
Selling signature dishes, the strength is hot

author:Chinese kitchen

Garlic bitter gourd lamb tenderloin

Selling signature dishes, the strength is hot

Ingredients: lamb loin

Excipients: bitter gourd, garlic, red pepper.

Seasoning: oyster sauce, salt, monosodium glutamate, dark soy sauce.


1. Cut bitter gourd, garlic and red pepper into small cubes for later use;

2. Cut the lamb loin into small cubes and prepare it with salting;

3. Stir-fry the diced garlic until golden brown;

4. Put in the lamb loin and fry, after frying, add diced red pepper and bitter gourd;

5. Add oyster sauce, salt, monosodium glutamate, add a little dark soy sauce to adjust the color, remove from the pot and put on a plate.

Roasted vegetarian pork with Thai jasmine rice

Selling signature dishes, the strength is hot

Ingredients: plant-based pork belly, fragrant rice.


Seasoning: rock sugar, light soy sauce, dark soy sauce, cooking wine.


1. Change the vegetable pork belly to the size of braised pork, fry it in a pan and set aside;

2. Put the rock sugar in the pan and stir-fry the sugar until it is colored.

3. Add oil to the pot, add green onion and ginger, stir-fry until fragrant, add star anise, cinnamon, bay leaves, angelica angelica and Sichuan pepper on low heat and stir-fry, add the prepared plant meat, put sugar and stir-fry;

4. Add water, salt, light soy sauce, cooking wine, dark soy sauce, simmer until the soup is viscous and mellow, and serve with steamed fragrant rice.

Clay carp claypot rice

Selling signature dishes, the strength is hot

Ingredients: crucian carp, rice.

Excipients: secret sauce, broccoli.


1. Fry the crucian carp until golden brown on both sides, add the secret sauce and cook over low heat;

2. Put the washed rice into the casserole, add water, stir in tempeh, oyster sauce, light soy sauce, and put broccoli and crucian carp;

3. Steam for about 40 minutes, remove from the pot.

Domineering jumping frog

Selling signature dishes, the strength is hot


1. Cut the frog meat into pieces, marinate it with salt, cooking wine and ginger and onion juice, then put it into the hot oil pan and slide it to cook, take it out and drain the oil for later use.

2. Heat the cooked vegetable oil in the net pot, put in the dried chili pepper section, ginger slices, garlic slices, pickled pepper section, wild mountain pepper section, green and red millet pepper section and Sichuan pepper to stir-fry until fragrant, put in the slippery frog pieces and cook in cooking wine, add salt, monosodium glutamate, chicken essence, sugar and light soy sauce to stir-fry into the flavor, sprinkle some drunkard peanuts after putting it out of the pot and putting it on the plate, and it is ready.

Hot and sour flame fish head

Selling signature dishes, the strength is hot

Raw material:

1 silver carp (about 3,000 grams), 200 grams of homemade pickled red pepper, pickled ginger, pickled radish, chopped wild pepper, 50 grams of pickled garlic, coriander, green onions, ginger, salt, monosodium glutamate, chicken essence, cooking wine, Dazhu Dongliu mash, oyster sauce, mountain pepper oil, fish bone soup, salad oil


1. Slaughter and clean the silver carp, cut off the head of the fish (with the neck of the fish, and the body of the fish is used for other purposes), cut it in half, and cut the flower knife at the neck of the fish and set aside. In addition, cut the green onions into knots and pat them loosely, and cut the ginger into slices.

2. Put the fish head into a basin, add the fluffy green onion knots, ginger slices, salt and cooking wine, marinate for about 10 minutes after grasping well, then take out the fish head and wash it with water, drain and set aside.

3. Next, the fish head is tasted a second time. Put the fish head in a bowl, add the green onion knots, ginger slices, salt and a little chicken essence, scoop in the mash (a little more) and oyster sauce, grasp well, marinate for a few minutes, and then put the fish head in the middle of the large disc.

4. Pour salad oil into the pot and heat it, put in the homemade soaked red pepper to simmer fragrant, pour in the pickled ginger, pickled radish, wild pepper and garlic and stir-fry until fragrant, add an appropriate amount of pre-boiled fish bone broth to boil, add salt, monosodium glutamate and chicken essence, and pour it evenly on the fish head in the dish after getting out of the pot.

5. Put the fish head drizzled with sauce into the steaming cabinet, steam on high heat for about 15 minutes until the fish is cooked, take it out and pour in a little mountain pepper oil, garnish with coriander, and it is ready.

Spicy crispy bones

Selling signature dishes, the strength is hot

Raw material:

400 grams of pork crispy bones, 200 grams of sharp peppers, 50 grams of dried chili peppers, 50 grams of Wangzi small steamed buns, 20 grams of green onions, 20 grams of custard flour, 30 grams of corn starch, 20 grams of pork rib sauce, 10 grams of hoisin sauce, 10 grams of Sichuan pepper, ginger slices, garlic slices, salt, chicken essence, monosodium glutamate, sugar, salad oil, appropriate amount of brine 1 pot


1. Clean the pork crispy bones, put them in a brine pot and marinate them, take them out and chop them into large cubes, put in the pork rib sauce, hoisin sauce, custard powder and cornstarch and mix well, and shake off the excess starch and set aside.

2. Put the salad oil in the net pot and boil it until it is 50% hot, put in the pork crispy bones wrapped in starch, fry until the surface is golden and crispy, take it out and drain the oil.

3. Leave the bottom oil in the pot, add the dried chili peppers, Sichuan pepper, ginger slices, garlic slices and sharp pepper to stir-fry the fragrance, put in the fried pork crispy bones, add salt, chicken essence, monosodium glutamate and sugar and stir well, sprinkle in Wangzi small steamed buns and green onions, and put them on the plate.

Roasted baby catfish with garlic

Selling signature dishes, the strength is hot


1. Add salt, monosodium glutamate, cornstarch, pepper and cooking wine to the catfish, fry them in a pot of hot oil until golden brown, take them out and drain the oil for later use.

2. Heat the mixed oil (lard and vegetable oil) into the net pot, put in the bean paste and fry until fragrant, then enlarge the garlic, garlic and ginger, mix with water and boil, and burn the fried catfish into the flavor, add a little monosodium glutamate and chicken essence to taste, wait until the fish becomes soft, sprinkle in the minced Huoxiang and green onions, and fry evenly to collect the juice, you can start the pot and put it on the plate.