
How to eat while swimming: eat before or after swimming

author:Yugong Fitness

#游泳之间的事#游泳前后到底应不应该吃饭 This question has been bothering many swimmers, and today we will explore this problem!

Swimming is a full-body exercise that requires a lot of calories to be consumed, so swimming after eating can provide the body with enough energy and nutrients to help with smooth performance and recovery of physical strength while swimming.

How to eat while swimming: eat before or after swimming

However, the timing of meals and the type of diet can also affect the effectiveness of swimming. If you eat too late and the food is not fully digested, swimming may cause stomach upset, nausea and even vomiting, and it may also affect your performance when swimming before the food has been fully absorbed. Therefore, if you are about to swim, you should not eat too late.

How to eat while swimming: eat before or after swimming

Therefore, it is recommended to eat in moderation 1-2 hours before swimming, and choose foods that are easy to digest, low in fat, and high in carbohydrates, such as whole wheat bread, oatmeal, fruits, etc. This provides enough energy to the body without affecting performance while swimming.

How to eat while swimming: eat before or after swimming

In addition, after swimming, the body's calories have been rapidly consumed, and the physical strength has been lost a lot, especially after a long time of swimming, people are more likely to be weak, so they also need to eat in time after swimming training to replenish energy and nutrients to help the body recover effectively.

How to eat while swimming: eat before or after swimming

In addition to the need for appropriate high-quality carbohydrates, it is also necessary to choose some high-protein and vitamin foods to supplement and repair muscle fatigue and damage, such as lean meat and milk, drinks containing Vc, Vb, Va and other drinks, rather than greasy fatty foods that are difficult to digest.

How to eat while swimming: eat before or after swimming

In conclusion, you need to eat in moderation before and after swimming, but be mindful of the time and type of diet. If you have any other questions or suggestions, please leave a message in the comment area and let's discuss together.

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