
One hoof determines the whole thing: Unlock the charm of braised pork trotters and create a collagen feast on the table

author:A culinary journey of sugar adzuki beans

Braised pork trotters, a delicacy that carries the essence of Chinese food culture, has a long history and has been passed down for thousands of years. Since ancient times, pig's trotters have been a delicacy on people's tables, and their unique taste and nutritional value are deeply loved by people. According to historical records, as early as the Tang Dynasty, braised pig's trotters have become a treasure in the imperial diet of the court, and are favored by emperors and nobles.

There is a well-known story about the origin of braised pork trotters. According to legend, a famous chef during the Tang Dynasty carefully developed the dish of braised pig's trotters in order to dedicate a delicious dish to the emperor. He uses the finest pig's trotters, with unique seasonings and cooking techniques, and after a long period of stewing, he finally produces braised pork trotters with bright red color and delicious taste. The emperor was full of praise after tasting it, and since then the braised pig's trotters have been famous all over the world and have been passed down to this day.

One hoof determines the whole thing: Unlock the charm of braised pork trotters and create a collagen feast on the table

Steps to cook braised pork trotters

1. Prepare ingredients: 500 grams of fresh pig trotters, 3 slices of ginger, 1 green onion, 30ml of cooking wine, 30ml of light soy sauce, 30ml of dark soy sauce, appropriate amount of rock sugar, 2 star anise, 1 small piece of cinnamon, appropriate amount of water.

2. Wash the pig's trotters, chop them into small pieces, and marinate them in cooking wine and light soy sauce for 15 minutes to make them taste good.

3. Slice the ginger and cut the green onions into sections for later use.

4. Add an appropriate amount of water to the pot, put in the pig's trotters, skim off the foam after boiling, remove the pig's trotters and drain the water.

5. Pour an appropriate amount of oil into the pot, add rock sugar, and stir-fry over low heat until the rock sugar melts and turns caramel color.

6. Put in the pig's trotters and stir-fry evenly to coat the pig's trotters with sugar.

7. Add the ginger slices, green onions, star anise and cinnamon, and continue to stir-fry until fragrant.

8. Pour in an appropriate amount of water, the amount of water is just over the pig's trotters, add dark soy sauce to adjust the color, turn to low heat and simmer slowly after boiling.

9. During the stewing process, an appropriate amount of salt can be added according to personal taste to taste, until the pig's trotters are stewed until soft and rotten, and the juice can be removed from the pot.

One hoof determines the whole thing: Unlock the charm of braised pork trotters and create a collagen feast on the table

Cooking Principles and Techniques

The key to braised pork trotters is the time and heat of the stew. Slow simmering for a long time can make the meat of the pig's trotters more soft and flavorful, and at the same time allow the seasoning to fully penetrate into the pig's trotters. When frying the sugar, you need to pay attention to the heat, and fry slowly over low heat to avoid the sugar burning and affecting the taste. In addition, adding spices such as star anise and cinnamon can add the aroma of the pig's trotters and make it more intense.


When making braised pork trotters, it is necessary to pay attention to the selection and handling of pig trotters. Use fresh trotters and make sure they are handled cleanly to remove impurities and fishy smells. During the stewing process, pay attention to the heat to avoid too much fire causing the pig's trotters to stew or too little fire to affect the taste. At the same time, add seasonings in an appropriate amount according to personal taste to achieve the best taste.

Versatile applications for ingredients

In addition to braised pork trotters, pig trotters can also be used to make other delicacies. For example, the stewed soup of pig's trotters, paired with wolfberry, red dates and other ingredients, is both nourishing and delicious, the delicate taste of the tofu and the tendony taste of the pig's trotters complement each other, and the stewed potatoes of the pig's trotters are all delicious and nutritious home-cooked dishes.

One hoof determines the whole thing: Unlock the charm of braised pork trotters and create a collagen feast on the table

Practical cooking tips

When cooking braised pork trotters, you can add some vinegar or cooking wine to remove the fishy smell of the pork trotters. At the same time, in order to maintain the integrity of the trotters, try to avoid frequent turning when stewing. In addition, pay attention to the heat when collecting the juice so as not to affect the taste of the pan.

Wrap-up summary

Braised pork trotters, a delicacy that has been passed down for thousands of years, has conquered the taste buds of countless diners with its unique taste and nutritional value. Pig's trotters are carefully cooked, bright red in color and delicious in taste, making them an excellent choice for both home-cooked and festive dishes. While enjoying this delicacy, we can't help but sigh at the breadth and profundity of Chinese food culture.

One hoof determines the whole thing: Unlock the charm of braised pork trotters and create a collagen feast on the table

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