher Vocational Single Recruitment System ( to check their own test results.

What should I do next after the single-enrollment exam?

Question bank construction

3. Score review

If in doubt, apply for a score review. If candidates have doubts about their scores, they can submit a written application for score review at the county (city, district) enrollment examination agency where they registered for the college entrance examination, and check the review results through the official website of the Hebei Provincial Education Examination Institute.

Fourth, volunteer to fill in

Reasonable filling in of volunteers Single-recruitment volunteers are filled in in parallel volunteers, including centralized volunteers and one-time solicitation of volunteers. After the results are announced, candidates need to log in to the official website of the Hebei Provincial Education Examination Institute to fill in the volunteer within the specified time. Each time you fill in the application, candidates can choose to apply for 10 colleges and universities in the examination class (professional category) they apply for, and each institution can fill in a maximum of 6 majors, and choose whether to obey the professional adjustment, but they are not allowed to fill in across categories.

5. Admission Notice

Generally around June to August, colleges and universities will issue admission notices. According to the time of the admission letter, the candidate will go to the school to start the school.

What should I do next after the single-enrollment exam?

Single-enrollment exams

Every step after the single-enrollment exam is equally crucial. It is hoped that candidates can successfully complete the follow-up processes such as score inquiry and voluntary filling, and finally receive the ideal admission letter. I wish every candidate can start a new chapter in their lives and have a bright future!

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