
Psychometric test: what animal you see at first glance to detect the hidden side of your personality

author:First psychological
Psychometric test: what animal you see at first glance to detect the hidden side of your personality

Written by / First Psychology Writers

Editor / Tommy

There is a psychological phenomenon called subliminal projection, which reveals a person's inner world by interpreting images, such as inferring personality through animal psychological tests. , for example, to reveal the attributes of a person's personality through the animals that are noticed at first sight.

This phenomenon, defined in psychology as the "psychological projection effect", is a subjective way of understanding others, meaning that people reflect their thoughts and emotions on what they observe in order to understand what they really think inside.

In an animal psychometric test, a person may project it, , , onto an animal, reflecting how they obscure the objective truth of things in this way.

Psychometric test: what animal you see at first glance to detect the hidden side of your personality

Our observations of the animal world have long taught us that animals have different characteristics and play different roles in ecosystems, which is similar to the role of humans in society.

And the preference for different animals shows the diversity of personalities, and below we do an animal psychological test~

  • In the image above, what kind of animal do you see at first glance?

A. Horse


C. Dogs

D. Eagles

E. Praying mantis

F: Crab

G: Butterfly

H: Rooster


Psychometric test: what animal you see at first glance to detect the hidden side of your personality


The horse symbolizes freedom, passion, unrestrainedness, loyalty, grace and flexibility. Historically, horses have fought side by side with warriors galloping on the battlefield in pursuit of national glory and dreams. Its spirit has been praised by generations and represents the spirit of solidarity and common struggle with the soldiers.

The symbolism of the horse also includes unrestrainedness, bravery, and freedom, and its robust posture represents rapid progress and achievement.


The wolf symbolizes unity, obedience, clear division of labor, and will do whatever it takes to survive, which is the most valuable spirit of wolf culture. But at the same time, the wolf also represents wildness, cruelty, greed, and violence.

You have a tenacious fighting spirit in your heart, and at the same time you are very calm and calm inside. At work, you don't blame others,

Instead, you quietly accumulate your own strength, you have the temperament and potential to be a leader, you don't like to be commanded, you are tied down, and many times you can also observe some details that others can't see.

You will be very warm to familiar friends, and you are a good person to get along with in the hearts of friends.

Psychometric test: what animal you see at first glance to detect the hidden side of your personality


The most valuable qualities in a dog are cute, kind, and intelligent relatives.

You are a more caring and responsible person, willing to bear hardships and stand hard work, down-to-earth and serious. But at the same time, you are not willing to be lonely and lonely, you are very kind, you have compassion for the weak and the weak, if you are a man, then you are probably very careful, if you are a woman, you should be a gentle and loving person.

In normal times, you treat your friends simply and purely. There will be no impurities. Usually you have a very good temper, you don't get very impatient, and having friends like you will make people feel very content.

Psychometric test: what animal you see at first glance to detect the hidden side of your personality


In the animal kingdom, the eagle is an incomparably desirable creature, compared with land creatures, the eagle has a wider range of activities, a larger field, and a wider vision, therefore, people who like eagles have a proud character, do not like to be bound, and yearn for freedom.

Unlike horses, eagles look down on all beings, their eyes are like torches, shining like torches, and they are far-sighted.

The favorite animal of many bosses is the eagle, the tenacious spirit of the eagle, the spirit of Mount Tai not bending over, and the spirit of not bowing down in the stormy waves, has become an inspirational model for many successful people.

You have a strong sense of purpose, or your belief is very strong, you will not do something without reason and confusion, you will have a clear blueprint, and you will never give up on what you want to do.

Psychometric test: what animal you see at first glance to detect the hidden side of your personality

Praying mantis, crabs, butterflies, roosters

First sight of the praying mantis:

The first time I saw the crab: this kind of person is sharp-tongued, not only demanding of himself, but also very harsh on the people around him, and he can't accept betrayal at all.

Seeing butterflies at first sight: Statistics show that 90% of people don't see butterflies at first sight, and they can see butterflies at first sight, which means that you are a person with rich imagination and strong observation skills, and you are very popular and easy to get along with.

First sight of the rooster: You are a gentle person who is actually very vindictive, and at the same time, you often show vanity and like to be praised by others. In your love life, you value mutual respect, are extremely cautious about choosing a partner, and value each other's appearance. Once a relationship is established, you will show a strong sense of ownership.

By analyzing a person's preferences for animals, it is possible to deduce the person's personality and preferences from the side.

Some personality traits in animals can compensate for the shortcomings of some people, like some insecure people, who sometimes form a special relationship with animals.

So, many times, the animal you like is the symbol of your personality.

-The End -

The First Psychological Writing Group | A group of young people who like to look up at the stars

Keywords in this article: psychological testing, psychology

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