
I realized an interesting question: if the range of electric cars in the future

author:Lady Luck is round

When the range of electric vehicles is greatly improved, it will undoubtedly have a huge impact on the traditional fuel vehicle market. Electric vehicles are not only environmentally friendly, but also relatively low in cost, which will make more and more people choose electric vehicles as a means of transportation. However, this situation is indeed a new challenge for the mainland's tax system.

First of all, the consumption tax, vehicle purchase tax and other taxes and fees currently levied on fuel vehicles in the mainland are calculated based on the displacement of the vehicle. Once the range of electric vehicles is greatly improved, the market share of gasoline vehicles will be greatly reduced, which will have a direct impact on the mainland's tax system. According to the data, in 2019, the sales volume of automobiles in mainland China was about 25 million, of which fuel vehicles accounted for more than 90%. If the share of the electric vehicle market increases significantly in the next few years, then the mainland's tax system will face a major adjustment.

I realized an interesting question: if the range of electric cars in the future

Secondly, the construction and maintenance of EV charging facilities also require a large amount of capital investment. At present, the mainland has issued a series of policies to encourage social capital to invest in the construction of charging piles. However, as the range of electric vehicles increases, the construction and maintenance costs of charging piles will also increase. This needs to be shared by government departments and social capital to ensure the popularity and convenience of charging facilities.

In addition, the increased range of electric vehicles will also have an impact on the power grid. EV charging requires a lot of electricity, and if a large number of EVs are charged at the same time, it will put a lot of pressure on the power grid. Therefore, the mainland needs to strengthen the construction of the power grid and improve the carrying capacity of the power grid to meet the demand for electric vehicle charging.

In the face of these challenges, the author believes that the following eight aspects can be addressed:

1. Adjust the tax policy and implement preferential tax policies for electric vehicles to encourage more people to buy and use electric vehicles.

2. Increase investment in electric vehicle charging facilities, encourage social capital to participate in the construction of charging piles, and improve the coverage and convenience of charging facilities.

3. Improve the relevant laws and regulations of electric vehicles, strengthen the supervision of electric vehicle manufacturers and sales markets, and protect the rights and interests of consumers.

4. Promote intelligent charging technology for electric vehicles, improve charging efficiency and reduce charging costs.

5. Strengthen the construction of power grids, improve the carrying capacity of power grids, and meet the charging needs of electric vehicles.

6. Improve the range of electric vehicles, reduce the number of charging times, and reduce charging costs.

I realized an interesting question: if the range of electric cars in the future

7. Encourage the research and development of new electric vehicle technologies, such as solid-state batteries and fuel cells, to further improve the performance and range of electric vehicles.

8. Strengthen the integrated development of electric vehicles, intelligent transportation, smart grids and other fields, and realize the full electrification of transportation.

In short, the increase in the range of electric vehicles will bring challenges to the mainland tax system, but it also brings opportunities. As long as we actively respond, adjust policies, and increase support for the electric vehicle industry, we will be able to realize the full electrification of transportation in the mainland and contribute to the economic development and environmental protection of the mainland.

I realized an interesting question: if the range of electric cars in the future

Finally, the author would like to raise a question: in the case of a significant increase in the range of electric vehicles, how should we adjust the tax policy to adapt to the new mode of transportation?

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