
Dandelion can destroy 98% of cancer cells and eliminate nodules? Doctors tell you the truth

author:Dr. Shen popularized science

For a long time, dandelion seemed to be only an insignificant existence in nature, and few people knew that it was actually a hidden Chinese medicine.

However, with modern people's enthusiasm for health preservation and the rediscovery and understanding of traditional Chinese medicine, the buried pearl of dandelion has finally been discovered by the world.

I believe everyone has more or less heard of its effects, among which everyone may pay more attention to the two points of swelling and anti-cancer, so they use it to soak in water and drink, hoping to be useful. Does it really have that much to do?


Dandelion can destroy 98% of cancer cells and eliminate nodules? Doctors tell you the truth

According to a foreign study, when the extract of dandelion roots gets along with cancer cells for 48 hours, about 98% of cancer cells will be killed.

Dandelion can destroy 98% of cancer cells and eliminate nodules? Doctors tell you the truth

This discovery seems to have given dandelions the miraculous power to fight cancer. The science behind it is that dandelion contains a certain substance that can effectively inhibit the protease in cancer cells, so as to achieve the effect of killing cancer cells.

However, as we rejoiced at the discovery, doctors reminded us to remain calm. While the results of in vitro experiments are encouraging, this does not mean that dandelions can do the same in our bodies.

The environment of in vitro experiments is significantly different from the internal environment of the human body, so the fact that dandelion can kill cancer cells in vitro does not mean that it is equally effective in our body.

In addition, the development and marketing of a drug is a long and challenging process. It often takes years or even decades from initial research to final clinical application.

Dandelion can destroy 98% of cancer cells and eliminate nodules? Doctors tell you the truth

In this process, it is not only necessary to invest a lot of manpower and material resources, but also to go through layers of strict inspection and approval. Therefore, even if dandelion does have anti-cancer effects, it will need to go through a long and rigorous research process before it can be applied in clinical practice.

Therefore, in the face of the news of dandelion's fight against cancer, we should remain rational and cautious. Although this discovery provides us with a new way of thinking about fighting cancer, it will take more time and effort to truly apply it to the clinic.

In addition to this, it has also been heard that dandelion can eliminate nodules, which has led many people to take a keen interest in it. So, can dandelion eliminate nodules?

Dandelion does have the miraculous effect of clearing heat and detoxifying, reducing swelling and dissipating knots. However, for those who accidentally find nodules in their body during a physical examination, dandelion is not a guarantee that they will be able to eat it immediately, and we need to maintain a rational attitude here.

Dandelion can destroy 98% of cancer cells and eliminate nodules? Doctors tell you the truth

The examination methods of modern medicine, like a silent detective, can always inadvertently catch abnormal signals in the body. And when we learn that we have nodules in our body from the perspective of Western medicine, we are often a little panicked.

However, in the world of traditional Chinese medicine, the formation of nodules is inextricably linked to the stagnation of qi in the body, qi stagnation and blood stasis. They are like "wind, rain, thunder and lightning" in the body, wandering between different organs, and long-term accumulation can easily cause various diseases.

Many people learn that they have a nodule and their doctor recommends regular follow-up tests instead of prescribing medication right away. In the eyes of Western medicine, a nodule does not necessarily require immediate treatment unless it is life-threatening or causes significant discomfort.

In the concept of TCM, we pay more attention to the overall conditioning of the body. Although dandelion has the effect of reducing swelling and dissipating knots, Chinese medicine often combines other Chinese medicines with other Chinese medicines according to the individual's constitution and symptoms, forming a complete prescription that acts together on the body, so as to achieve the purpose of regulating the body and improving the physique.

Dandelion can destroy 98% of cancer cells and eliminate nodules? Doctors tell you the truth


How to view the treatment of cancer with traditional Chinese medicine?

First of all, we cannot deny the historical contribution of TCM in cancer treatment. With its unique theoretical system and treatment methods, traditional Chinese medicine has brought hope and vitality to countless cancer patients.

However, we should also note that TCM is not a panacea for cancer treatment, and its efficacy and safety still need to be verified and evaluated on the basis of science.

In modern medicine, cancer treatment has formed a comprehensive treatment system including surgery, radiotherapy, chemotherapy, immunotherapy and other means.

As one of the treatments, TCM should complement other treatments, rather than exclusive. Through scientific research and practice, we can find that traditional Chinese medicine has certain advantages in reducing the side effects of chemotherapy, improving the quality of life of patients, and prolonging survival.

Dandelion can destroy 98% of cancer cells and eliminate nodules? Doctors tell you the truth

However, we should also be wary of some criminals who take advantage of patients' trust in traditional Chinese medicine to exaggerate and mislead patients. Some so-called "miracle medicines" and "secret recipes" are often not scientifically verified, and may even bring greater harm to patients.

Therefore, when we choose Chinese medicine for cancer treatment, we should maintain a rational and cautious attitude, and choose formal medical institutions and professional doctors for treatment.


When making dandelion tea, should I use roots or leaves?

When it comes to making dandelion tea, whether you choose to use the roots or the leaves, it really depends on the health benefits you wish to achieve and your personal taste preferences.

Dandelions, this seemingly ordinary weed, are actually treasures all over their bodies. Its whole herb contains rich ingredients such as pectin, inulin, choline, etc., while the roots are particularly rich in nutrients such as dandelion alcohol and cythol.

Dandelion can destroy 98% of cancer cells and eliminate nodules? Doctors tell you the truth

The leaves are rich in beneficial substances such as lutein and chlorophyll. These ingredients endow dandelion with a variety of effects such as clearing heat and detoxifying, diuretic and drenching, and strengthening the stomach and eliminating appetite.

When brewing dandelion tea, you can choose to use roots or leaves, or even whole herbs. Different parts will give your tea different flavors and effects.

For example, tea brewed from the roots may be more intense, while tea brewed from leaves may be more fragrant. However, it is important to note that dandelions, despite their many benefits, are not suitable for everyone.

Excessive drinking or long-term drinking may cause certain damage to the spleen and stomach, so it is recommended to control the number of drinks 3~4 times a week, and do not drink every day.

Dandelion can destroy 98% of cancer cells and eliminate nodules? Doctors tell you the truth

When brewing dandelion tea, there is another tip, which is to drink it hot and avoid drinking it cold. In addition, for fresh dandelion brewing, it is recommended not to exceed 60g each time, while dried dandelion is recommended to not exceed 15g per time to ensure safety and effectiveness.

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