
Nearly 10,000 people have participated, and well-known actresses have also join→ed!

author:Golden Lotus

Zhang Yuanying's "twisting his hips in a circle" exploded on the Internet, and the doctor urgently reminded him: Imitation needs to be cautious!

Nearly 10,000 people have participated, and well-known actresses have also join→ed!

When Zhang Yuanying of the South Korean girl singing group IVE showed her cool "twisting her hips" at the concert, the whole network was boiling. Not only fans are vying to imitate it, but even celebrities and Internet celebrities from all walks of life are eager to try it and want to challenge this difficult action. However, while we were basking in this imitation frenzy, an orthopedic surgeon's warning poured cold water on our enthusiasm for imitation.

Nearly 10,000 people have participated, and well-known actresses have also join→ed!

Dr Cheung pointed out that although Cheung's dance moves are highly ornamental, the potential risks should not be underestimated. He explained that this difficult hip twisting movement, especially done in rapid rotation, puts great pressure on the lumbar spine. A slight carelessness may lead to lumbar spine injuries and even serious lumbar spine diseases.

Nearly 10,000 people have participated, and well-known actresses have also join→ed!

Imagine that you are enthusiastically imitating Zhang Yuanying's dance moves, and suddenly you feel a sharp pain in your lower back, followed by the embarrassment of not being able to move. originally wanted to show his dancing skills, but unfortunately became a "lumbar spine injury", who wants to accept such a result?

Nearly 10,000 people have participated, and well-known actresses have also join→ed!

Of course, we don't have to talk about "twisting" discoloration because of this, and Dr. Zhang also gave suggestions for prevention. He reminds that if we are really interested in this type of dance move, we might as well find some basic dance tutorials to learn first. Start with simple movements and gradually improve your dancing skills and physical fitness, so that you can enjoy the joy of dancing more safely.

Nearly 10,000 people have participated, and well-known actresses have also join→ed!

At the same time, Dr. Zhang also emphasized the importance of daily maintenance. He suggested that everyone regularly do some exercises for the waist, such as Xiaoyanfei, five-point support, etc., to enhance the strength and flexibility of the waist muscles. These exercises can not only help us prevent lumbar spine diseases, but also improve our dance performance.

Nearly 10,000 people have participated, and well-known actresses have also join→ed!

In addition to professional guidance and daily maintenance, we also need to maintain a rational heart. In the face of this online imitation frenzy, we need to learn to distinguish which actions are suitable for us and which ones may be risky. Don't blindly follow the trend, and don't ignore your physical health in pursuit of momentary popularity.

Nearly 10,000 people have participated, and well-known actresses have also join→ed!

Speaking of which, we have to mention Zhang Yuanying's dancing talent and professionalism again. As a professional dancer, she not only has excellent dancing skills, but also knows how to protect her body. This is one of the important reasons why she can continue to shine on stage. And we, as viewers and imitators, should learn some valuable lessons from this.

Nearly 10,000 people have participated, and well-known actresses have also join→ed!

In fact, it is not only Zhang Yuanying's "turning and twisting the hips" that is risky, but any difficult dance moves need to be treated with caution. While pursuing art and beauty, we should pay more attention to our own physical health and safety. After all, the body is the capital of the revolution, and only with a healthy body can we better pursue our dreams and enjoy the beauty that life brings.

Nearly 10,000 people have participated, and well-known actresses have also join→ed!

In addition, this imitation frenzy has also triggered us to think about the phenomenon of the Internet. In this era of information explosion, the emergence of a hot event can often quickly attract the attention and imitation of the whole network. However, should we remain rational and vigilant while pursuing heat and freshness?

Nearly 10,000 people have participated, and well-known actresses have also join→ed!

For Zhang Yuanying's "turning in a circle and twisting the hips" action, we can watch and learn with an appreciative attitude, but we don't have to blindly imitate it. Everyone has their own dance style and physical condition, and finding the right way to dance is the most important thing. At the same time, we must also learn to maintain the ability to think independently in the online world, and not be swayed by various hot spots and trends.

Nearly 10,000 people have participated, and well-known actresses have also join→ed!

Finally, let us praise Zhang Yuanying's superb dancing skills and admire her professionalism. At the same time, we should always remind ourselves that on the road of pursuing art and beauty, cherishing life and staying away from blind imitation is our eternal theme. Only in this way can we better enjoy the joy brought by dance and better pursue our dreams and life values.

Nearly 10,000 people have participated, and well-known actresses have also join→ed!

In this craze for imitation, let's stay rational and vigilant, and pursue the charm and joy of dance on the premise of health and safety! Cherish your body, starting with every dance!

Nearly 10,000 people have participated, and well-known actresses have also join→ed!

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