
If a woman wants to have good skin, collagen is indispensable! These 4 dishes are white and tender!

author:Little friends food

For the sake of beauty and health, female friends always leave no stone unturned. When it comes to maintaining the youthfulness and radiance of the skin, collagen is definitely a key word that cannot be ignored. As one of the main components of the skin, collagen plays a vital role in maintaining skin elasticity and reducing wrinkles.

Luckily, with a regular diet, you can naturally replenish collagen and give your skin a healthy glow from within. Below, I will recommend 4 delicious and beautiful dishes rich in collagen for you, so that your skin will be white and tender!

1. 【Roasted sea cucumber with green onion】

If a woman wants to have good skin, collagen is indispensable! These 4 dishes are white and tender!

Ingredients: a few dried sea cucumbers, an appropriate amount of green onions, a few slices of ginger, light soy sauce, dark soy sauce, cooking wine, sugar, salt, stock or water.

Detailed instructions:

1. Soak the dried sea cucumber in advance, clean it and cut it into sections for later use, and cut the green onions into sections for later use.

2. Heat the oil in a pan, add the green onion and ginger slices and stir-fry until fragrant. Add the sea cucumber section, stir-fry a few times, add an appropriate amount of light soy sauce and dark soy sauce to adjust the color, and remove the smell of cooking wine.

3. Pour in enough broth, salt, add a little sugar to enhance freshness, and simmer for about 10 minutes until the sea cucumber is soft and glutinous. Then reduce the juice over high heat, add a little pepper oil, and then it can be out of the pot.

2. 【Milk oat white fungus soup】

If a woman wants to have good skin, collagen is indispensable! These 4 dishes are white and tender!

Ingredients: oats, white fungus, red dates, wolfberry, milk, rock sugar.

Detailed instructions:

1. Soak the white fungus in advance, wash and tear into small flowers; Oats are slightly soaked; Peel and slice the jujubes.

2. Put the white fungus, oats and red dates into the pot, add an appropriate amount of water, and simmer for half an hour. Add the goji berries and milk and continue to cook for 5 minutes.

3. Add rock sugar to taste, cook until the rock sugar is completely melted, and remove from the pan.

3. 【Pork ribs stewed with fish gelatin】

If a woman wants to have good skin, collagen is indispensable! These 4 dishes are white and tender!

Ingredients: pork ribs, fish gelatin, ginger slices, cooking wine, salt, chicken essence, water.

Detailed instructions:

1. Soak the fish gelatin in advance (generally need to soak for a few hours to overnight), and cut into pieces; Chop the pork chops and blanch to remove the blood foam.

2. Add enough water to the pot, add the blanched pork ribs, salt, chicken essence, ginger slices, cooking wine, and simmer for half an hour.

3. Add the gelatin cubes and continue to simmer for 20 minutes until the gelatin is soft and the soup is rich. Add chicken essence and stir well to serve.

4. 【Red Bean Peach Gum】

If a woman wants to have good skin, collagen is indispensable! These 4 dishes are white and tender!

Ingredients: red beans, peach gum, rock sugar.

Detailed instructions:

1. Soak the peach gum for about 10 hours in advance, pick off impurities, wash and set aside; Red beans are also soaked a few hours in advance.

2. Put the red beans and peach gum together in a pot, add enough water, bring to a boil over high heat, then turn to low heat and simmer.

3. Simmer until the red beans bloom and become soft, the peach gum is transparent, add an appropriate amount of rock sugar to taste. Continue to simmer until the rock sugar is completely dissolved, and the soup is thick, then turn off the heat and let it cool for more deliciousness.

Rich in collagen, these four dishes are rich in vitamins and minerals, making them ideal for nourishing the skin and promoting good health. Beauty and health also need to be taken care of consistently, starting from your daily diet, so that your beauty will bloom naturally from the inside out!

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