
There are 4 health hazards of hyperlipidemia, which should not be underestimated, and there are 2 abnormalities in the body frequently, so we should be vigilant against hyperlipidemia

author:Li Xu Yao, Department of Traditional Chinese Medicine

On an ordinary weekend, Uncle Zhang was playing chess with friends in the park. He has always considered himself healthy, never smoked or drank, and ate a relatively balanced diet. But suddenly, he felt a sharp pain in his chest and fainted next to the chessboard. After examination by the hospital, it turned out to be a heart problem caused by high blood lipids. Uncle Zhang's story is not an isolated case, and the seemingly common problem of high blood lipids has huge potential health risks.

There are 4 health hazards of hyperlipidemia, which should not be underestimated, and there are 2 abnormalities in the body frequently, so we should be vigilant against hyperlipidemia

The Four Health Hazards of High Blood Lipids: An Alarm That Can't Be Ignored

The "Invisible Killer": The Man Behind Heart Disease

Hyperlipidemia is one of the main causes of heart disease. Elevated blood lipid levels lead to the accumulation of fat in the walls of blood vessels, causing hardening of the arteries and increasing the risk of heart disease and myocardial infarction. One study showed that people with hyperlipidemia had twice the rate of heart disease. Therefore, monitoring and managing blood lipid levels is essential for heart health.

The threat of cerebrovascular disease: a potential trigger for stroke

Cerebrovascular health is also severely affected by hyperlipidemia. Dyslipidemia accelerates the lesion of the cerebral blood vessels and increases the risk of stroke. In fact, hyperlipidemia is one of the main risk factors for stroke. According to research, controlling blood lipid levels can effectively reduce the chance of stroke.

Liver Concerns: Behind Fatty Liver and Cirrhosis

High blood lipids not only affect the heart and brain, but also cause damage to the liver. Long-term hyperlipidemia can lead to fat deposits in the liver, which can lead to fatty liver and even cirrhosis. Therefore, regular checks of liver function and blood lipid levels are essential for maintaining liver health.

The flame of chronic inflammation: a long-term threat that cannot be ignored

High blood lipids can also trigger chronic inflammation, a state of inflammation that occurs quietly within the body and affects multiple systems in the body. Long-term chronic inflammation is strongly associated with the development of a variety of chronic diseases such as abnormal glucose metabolism and increased systemic arterial blood pressure.

There are 4 health hazards of hyperlipidemia, which should not be underestimated, and there are 2 abnormalities in the body frequently, so we should be vigilant against hyperlipidemia

"Hidden Danger: Your Body Alerts You About High Blood Lipids"

Common symptom changes: early warning signs

Hyperlipidemia may not show obvious symptoms in the early stages, but there are still some subtle changes that are worth being aware of. For example, sudden weight gain or loss, increased fatigue, dizziness or heart palpitations, etc. These may be your body's attempts to tell you that the amount of fat in your blood has reached unhealthy levels.

Additionally, some people may experience gastrointestinal issues such as indigestion or stomach upset, which can also be early signs of hyperlipidemia. Although these symptoms may be seen as everyday minor problems, ignoring them can lead to more serious health problems.

Additional Information:

High blood lipids can lead to cholesterol accumulation in the walls of blood vessels, increasing the risk of heart disease and stroke.

Regular lipid profiles, especially in individuals with a family history, are essential for early identification and management.

Proper diet and regular exercise are key means of controlling blood lipids.

Changes in physical signs: visible health signals

Some changes in the appearance of the body can also be a sign of hyperlipidemia. For example, yellow patches around the eyes (called melasma) may be a direct manifestation of cholesterol accumulation. Similarly, if you notice a painless yellow rash in certain areas of your arm or leg, this may be an outward sign of an abnormal blood lipid level.

Another important sign is thickening or darkening of the skin on the neck, which is medically known as skin tan, which is often associated with high blood lipids. These signs should not be overlooked, as they are important health messages that your body is trying to convey to you.

Additional Information:

Complexion tan may be associated with insulin resistance, which is an early sign of abnormal glucose metabolism.

Regular check-ups can help detect signs of hyperlipidemia early.

As soon as these signs are detected, a doctor should be consulted immediately and further health evaluation should be performed.

There are 4 health hazards of hyperlipidemia, which should not be underestimated, and there are 2 abnormalities in the body frequently, so we should be vigilant against hyperlipidemia

By paying attention to these early physical changes in a timely manner, we can identify and manage the risk of hyperlipidemia earlier. Not only does this help prevent more serious health problems, but it also improves our quality of life and well-being. Therefore, each of us should pay more attention to our own health signals and take appropriate measures to maintain our health.