
How has the 37-year-old woman changed her body after 10 years of swimming? Is swimming suitable for everyone? Increase knowledge

author:The Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology served as the former director
Disclaimer: The content of this article is written with authoritative medical data combined with personal opinions, and the source of the literature and screenshots have not been marked in the article, please be aware.

Ms. Yang, 37, has been fond of swimming since she was young, and for nearly 10 years now, Ms. Yang has insisted on swimming 2-3 times a week almost every week. Even in winter, Aunt Yang's enthusiasm has not been reduced in the slightest.

How has the 37-year-old woman changed her body after 10 years of swimming? Is swimming suitable for everyone? Increase knowledge

Ms. Yang is an office worker, she needs to sit in front of the computer desk all day long, and her colleagues are also lumbar spondylosis and cervical spondylosis, but Ms. Yang is the healthiest in the annual physical examination.

Despite her mild cervical spondylosis, Ms. Yang's liver function and body fat indicators are significantly better than those of her peers, and this health status is due to Ms. Yang's healthy lifestyle, many of which are due to her 10-year swimming plan.

What happens to your body if you keep swimming?

Swimming with full body participation can mobilize the joints of the whole body.

The weight of man floating in water is only 1/8 that of land;

Therefore, when swimming, the vertebral body and joints are equivalent to almost no weight-bearing, which helps to enhance bone density, and at the same time, the buoyancy of the water keeps the spine in a horizontal state, thereby reducing the burden on the spine, reducing the pressure between the vertebral bodies, and protecting the spine.

How has the 37-year-old woman changed her body after 10 years of swimming? Is swimming suitable for everyone? Increase knowledge

The action of swimming can also mobilize the movement of the joints of the body, increase the flexibility of the joints, and enhance the toughness of the spine, so swimming can achieve full movement without injuring the joints.

Swimming is a sport that combines muscle groups and can also affect muscles throughout the body.

Swimming requires muscles to alternate in continuous elongation, contraction, and relaxation, which can effectively improve the flexibility and strength of muscles, and can also improve muscle toughness for the muscles around the spine and joints, so as to enhance their support, protect the spine, and maintain the stability of the spine.

Many fitness people believe that the greatest effect of swimming is to burn fat.

The resistance of water during swimming is 12 times that of the air, and many muscles work together to break through the resistance of water, which requires greater energy expenditure of the body to overcome, in this process, the fat and glycogen in the body will be consumed to promote metabolism and ultimately achieve the goal of weight loss.

In the process of resisting the water, it can also play a role in shaping, making the body proportion more reasonable, long-term swimmers generally have flexible waists, well-proportioned body shapes and even slender figures.

How has the 37-year-old woman changed her body after 10 years of swimming? Is swimming suitable for everyone? Increase knowledge

Insisting on long-term swimming exercise can exercise your heart and lung function. The British "International Journal of Water Sports Research and Education" clearly pointed out that swimming is of great significance to enhance the human heart and lung function.

During swimming, the friction of the water flow increases the velocity of blood flow back to the heart, the stroke volume increases, the heart exhibits increased movement, increases myocardial contractility, and slows the heart rate, thereby improving heart function.

In addition, studies have found that regular swimming in people over the age of 40 can significantly improve systolic blood pressure.

The body is in the same plane when swimming, which is conducive to the circulation of blood, and long-term persistence can also thicken the blood vessel wall, increase the elasticity of blood vessels, achieve the purpose of controlling blood pressure, and further improve the efficiency of the cardiovascular system.

During swimming, it is necessary to constantly exchange air and hold breath, which can effectively exercise bronchial elasticity, increase lung capacity, and improve lung ventilation function, thereby reducing the occurrence of lung diseases.

However, if you have respiratory diseases, it is best to consult your doctor before swimming to avoid danger.

How has the 37-year-old woman changed her body after 10 years of swimming? Is swimming suitable for everyone? Increase knowledge

In addition, swimming can also improve the thermoregulatory function of the nervous system, enhance the body's adaptability, improve the body's immunity, and prevent colds and other diseases...... In short, the benefits of swimming are numerous, but even the most "perfect" workout is not suitable for it.

Even the "king of sports" has people who are not suitable

Swimming is a sport suitable for all ages, but there are still some contraindications to swimming, especially for patients with the following three diseases, swimming may be counterproductive. 1. Heart disease, hypertension and other cardiovascular and cerebrovascular patients

Long-term insistence on swimming has certain benefits for the cardiovascular system, but for patients including congenital heart disease, coronary heart disease, and poor control of refractory hypertension, due to the decline of myocardial contractility, once the intensity of swimming is too large, it is easy to exceed the cardiac load, resulting in insufficient blood supply to the heart, insufficient myocardial oxygen consumption, and sudden death is very likely to occur.

How has the 37-year-old woman changed her body after 10 years of swimming? Is swimming suitable for everyone? Increase knowledge

In addition, the elasticity of blood vessels in hypertensive patients is insufficient, and the change of water temperature in swimming pools can easily cause blood vessels to constrict violently and increase blood pressure, thereby increasing the incidence of stroke and cerebral infarction.

There is another situation in which the body will have a similar situation, and that is after drinking. Alcohol will paralyze the central nervous system of the human body, reduce cardiac contractility, dilate blood vessels, and accelerate energy consumption.

Therefore, for patients with severe cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases, as well as people who drink alcohol, it is best not to enter the water, even if the heart disease has been stabilized, warm up fully before swimming, and pay attention to slowly adapting to the water temperature.

2. Patients with gynecological diseases

Because women's special physiological structure is more susceptible to bacterial invasion, when women suffer from vaginitis and other diseases, their physiological state is poor, their immunity is low, and the short vagina gives the invasion of bacteria an opportunity;

Bacteria in the pool enter the vagina to aggravate pre-existing diseases and even cause new gynecological diseases.

How has the 37-year-old woman changed her body after 10 years of swimming? Is swimming suitable for everyone? Increase knowledge

In addition, women during menstruation will also lead to low resistance to vaginal bacteria, and women's menstrual blood provides a breeding ground for bacteria to invade and multiply, so it is absolutely forbidden for women to swim during menstruation.

The swimming pool is a public place, it is inevitable that there will be the possibility of infection with bacteria, it is recommended that women choose a regular swimming pool, and swimming must avoid menstruation, preferably after 3 days of menstruation, people with gynecological diseases should also be fully cured, and then choose swimming.

3. Epilepsy patients

The onset of epilepsy is sudden, and the sensation of suffocation under water and the feeling of suffocation in the water over the chest may be the trigger for seizures.

Whether it is a grand mal seizure or a brief loss of consciousness, once it occurs, the patient himself has no ability to save himself, and if the person around him does not help him in time, it is likely to lead to drowning.

How has the 37-year-old woman changed her body after 10 years of swimming? Is swimming suitable for everyone? Increase knowledge

Therefore, for people with epilepsy, it is best to choose other forms of exercise, and swimming is not recommended.

Swimming is a highly technical exercise program, and the fear and discomfort of patients with diseases to the water may lead to some underlying diseases, but even for healthy people, if they want to swim healthily, they need to pay attention to some things.

What do I need to pay attention to when swimming healthily?

First of all, be well prepared before entering the water.

Be sure to pay attention to the water temperature before swimming, after all, the water is too cold and prone to cramps, so even in summer, you should warm up for 10-15min to move your joints and muscles to prevent cramps caused by extreme changes in water temperature.

How has the 37-year-old woman changed her body after 10 years of swimming? Is swimming suitable for everyone? Increase knowledge

Adequate warm-up exercises before swimming can also help improve the excitability of the nervous system and prevent palpitations and dizziness after entering the water. But be careful not to exercise vigorously and overexert physical exertion on the negative side.

Be careful not to swim on an empty stomach, swimming on an empty stomach will affect appetite, reduce digestive function, and may also cause dizziness and fatigue due to physical exhaustion and blood sugar consumption during swimming;

In the same way, you can't swim immediately after eating, and the digestive activity is enhanced after eating, and a large amount of blood should be involved in digestion, but because of swimming, it flows to the extremities, reducing the blood in the digestive tract, which can lead to digestive problems.

Before swimming, you can replenish some energy a little, wear a well-fitting swimsuit, swimming cap, swimming goggles, nose clips, etc., and patients with underlying diseases should consult a doctor in advance to avoid unnecessary danger.

Secondly, the swimming time should not be too long.

How has the 37-year-old woman changed her body after 10 years of swimming? Is swimming suitable for everyone? Increase knowledge

In general, swimming for no more than 2 hours is the best time, long-term swimming may cause rapid heartbeat, muscle strain, and long-term soaking in water will also cause certain damage to the skin, resulting in dizziness, chest tightness, and pale skin. For some people with poor physical strength, if they feel weak during swimming, they should stop swimming immediately to avoid danger.

Finally, you need to pay attention to personal cleanliness after swimming.

Generally, swimming will choose a public swimming pool, the pool may contain a lot of bacteria, so you must clean your body in time after swimming to avoid bacteria breeding and affecting your health.

In short, swimming is a sport that greatly mobilizes the whole body system and organs, so that almost everywhere in the body has been exercised, and it is feasible for most people, and the benefits of swimming are even more prominent now, and the weather temperature is not low now. However, the doctor reminds everyone: master the precautions for swimming, and within a safe range, you can play a better role in swimming.


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