
There have been four mysterious organizations in history, and what happened to them?

author:Yan Ling【Special Topic】

In history, there have been four mysterious organizations, their whereabouts are uncertain, but the impact on the country is very profound, with the development of time, the law is becoming more and more standardized, what is the final result of these mysterious organizations?

There have been four mysterious organizations in history, and what happened to them?

In many film and television works, we can often see a group of mysterious people in black, who are smartly dressed, with eyes like torches, doing some business under the banner of gangs.

They are chivalrous and righteous, and some will also hold exclusive small handles, such as fans, umbrellas, etc., which are their special marks, which make the audience's blood boil and yearn for it.

But this does not only appear in film and television works, but in real life, there are indeed four mysterious organizations. They usually hide in the crowd, but when night falls, they are haunted like ghosts.

There have been four mysterious organizations in history, and what happened to them?

The first organization is the Skull and Bones Society, a household name in the United States. The Skull and Bones Club suddenly appeared in 1831, after the establishment of Yale University at that time, there were Yale University students who wanted to join every year, but the admission criteria of the Skull and Bones Society were very strict, and those who were not the best in the university were not eligible to join, and the annual quota was only 15 people.

This means that if you want to join the Skull and Bones Club, you need to go through the wolf competition within Yale University and become the top 15 at Yale University before you are eligible to join. From this point of view, the purpose of the Skull and Bones Society is self-evident.

After all, Yale University is the third oldest institution of higher learning in the United States, and has produced many outstanding talents such as five presidents such as Clinton and Bush over the past 300 years.

There have been four mysterious organizations in history, and what happened to them?

In this way, although the scale of the Skull and Bones Society is not large, any member of the Skull and Bones Society can have a huge impact on the politics and economy of the United States. The survival of such a terrible organization is the greatest provocation to the authority of the United States.

However, it will not be easy for the US government to dissolve them, and if these hundreds of people are released, the American business and political circles will usher in a major earthquake.

Nowadays, although the Skull and Bones Society has disappeared from the public's view, they are still active in unknown places, and the United States can have a steady stream of top talents, which is inseparable from the blessing of the Skull and Bones Society in the early years.

There have been four mysterious organizations in history, and what happened to them?

The second gang is called Hongmen, which at first glance sounds like a mysterious organization distributed on the mainland, but in fact it also has its presence in the Western world, or Hongmen is a huge organization all over the world, and the Hongmen first appeared in China because of Zhu Yuanzhang.

However, as the members of the organization gradually grew, the Shaolin culture spread to all parts of the world, and Hongmen also formed different branches. However, they uphold the same idea: they have great love in their hearts and put the country and the nation first.

It has been hundreds of years since its founding, and they have never lost a single time in the face of defending the motherland and other national interests.

Later, Hongmen also transformed into one of the three major gang organizations during the Republic of China, and the well-known Chen Jinnan was among them.

There have been four mysterious organizations in history, and what happened to them?

There is only one difference between righteousness and evil thoughts, and where there is justice, there must be evil. The third organization to talk about is the Ku Klux Klux Klan.

The Ku Klux Klux Klan also appeared in the history of the United States, a country that discriminates against blacks, which has been evident for hundreds of years.

The Ku Klux Klan advocates for white people and has very extreme racial discrimination. So at the beginning of its existence, no one tried to stop it, but gradually things began to get out of control.

As time went on, the Ku Klux Klan's behavior began to become more extreme, and they wantonly denigrated black people in order to make a white image, even dictating that clothing must be white.

There have been four mysterious organizations in history, and what happened to them?

That's fine, at least it won't affect other people's daily lives, and blacks will only receive a few scoldings at most. But later, the Ku Klux Klan began to boycott black activities, and as long as there were black people, the Ku Klux Klan would hurt people the next day at the latest, which was simply unscrupulous.

Despite this, no one dared to stand up to their actions. Because the members of the Ku Klux Klan are all American veterans, they have an absolute superiority in power, so blacks can't deal with them at all. For a while, when the Ku Klux Klan Party was mentioned, blacks across the United States trembled.

As the situation intensified, the Ku Klux Klan began to massacre black people, which also seriously endangered the safety of American citizens and disrupted their normal life.

There have been four mysterious organizations in history, and what happened to them?

It now appears that much of the Ku Klux Klux Klan's activities were illegal at that time. It is too late for the United States to stop it, because the Ku Klux Klan's sphere of influence has spread throughout the United States. Even if one group is eradicated, another group will soon emerge to continue the evil deeds of the Ku Klux Klan.

The last thing to talk about is also an organization that exists in Europe and the United States, and the name is Freemasonry. Freemasonry existed as early as the beginning of the 18th century, before the arrival of the steam age in England. Together, in the same boat.

It sounds like a charitable organization, but what Freemasonry does is amazing. Not only does it have the same high-end talent as the Skull and Bones Society, but it also secretly controls the development of the world.

Not only that, but on the Freemasonry posters, we can see that many things are combined into one picture. The stars, the moon, the sun, the human eye, and all sorts of signs that we can't discern. These symbols may seem unrelated, but they are the beliefs of all Freemasons.

There have been four mysterious organizations in history, and what happened to them?

Their ambitions are not only reflected in propaganda posters, the Freemasons are said to have declared that they wanted to unify the world.

They seem to be doing legitimate business, but behind the scenes, they want to manipulate state power and destroy political structures outside Western countries, so that they can move closer to Freemasonry in the chaos, and in this way strengthen the ranks of Freemasonry.

Despite this, the organization is so mysterious that no one has yet been able to investigate their membership structure, ultimate purpose, and future plans.

And the vast majority of the information we know now is unknown, but it has spread all over the city, perhaps this is also a deliberate attempt by the Freemasons to confuse the public in order to cover up their whereabouts.

The human heart is unpredictable, and the purpose of the organization is absolutely understandable. Whether it is the Skull and Bones Society, the Freemasons, the Hongmen or the Ku Klux Klan, they are both good and evil, and they think about heaven and earth. These organizations are mysterious and far away from our lives, but they seem to be close to each other and unpredictable

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